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Results 76201-76250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
76201 Lear, Tobias Washington, George To George Washington from Tobias Lear, 14 March 1796 … 1796-03-14 Letter not found: from Tobias Lear, 14 March 1796. On 21 March, GW wrote Lear: “Your letter of...
76202 Sinclair, John Jay, John To John Jay from John Sinclair, 14 March 1796 1796-03-14 Your favor on the use of Salt as a Manure, & on an extraordinary Sort of Apple, was read to the...
76203 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 March 1796] 1796-03-13 13. Forenoon clear & still. Afternoon very windy from the So. West.
76204 Washington, George Lear, Tobias From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 13 March 1796 1796-03-13 Your letters of the 26th Ulto and 2d Instant, came safe to hand, after some delay. The first,...
76205 Washington, George Pearce, William From George Washington to William Pearce, 13 March 1796 1796-03-13 Your letter of the 28th of Feby (as I mentioned in a short letter written to you on Wednesday...
76206 Pearce, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Pearce, 13 March 1796 … 1796-03-13 Letter not found: from William Pearce, 13 March 1796. On 20 March, GW wrote Pearce: “Your letter...
76207 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 13 March 1796 1796-03-13 Since my last by the last weekly mail, I have seen Mr Rittenhouse on the subject of the Kitchen...
76208 Madison, James Madison, James, Sr. From James Madison to James Madison, Sr., 13 March 1796 1796-03-13 I have recd. your’s of Feby 24. I am glad that Majr. Lee has so kindly undertaken to attend to...
76209 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 13 March 1796 1796-03-13 Since my last by the last weekly mail, I have seen Mr. Rittenhouse on the subject of the Kitchen...
76210 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 13 March … 1796-03-13 All are well here: Jefferson particularly so. Almost immediately after the receipt of your order...
76211 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 12 March 1796 1796-03-12 Yours of Feb ry 27. March 1 st came to hand on Thursday. I regreet that Congress are like to Sit...
76212 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 12 March 1796 1796-03-12 I dined Yesterday with M r Burr, who lives here in Style. A Number of Members of the House The...
76213 Morris, Robert Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 12 March 1796 1796-03-12 I am concerned to perceive by your letters of the 10th & 8th Inst a degree of solicitude which I...
76214 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 March 1796] 1796-03-12 12. Clear and warmer than yesterday—Wind more South.
76215 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 12 March 1796 1796-03-12 I beg leave to subjoin to the names furnished Nicholas Hammond atty at law East Town & Mr Wm...
76216 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 12 March … 1796-03-12 The Secretary of State respectfully lays before the President of the United States, lists of the...
76217 Swan, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Swan, 12 March 1796 1796-03-12 Having finish’d the business with which I was charg’d by France, and being perfectly free &...
76218 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 11 March 1796 1796-03-11 Why! this is very clever— Every Monday and every Thursday brings me regularly a Letter, which...
76219 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 March 1796] 1796-03-11 11. Clear & pleasant all day. Wind getting more Westerly.
76220 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 11 March 1796 1796-03-11 I have the honour to inclose you a letter just received from Gen. Wilkinson with sundry returns...
76221 Washington, George McHenry, James From George Washington to James McHenry, 11 March 1796 1796-03-11 The letters, with their enclosures from Genl Wilkenson, shew in an additional strong point of...
76222 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 11 March 1796 1796-03-11 A treaty of peace between the United States and the Regency of Algiers being completed gives...
76223 Putnam, Rufus Washington, George To George Washington from Rufus Putnam, 11 March 1796 1796-03-11 Your favor of the 13th Ult. was recived with pleasure by him who will always esteam himself happy...
76224 Jay, John Proclamation regarding a Protest at the New York State … 1796-03-11 Whereas the Honorable the House of Assembly now in Session were pleased on the tenth day of this...
76225 Dohrman, Arnold Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Arnold Henry Dohrman, 11 March … 1796-03-11 In reply to yr. favr. I have the honr. to say, that in complyance with yr. request, I have...
76226 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior … 1796-03-07 Inclosed are two letters which I will thank you to hand on. I have just seen Livingston’s Motion...
