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Results 7651-7700 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have racked my memory, and ransacked my papers to enable myself to answer the enquiries of your...
I have been delighted in receiving your Letter of the 7th: instant, and am glad that you have...
Yours by post I have received, and with what Armes is Arrived this way, hope will be a full...
The first disciples of Jesus-Christ did not hesitate at times to ascert that the Love of...
The confidence I put in the persuation of the most high Caracters of this Country, which have all...
En vain je donne la torture à mon esprit pour me former une idée de celui de l’Emp r. , & de son...
Flattery, and a discussion of political opinions are inconsistant with the principles of this...
I made up a parcel (directed for you by the Commerce) on the evening of the 17 th ; but M r...
A Troop of Cavalry commanded by Capt. Alexander Sheilds, and a company of Lt Infantry comd. by...
On Saturday next, the President proposes to go, with M rs Washington and his family, to view the...
I expected at this date to have been at Sea; but the violent Winds from the West & N. West render...
7 Feby. We remained at home all the Evening Morning—Mr Adams dined at the Capitol with Mr Mrs L...
Whereas, by an act of the Congress of the United States, passed the 9th day of February last,...
Since I received your last Letter we have been kept in a state of great anxiety who was on...
Having, according to a resolution of the House of Representatives of February 23. 1791. given in...
I have some time wished, and from day to day intended to write you a letter: And your esteem’d...
I was on the verge of writing you when I had the honor of receiving your letter of the 20th...
I must thank you, sir, for the various communications you have been kind enough to send me. If...
I shall set out to day for philadela, but I entertain great doubts whether the State of my health...
The bad weather prevented my doing myself the honor of calling this morning, to mention, at the...
Dearer if possible than ever; for all the parental props which once sustaind and supported me are...
I have followed your Excellence to this Town in hopes of seeing you before your departure. I...
While as the generall Congress of the United States of North America, in which the supreme...
This life I have experienced that Gentlemen of Zeal sense & liberal Principles are, in general,...
Excuse the Privolage that An Entire Intire Stranger to you takes in Informing You that he Has Ben...
I have this morning been honoured with your letter of the 1st; and am happy that the measures &...
Mr Oswald, whom I mention’d in a former letter which I find you have received, is returned and...
I again intrude upon Your Goodness, by inclosing to Your kind Care a Letter for Mrs. Adams, from...
Since Mr Dearborn and myself vesited you on Saturday last, we have called on General Heath and...
You, who are acquainted with mÿ character, cannot favour the opinion, that I should have...
M r B Vaughan presents his respectful comp ts. to M r Adams, and having waited for the inclosed,...
Remarks on General Marshalls letter of the 12th of Nov, & Mr Pickerings of the 10th of December...
Mr. Rezin Davidge, a Gentleman of family & education, of an amiable disposition, and a true...
Being just returned from New Jersey, will you excuse the liberty I take in mentioning to you,...
It is possible Dr Franklins estate, when sold, in Order to be divided, may not produce the Sum...
J’ai l’honorée vôtre du 6e. et j’y répondrai à loisir un autre jour. Je vous dirai seulement que...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 4 th: of Feb y: inclosed in one from M r: Dumas of the 9 th: of...
Permit me the freedom of troubling you on the present occasion.—Informing your Excellency that I...
The American Spectator desires the President of the United States to accept of this little...
The account of your sons arrival you will have from Himself.— the pleasure his Friends receive...
I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of sundry communications lately made to the House of...
Although unknown to you, yet Possessing a very high opinion of your Integrity Wisdom & Patriotism...
I wrote you a few Lines last week—This Morning I was favored with two Letters from your Son of...
I took the liberty some time back, (I cannot say how long, as I did not kn date the copy of that...
You doubtless and every American must be Sensible, that where there is a Union happily...
I hope you will not think me impertinent in making some enquiries on a subject very interesting...
Geeft Te kennen Jan Wynzouw, Burger en Ingebooren in deeze Provintie, Thans Schoolmeester alhier...
Permit us in the humble movement of Artists to present you with a specimen of Engraving, done in...
I have the honor to inclose copies of Mr. Kings letters of the 10th & 16th of January last, with...
I have wrote you several long Letters since you left us, some of which you will doubtless by the...