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Results 76201-76250 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The intelligence gain’d by a Miss Myer, respecting a Certain John Robinson who has undertaken...
I cannot avoid embracing the opportunity of Captain H. Faunteleroy’s returning to his duty in...
Inclosed is an application from Lieutenant Colonel Tudor of Colo. Henleys Regiment for leave to...
I cannot refrain expressing my Surprise upon the Receipt of your Letter dated on the 9th Instant,...
The Petition of Capt. David Kilgore Sheweth That Your Petitioner had the Honor to be appointed a...
Letter not found: to Lt. Gen. Wilhelm von Knyphausen, 10 Mar. 1778. In a report dated 24 Mar....
I have had the pleasure of receiving your two favors of the 19th and 23d February, and hasten to...
My last to your Excellency was under the 5th Inst. by sharp, the same day your Excellency’s favor...
In Obedience to your Excellencys Orders, I now enclose you a General Return of all the Public...
By my arrival I have fixed with the Waggon Master General Mr Young all the Number of Waggons, and...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. William Palfrey, 10 Mar. 1778. On 10 Mar., Tench Tilghman wrote...
In pursuance of a Resolve of Congress dated the 21st February last, by which I am directed to...
Annexed is a Copy of my last Letter, which from the tenor of yours of the 7th inst. I am inclined...
In answer to your Excellencys letter of the seventh instant I beg leave to enclose you extracts...
76215General Orders, 11 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial whereof Lt Coll Hubley was President held at Lancaster Feby 24th...
I was only two days since honored with your very obliging Letter of the 11th of February. Your...
Immediately on my appointment to the command of the American Army and arrival at Cambridge (near...
I have received your Letter of 27th Ulto inclosing your Instructions from the Board of War...
I am favd with yours of the 9th: I cannot conceive how you can think yourself injured by the...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 11 Mar. 1778. On 20 Mar., GW wrote to Gates , “I...
I am favd with yours of the 8th Mr Boudinot has wrote to Mr Atlee and has given him directions...
I have made two attempts to destroy the forrage in the p[o]int, the party was one time...
Letter not found: to Col. Henry Emanuel Lutterloh, 11 Mar. 1778. Lutterloh wrote GW c.16 Mar .,...
Dn Juan de Miralles one of the most honourable Inhabitants of this City, as well by his personal...
I yesterday recd yours of the 9th inclosing the Copy of a representation made to Colo. proctor of...
Having solicited Your Excelly for a Court to examin into the Behaviour of Colo. C. Webbs Regiment...
Since my last the weather has been Wet, first Snow, in a day or two after rain until now, and I...
The enclosed is copy of a letter written by the Navy Board of Pennsylvania; which the Council...
76229General Orders, 12 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The sentence in yesterday’s orders respecting one Lieutt Dickason therein set forth to belong to...
I am now to acknowledge the Receipt of your Excellencys Favor of the 20th Jany inclosing my...
I have received your Letter of the 9th inst. and congratulate you upon the success which crowned...
I should have troubled you with a few Lines if any thing had occurr’d to me that might, in the...
On the 6th Instant I informed the Adjutt General by letter of my proceedings untill that day, and...
I am honored with yours of the 5th instant, and cannot sufficiently express my thanks for your...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. William Heath, 12 Mar. 1778. On 6 April, Heath wrote GW , “I have...
Your Letter of the 10th came to hand last night. The meeting of our Commissioners cannot take...
On sunday night I had the honor to receive your favors of the 1st & 5th Instant with their...
I should have answered your favor of the 14th January before this time, had I not have been daily...
Agreable to your Exellencys orders of the 8 of February I have Caused Rolls (agreable to a form...
Inclosed I send you a Return of Ordnance & Military Stores at this Place. Should have sent your...
You will see by the inclosed Letter that your presence in Camp is essential to settling matters...
76242General Orders, 13 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief is informed that notwithstanding His order of 12th of January last, the...
You will percieve by the inclosed Copy of a Resolve of Congress that I am empowered to employ a...
Your favor of the 17th Ulto inclosing the discourse which you delivered on the 18th of...
Letter not found: from Major General Lafayette, c.13 Mar. 1778. On 20 Mar., Lafayette wrote Henry...
Mr John McHenry of this Town has just shewn me a Letter from your A.D.C. Coll Hamilton to his...
There are two persons, named Hugh Hugh and Stephen McPherson, confined in the Goal of Lancaster...
76248General Orders, 14 March 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Brigr General McIntosh was President (10th March) Coll William...
The Board received your Excellencys Letter a few Days ago, requesting the Galleys might be...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 14 Mar. 1778. On 20 Mar., GW wrote to Gates , “I...