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Results 7651-7700 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7651 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 November 1768] 1768-11-05 5. Do.——— Do.——— Do.——— Do.
7652 Bache, Richard Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 6 November … 1768-11-06 ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the Pleasure of writing you the other day by...
7653 Thomson, Charles Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [Charles Thomson], 6 November … 1768-11-06 AL (draft): Library of Congress The rebirth of the American Philosophical Society, more than two...
7654 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 November 1768] 1768-11-06 6. Left Williamsburg—& Dined & lodgd at Colo. Bassetts.
7655 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 November 1768] 1768-11-06 6. Do.——— Do.——— Do.——— Do.
7656 Mecom, Jane Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jane Mecom, 7 November 1768 1768-11-07 ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot neglect writing to you by my Neibour Capt. Freeman...
7657 Wharton, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Wharton, 7 November … 1768-11-07 AL (draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania I had the pleasure of writing thee a long Letter...
7658 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 November 1768] 1768-11-07 7. Set out for home with Betcey Dandridge. Dined at King Wm. Court Ho. & lodgd at Mr. Wm....
7659 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 November 1768] 1768-11-07 7. Do.——— Do.——— Do.——— Do.
7660 Roxbury, town of Brookline, town of Brookline’s Account: Suffolk Court of General Sessions … 1768-11-08 1767 Dr. Jan. 30 To Isaac Gardner Esqr. for boarding Jno. Shattuck and wife 3 days to two mens...
7661 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 8 November … 1768-11-08 ALS : New Haven Colony Historical Society I write this Line in great Haste, just to let you know...
7662 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 November 1768] 1768-11-08 8. Dined at Parkers and lodgd at Fredericksburg.
7663 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 November 1768] 1768-11-08 8. Cool, the Wind shifting Northwardly.
7664 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 November 1768] 1768-11-09 9. Reached home in about 7 Hours & an half. Found Doctr. Rum[ne]y & Miss Ram[sa]y here. Patsy...
7665 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 November 1768] 1768-11-09 9. Very cool, & hard frosty Morng. In the Evening Rain (tho not much) & the Wind Eastwardly.
7666 Philadelphia Merchants Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Philadelphia Merchants … 1768-11-10 LS : American Philosophical Society We having been appointed by the Merchants of this City to...
7667 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 November 1768] 1768-11-10 10. At Home all day. The Doctr. & Miss Ramsay went home.
7668 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 November 1768] 1768-11-10 10. Very Cool. Wind at No. West & blowg. hard. With flying Clouds.
7669 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 November 1768] 1768-11-11 11. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg run and the Mill. Mr. Magowan & Mr. Stedlar came to Dinner as Mr. R....
7670 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 November 1768] 1768-11-11 11. Moderate. Wind shifting Southwardly. The weather clear.
7671 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 November 1768] 1768-11-12 12. Went Fox huntg. in the Neck. Started & was run out of hearg. of the Dogs—owing to the Wind....
7672 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 November 1768] 1768-11-12 12. High wind from the Southwest. And clear, till the Eveng. then Cloudy.
7673 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 November 1768] 1768-11-13 13. Went to Pohick Church, & dined at Home with Mr. Ths. Triplet H. Manley & Mr. Peake.
7674 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 November 1768] 1768-11-13 13. Hazy, but otherwise clear and Mild. Wind Southwardly.
7675 Washington, George Crawford, William From George Washington to William Crawford, 13 November … 1768-11-13 Letter not found: to William Crawford, 13 Nov. 1768. On 7 Jan. 1769 Crawford wrote to GW : “By V....
7676 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 November 1768] 1768-11-14 14. Rid to Muddy hole & all my Plantns.
7677 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 November 1768] 1768-11-14 14. Cloudy forenoon—but clear, & warm afterwards. Wind Southwardly.
7678 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 November 1768] 1768-11-14 14. Began to gather Corn at Muddy hole in the Neck.
7679 Moffat, Thomas Thomas Moffat to ——, 15 November 1768 1768-11-15 By Mr. Byles I am favoured with your most obliging letter of the second of August last, for which...
7680 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 November 1768] 1768-11-15 15. Went a Fox hunting in the Neck. Catchd a bitch fox—after an hour and 40 Minutes chace.
7681 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 November 1768] 1768-11-15 15. Rainy forenoon—that is slow moderate rain—& Wind Southwardly—but clear, cool & windy...
7682 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 November 1768] 1768-11-16 16. Went to Colo. Fairfax’s & Dind with Mrs. Wn. & Miss Dandridge. Returnd in the Afr.
7683 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 November 1768] 1768-11-16 16. Cold & Windy from the Northwest. Clear also.
7684 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 November 1768] 1768-11-17 17. Went up to a Race by Mr. Beckwiths & lodgd at Mr. Edwd. Paynes. Mr. Beckwith is possibly the...
7685 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 November 1768] 1768-11-17 17. Lowering Morning, but clear & pleasant afterwards. Wind Southwardly.
7686 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 November 1768] 1768-11-18 18. Returnd home. Breakfasted at Captn. McCartys—& came by the Mill & Muddy Ho.
7687 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 November 1768] 1768-11-18 18. Clear Morning, but lowering Afternoon. Wind fresh from the Southwest and a good deal of Rain...
7688 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 November 1768] 1768-11-19 19. At home all day—alone.
7689 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 November 1768] 1768-11-19 19. Raining more or less all the forenoon. Wind fresh from the No. West with Spits of Snow and...
7690 Franklin, Benjamin Mecom, Jane From Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom, 20 November 1768 1768-11-20 ALS : American Philosophical Society By this Ship, (Capt. Scot, ) Mrs. Stevenson sends you half a...
7691 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 November 1768] 1768-11-20 20. At home all day alone.
7692 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 November 1768] 1768-11-20 20. Very Cloudy with great appearances of Snow but none fell. Wind fresh from No. West & very cold.
7693 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 November 1768] 1768-11-21 21. Went up to Court and returnd in the Evening with my Brothr. John. GW was attending the...
7694 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 November 1768] 1768-11-21 21. Clear & cool. Wind at No. West—yet pleasant and agreeable—being clear.
7695 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 November 1768] 1768-11-21 21. Measurd the Cut of Corn in the Neck adjoing. to the Gate, the contents of which was .
7696 Parker, James Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 22 November … 1768-11-22 ALS : American Philosophical Society You never gave me the Satisfaction to know, whether you ever...
7697 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 November 1768] 1768-11-22 22. Went a fox huntg. with Lord Fairfax & Colo. Fairfax & my Br. catchd 2 Foxes.
7698 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 November 1768] 1768-11-22 22. Sometimes lowering but in genl. clear & pleast. with but little Wind.
7699 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 November 1768] 1768-11-22 22. Began to gather Corn at the Mill.
7700 Washington, George [Diary entry: 23 November 1768] 1768-11-23 23. Went a huntg. again with Lord Fairfax & his Brother, & Colo. Fairfax, Catchd nothing that we...