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Results 7621-7650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I noticed with great disappointment in the Letters you honored me with the 12 of last month, that...
I Should have yet delay’d further to answer your favour of the 30th of Jan: accompanying...
May we thank yoúr Excellency for her obliging favoúr, which brought ús the Bills accepted, that...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Library of Congress...
Knowing the interest which you feel in every thing relating to the improvement of the rising...
I was at your House, this morning, not to ask a favour, or to make an offer of my services: but...
I am to acknowlege your Favour of the 24th. of June and to apologize for not having wrote you...
I was made happy in having the honour of receivg: Your polite and much esteemed favour of the...
I am Requested by John Low Esq r. a Respectable Citizen of this State to make application for the...
After my most sincere congratulations upon your arrival at the present Seat of the Federal...
An individual, obscure, & to yourself unknown, begs leave to address you. May I be permitted,...
I hope you will pardon the Liberty I have taken of Adressing my Self to you but haveing waited on...
I inclose you a permit which as been solicited for the brig Amazon to carry several passengers to...
Desirous to gain the patronage of so distinguished a character, with the utmost diffidence I...
If an answer to the letter, which Your Excellency proposed to write to Mr Pickering on my...
The honor of a communication from you would at all times have given me the highest gratification,...
Wealth, respect and friendship! from your grateful and affectionate friend. War with the “great...
I am very sorry that M r Bull has been so very dilatory that I received the horses but a day or...
Soon after my arrival here I intimated to you that I had discovered something which I thought a...
I had the honour of receiving your favour this morning, and have now to add, to the former...
Since writing to you this morning, I have determined upon doing a bold thing. I do not often...
Being Informd that My petetion was sent to the commissioners for their answer to the charge laid...
I fear you will think me tardy in not acknowledging sooner the Receipt of your Letter of the 11...
La derniére fois que j’eus l’honneur de vous voir, vous parutes desirer de faire quelques essais,...
I contemplate publishing a collection of the letters of our late friend Dr Rush on political,...
I must apologize my dear Sir, for the troublesome request which I made; & for your ready...
It is a gratification, that I have it in my power, to cause you Some pleasurable emotions—by the...
You will doubtless be surprized to recieve another Letter from me dated from hence, and I fully...
I had the pleasure of your favours of the 23d. Instant Yesterday. I am glad to find that you have...
Hoping it will not be deemed improper in me to give my opinion before it is asked relative to the...