76227 Adams, Abigail Adams, Thomas Boylston Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 10 March 1796 1796-03-10 I never feel so great a propensity to write as when I have just received a Letter. Yours of Nov...
76228 Hamilton, Alexander Clinton, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton, 10 March … 1796-03-10 [ New York, March 10, 1796. Letter not found. ] Clinton, a veteran of the American Revolution,...
76229 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, 10 March 1796 1796-03-10 I had the honor duely to receive Your Excellency’s letter of the 4th instant. I did not...
76230 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Robert From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, 10 March 1796 1796-03-10 [ New York, March 10, 1796. On March 12, 1796, Morris wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your...
76231 Hamilton, Alexander Smith, William Loughton From Alexander Hamilton to William Loughton Smith, [10 … 1796-03-10 I observe Madison brings the power of the House of Representatives in the case of the Treaty to...
76232 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 March 1796] 1796-03-10 10. Cold & cloudy in the forenn. but clear & mild afterwds. Wind getting to the So. Wt.
76233 Washington, George Lewis, Robert From George Washington to Robert Lewis, 10 March 1796 1796-03-10 Your letter of the 17th of last month did not reach my hands until the evening before last. Why...
76234 Wolcott, Oliver Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 10 March … 1796-03-10 The Secretary of the Treasury has the honour most respectfully to represent to The President of...
76235 Madison, James Jay’s Treaty, [10 March] 1796 1796-03-10 After JM’s amendment to Livingston’s motion was lost, the House resumed its discussion of the...
76236 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 9 March 1796 1796-03-09 I rec d on Monday your two favours of 28. Feb. I am very glad you employed Pratt to cutt the...
76237 Adams, John Wolcott, Oliver, Sr. From John Adams to Oliver Wolcott, Sr., 9 March 1796 1796-03-09 The Senate of the United States have requested me to notify your Honor, that the Seat of the...
76238 Greene, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Greene, 9 March 1796 1796-03-09 New York, March 9, 1796. States his determination to abide by whatever opinion Hamilton “should...
76239 Washington, George [Diary entry: 9 March 1796] 1796-03-09 9. Cold & clear. Wind No. Wt. & Westerly.
76240 Washington, George Pearce, William From George Washington to William Pearce, 9 March 1796 1796-03-09 As I did not receive your letter of the 28th Ulto, until eight o’clock last night; and am hurried...
76241 Washington, George Washington, Bushrod From George Washington to Bushrod Washington, 9 March … 1796-03-09 Owing to some irregularity of the Post, your letter of the 29th Ulto did not reach my hands until...
76242 Enclosure: Statement from the French Republic, 9 March … 1796-03-09 Summary statement of the complaints of the French Republic, against the Government of the United...
76243 Jefferson, Thomas Harrison, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Harrison, 9 March 1796 1796-03-09 The letters and papers addressed to you by this post [are] public, and for the files of your...
76244 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Robert From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, 8 March 1796 1796-03-08 [ New York, March 8, 1796. On March 12, 1796, Morris wrote to Hamilton and referred to “your...
76245 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 March 1796] 1796-03-08 8. Snow 4 Inches deep fell in the Night & continued Spitting until 10 or 11 Oclock—then cleared &...
76246 Craig, Isaac Washington, George To George Washington from Isaac Craig, 8 March 1796 1796-03-08 Your letter of the 13th Ultimo Enclosing an Advertisemt of Your Lands has been received and the...
76247 Deakins, William Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from William Deakins, Jr., 8 March … 1796-03-08 The bearer Colo. John Lynn wishes an Appointment to some Office in the Western territory, he has...
76248 Washington, George Lewis, George From George Washington to George Lewis, 8 March 1796 1796-03-08 I send you the enclosed Advertisement, that you may perceive thereby, I have restrained myself...
76249 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 8 March 1796 1796-03-08 As the cases of illegal captures under the British treaty ought to be determined by the laws of...
76250 Washington, George United States Senate and House of Representatives From George Washington to the U.S. Senate and House of … 1796-03-08 Gentlemen of the Senate and of the House of Representatives I send herewith, for the information...