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Results 7651-7680 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7651 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Adams, John To John Adams from the Comte de Vergennes, 20 July 1780 1780-07-20 J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 13. de ce mois. Je...
7652 Jefferson, Thomas Swan, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Swan, 19 June 1788 1788-06-19 I have been honoured with your favor of the 7th. inst. That of March 1. came a day or two after I...
7653 Washington, George General Orders, 26 May 1780 1780-05-26 [Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Irvine[,] Major Reid[,] Brigade Major Church...
7654 Cunningham, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cunningham, 18 August 1809 1809-08-18 The last mail brought me your favour of the 8th of July, with a postscript of the 13th. inst....
7655 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 30 … 1795-09-30 Two vessels are to sail for England this week—one, as intended, to-morrow, and one on Thursday:...
7656 de Bure Frères Jefferson, Thomas de Bure Frères to Thomas Jefferson, 26 June 1820 1820-06-26 Nous avons l’honneur de vous prevenir que nous venons de vous expedier par l’entremise de M...
7657 Jefferson, Thomas Harrison, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Harrison, 4 November … 1779-11-04 According to the pleasure of the House of Delegates signified in their resolution of the 16th. of...
7658 Beatty, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Beatty, 18 July 1778 1778-07-18 I am now to Inform you, that Yesterday I effected the Exchange, of all the Privates in the...
7659 Washington, George Heath, William George Washington to Major General William Heath, 14 … 1779-09-14 West Point, September 14, 1779. Orders Brigadier General John Nixon to Pines Bridge to meet Major...
7660 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 1 October … 1779-10-01 I have received your two favors of the 25th and 29th. I am obliged to your Excellency for the...
7661 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 March 1748] 1748-03-29 Tuesday 29th. This Morning went out & Survey’d five Hundred Acres of Land & went down to one...
7662 Washington, George [Diary entry: 1 December 1787] 1787-12-01 Saturday first. Mercury at 46 in the Morning—58 at Noon and 57 at Night. Calm and remarkably...
7663 Commissioners for the District of Columbia Washington, George To George Washington from the Commissioners for the … 1796-05-31 We have this day, the honor of your Letter of the 22nd of this month, which was detained on the...
7664 Sprague, William Buell Madison, James William B. Sprague to James Madison, 5 December 1828 1828-12-05 I scarcely know in what terms to thank you, which will do justice to my own feelings, for your...
7665 Finch, Susannah Bolton Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Susannah Bolton Finch, 14 July … 1804-07-14 I hope my destress will plead an a apology for the liberty I have taken the person who house...
7666 Ross, David, Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from David Ross, Jr., 22 November … 1781-11-22 I Received from Colo. Martin the letter you did me the honor to write of the 9th instant—I paid...
7667 Adams, John Committee of Correspondence to Benjamin Franklin, 17 … 1770-12-17 Boston, 17 December 1770. RC ( MeHi ). Printed: Franklin, Papers The Papers of Benjamin Franklin...
7668 Washington, George Morris, Robert From George Washington to Robert Morris, 4 February … 1783-02-04 I have the honor to acknowledge the recet of your Letter of the 28 January inclosing one Thousand...
7669 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-12-01 The procuring good and easy Winter Quarters for the Troops under your Excellencies Command—and...
7670 McCrea, William Archibald Washington, George To George Washington from William Archibald McCrea, 9 … 1792-04-09 It was with doubtfull though respectful Solicitude, that I took the Liberty to address your...
7671 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 6 August 1795 1795-08-06 I return the paper covered by your favor of the third, which was handed me by a gentleman who...
7672 Willis, Perrin Madison, James To James Madison from Perrin Willis, 13 November 1816 1816-11-13 Having heard that Mr Lee has declined accepting the appointment of accountant to the War...
7673 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, Bishop James From Thomas Jefferson to Bishop James Madison, 9 May … 1801-05-09 I have never had time to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Dec. 24. yet it came very...
7674 Jefferson, Thomas Dobson, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Dobson, 7 June 1792 1792-06-07 I received last night your letter of May 30. I consequently wrote to day to the gentleman who had...
7675 Folger, Timothy Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Timothy Folger, 3 July 1781 1781-07-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society As I shall be glad to return to Lile in the Diligence which...
7676 Hamilton, Alexander Rice, Nathan From Alexander Hamilton to Nathan Rice, 14 August 1799 1799-08-14 Your letter of the eighth of July has been delivered to me. The articles of which you speak have...
7677 Adams, John A Dissertation upon Office-Seekers, 26 December 1765 1765-12-26 26 December 1765. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
7678 Dugnani, Antonio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Dugnani, 13 [October 1788?] 1788-10-13 Agréez, Monsieur, mes remercimens les plus sinceres de la peine, que vous avez bien voulu vous...
7679 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric American Commissioners Dumas to the American Commissioners, 28 November 1777 … 1777-11-28 Letterbook abstract: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Envoyé les feuillets du Mercure Novembre...
7680 Jefferson, Thomas Goodman, Jeremiah A. Memorandum to Jeremiah A. Goodman, 8 September 1813 1813-09-08 M r Goodman’s crop for the next year 1814. will be as follows. Corn in M c Daniel’s field; but as...