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Results 7621-7630 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As Lord Le Despencer cannot get at his Oats, being under a Stack of Wheat, in time for your sending them to America for the next Season, I herewith send you my last Years produce as His Lordship will supply me with some. I have also added a little more of the Swiss Barley and am very truly Dear Sir Your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: To / Dr....
7622[Diary entry: 31 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
31. Dined at the Mayor’s. Ent[ertaine]d at the Govr. in Ditto. Colonial Virginia had a number of towns, such as Alexandria, that had a board of trustees with very limited powers. Two colonial towns, however, were incorporated in the eighteenth century: the Borough of Norfolk (1736) and the City of Williamsburg (1722). Under such a charter, the city gained governmental powers comparable to...
7623[Diary entry: 31 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
31. Mild Wind Southwardly and Clear.
I received your kind favor of the 25th June ⟨ mutilated ⟩ extreamly sorry to hear the 25 Sacks of Salt Sent you ⅌ the Oak McDaniel came in such bad order and so unseason[a]bly that Ship was intendd for Geo. Town to take in a Cargoe of Grain my Agt had bought of one Mr Ballandine who disapointed him that on the Ship Arrivall at St Marys after a passage of 17 weekes, he the Agent ordered her to...
A great Number of Questions arise upon this Petition. 1 st. Whether a Justice of the Peace, can by Law, issue a Warrant for the Removal of a Pauper, from the Town where the Justice is an Inhabitant? 2. Whether a Warrant from the Select Men or Overseers of the Poor in a Town, to warn Strangers to depart, is good without warning those Strangers particularly? 3. Whether the Person warned in this...
Prov. Law. Page 23. Names returned. 2. Salk. 482. Anonimous. 3 Men and families. 2 Salk 485. Sylvanus Johnson. Foleys Poor Laws 427. Lenham vs. Peckham. Foley 426. Flixton vs. Roston. Form of an order of Removal, Burn V. 3, P. 378. V. 3, Page 377. 13 & 14 Car. 2, Chap. 12, cited in Burn V. 3, P. 375. Prov. Law, 4 W. & M. c. 12. Justice shall not act in his Town. 2 Strange 1173 Great Charte and...
The Petition of the Selectmen of the Town of Brookline in the county of Suffolk, setting forth that on the thirtieth day of January 1767 the worshipful Joseph Williams Eqr. issued a warrant in these words, vizt., Suffolk Ss. Complaint being made to me the Subscriber, one of his Majestys Justices of the peace for said county, by Mesrs. John Child, Aaron Davis, and Eleazer Weld, Gentlemen and...
Otis . 15. C. 2, c7, §. 8. In JA ’s hand. Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 185. 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §8 (1663). The pertinent portion of the section provides: “(2) and no ship or vessel coming to any such land, island, plantation, colony, territory or place [i.e. royal colonies in Asia, Africa, or America, except Tangier. 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §6], shall lade or unlade any goods or commodities...
For that the same Molasses on 19 Aug. last, was imported and brought into the Port of Salem and Marblehead, from the Island of Guadaloupe, in a certain Schooner called the Neptune, Phillip Saun­ ders Master, and in the Night Time between the 6. and 7. days of September last, the said 19 Casks of Molasses were fraudulently and clandestinely landed from on board the said Schooner, and put on...
AL : American Philosophical Society Inclos’d is a Letter from Mr. Coleman; it came under Cover of one to me, and the Seal of mine sticking to that of yours makes an Appearance as if yours had been broke open. Your Mother and I long’d indeed to know what it contain’d, but we were, as you express it, too formal , and would not poison your Crib , tho’ we think we have a Right to see it. My...