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Results 7621-7630 of 184,431 sorted by author
7621Fryday May 9. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Laurens, with a large Company. The M. de la Fayette shewed me, the Beginning of an Attack upon the Chancellor &c. &c.
Dr. Gordon who is about publishing his Proposals for printing his History desires a Letter to you.—I told him that he might depend upon your good offices without any Letter, but as no harm will be done by complying with his Desire I beg Leave to introduce him, and to recommend his History to your Patronage in France. With equal affection, Esteem and respect, I have the Honour to be, Sir your...
762316. (Adams Papers)
Found a Grammar, entitled, Élémens de la Langue Angloise, ou Méthode pratique, pour apprendre facilement cette Langue. Par M. Siret, A Paris, chez Ruault, Libraire, rue de la Harpe, près de la rue Serpente. 1773. Avec Approbation, et Permission.
7624[January 1804] (Adams Papers)
July 2d. Mowed, over vs. Yard and Garden 3 One Load, from the road to the ditch and from the cart path to the pasture Lane 1 4 Four Loads, over the Way and between the ditch and orchard 4 5 One Load from Chris Webbs House Lott 1 6 One from the 10 Acre Lot on the hill 1 7 Two in Cranchs Barn and two from the 10 Acre Lott 4 Sunday 8
I have recd your favours of the 14 and of the 26. I thank you for the Extract, and hope you will discover by whom and to whom it was written. That they do not give to me, a very blind Confidence is true. That they have given orders to some Persons to Spy me, may be true. That they know me to be an honest Man, and inflexible in the cause, and perhaps some times too ardent, I am certain. That I...
I have been so totally taken up, that I dont know whether I have acknowledged your Agreeble Letters or not. They have been of Use as well as Amusement to me I assure you. You can hardly conceive the avidity with which your Letter and Mr. Trumbulls, and indeed every Scrap of Letter or Newspaper from Boston is read here. You cannot conceive the Esteem And Honour in which the Mass. is held here....
I have received from the hand of one of your Senators in Congress Mr Bingham your public and explicit declaration of your Sentiments and Resolutions, at this important Crisis, in an excellent Address. Although it ought not to be Supposed that young Gentlemen of your Standing should be deeply versed in political disquisitions, because your time has been Spent in the Pursuit of the Elements of...
The President of the United States, requests The Secretary of State, The Secretary of the Treasury, The Secretary of War and the Attorney General of the United States to take into their Consideration and Make reports of their Opinions in writing 1st. Whether the refusal to receive Mr Pinckney and the rude orders to quit Paris, and the territory of the republic with such circumstances of...
Your Favour of the 23. Ult, with its in closed Sketch, Skeleton, Frame, Plan, Scheme, System, Plott, Platt, or by whatever other name you please to call your Etching, has been received. What Title do you in tend to give it? An History of The Decline and Fall of Christianity? or An History of The Improvement of the Human Mind? or An History of the Progress of Society? or An History of the...
I have signed & M r Grand will this day forward, the two thousand & three Obligations you sent me, which compleats the 5003. Inclosed is a Copy of M r. Morris’s Letter to you of 30. of April 1783, & M r. Grand’s original Letter to me of this day’s date. The Circumstances are such as to make it necessary you should comply with M r. Morris’s Orders as soon as possible by furnishing to M r. Grand...