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Results 7611-7620 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have had the very great Satisfaction of embracing M r Joshua Johnson after a long Separation, during trying & painful Times, the Sight of Him afforded me much Joy, which was not a little increased by his presenting to me your Excellencys Letters of the 18 & 21 April, having been for some time under much Uneasyness at not having had a Line from You, when I Know a fresh attack had been made on...
In the hurry of copying my letter of the 2d. instant, which I had the honor of delivering to you yesterday, I find an error escaped my notice, in the 22d. page 14th. line from the top—the word four being inserted instead of the word six —which was intended. I am Sir / with the greatest respect / your most obedient / humble servant DLC : James McHenry Papers.
At the request of the widow of the late revd Elhaman Winchester I take the liberty of enclosing to you, proposals for publishing by Subscription his much admired Course of Lectures an American Edition Mr Winchester died rejoicing in his religion & in his last moments viewd his past life & professions with extatic pleasure—He leap’t from this tenement of Clay to one not made with hands with a...
From the Many favours and Civilitys I Received whilst I had the Honour of Paying you My Respects at Passy I am Bound in duty and Gratitude to Make you a Tender of My best Acknowledgements, which Please Accept. Since My Return to My House here about ten days Agoe I find no other Novelty than An Order from Court to the Governours of All the Sea-ports of Spain that they Shall Permit all Cruising...
I have the honor of your letter from the Town of Quincy, of the erection of which I was not before informed: nor did I ever hear you distinguished by the title of “ Braintree ” unless the tree of knowledge may be so called. Mr Pinckney is still here. I do not know precisely when he will depart. No ship, which he likes, is to be found in Phila. or N. York destined for England. The Sidney, of...
I was sadly dissapointed to Day when James returnd from the Post office without one Single Letter the Newspapers to the 14 th but not a Line. Post office or Post or Roads share the blame; I am more unfortunate than you when dissapointed, for you have two chances in a week, but I must wait untill Thursday returns before I can get any Letters, tho Saturdays post should bring them. I see by the...
In the occasional absence of the Secretary of State, who is in Virginia, I have received the inclosed letters from the Judge of Maryland District and other gentlemen, informing of the death of the Marshal of that District, and recommending candidates to fill the vacancy. In addition to the Judge’s intimation of the suspension, by that event, of the judicial functions, I beg leave to suggest,...
Advised and even pressed, by Friends near me and at a Distance, “ to go on to New York;—to be in the Way of soliciting, counteracting ” and such kind of Measures respecting the Collectorship here, I am sure I need only say to you that my Duty lays in this County; and that the very Circumstance of quitting & neglecting it for the Purposes mentioned would be a very ill Proof of that Degree of...
Je suis fort inquiet de votre santé, de celle de vos chers enfants de mrs. Dena et taxter, jay eu lhonneur de vous ecrire il y a plus de 15 jours pour vous en demander des nouvelles et vous prier de men donner, car j y prends l’interest le plus vif par continuation, et a moins de grandes affaires, ce seroit une grande peine pour moy de n’en point recevoir. Je me suis porté a merveilles pendant...
In my last, I asserted that Connecticut would continue firm against all efforts of the present factions. Our Freemen’s Meetings are now past; & notwithstanding evry exertion of our Jacobins, their expectations have been wholly disappointed. We are not ripe for revolutions, but are generally decisive adherents to our present governments & our antient institutions. The facts & observations...