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Results 761-770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Under the law which allows students, above 20 years of age, to "reside out of the precincts, in such private boardinghouses as the Faculty may approve," permission was granted to Mess. Fairfax Catlett, Alex. G. Taliaferro, and Wm. P. Clark to live with Mr. Meredith Jones, on the Charlottesville road. Mr. Jones has recently removed, from his former residence, to Gen. Cocke’s House, on the same...
I can find no paper relating to the Shares in Loyal Company. No paper was transmitted by me to Richmond. The Books of the Company contain the evidence of our Fathers interest in the Shares. I have for a long time wished to visit you but the very low state of my wife’s health has prevented me. If I can leave her at night I will come up in a day or two and examine the Ledgers & papers in your...
Your letter from Fredericksburg is just recd. The mony of which you were so good as to take charge could not have been more conveniently lodged than at a Bank there. I offer you sir very sincerely many thanks for the favor you have rendered on this occasion. They are the more due, as your charge was of a nature justly warranting a general disinclination to it. I beg you sir to accept with my...
I have deposited $1650 in the Farmers Bank of Fredericksburg subject to your check. Mr John Lee of Ky requested me to contrive it to you by some means & I have thought this mode would be most convenient to you—With profound respect, P. S. It will be pleasing to me to hear that you have received the money, by a few lines addressed to me at King William Court House Virginia RC (DLC) .
I have lately taken the liberty of sending to you several of our legislative documents; and now have the pleasure of inclosing a Report extended under a special order this House—not for any merit which the paper may contain but mainly for the purpose of availing of the occasion to renew the expression of my high respect and esteem for your character and person—and to tender the assurance of my...
IN THE NAME OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, To James Madison Esquire, Greeting: KNOW YOU, That our Governor, in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly, entitled, "An Act for establishing an University," doth hereby constitute and appoint you, the said James Madison a VISITOR of the University of Virginia, with all the powers vested by law in the office of Visitor of the...
At the request of my brother I have herewith enclosed you his letter, and would respectfully request, that, provided you possess any important information touching the subjects to which his letter refers, that you will be so kind as to intimate that information to me as well as my brother I have the honor to be Sir most respectfully Your obt. Servt. RC and enclosure (DLC) . Enclosure is...
I have received your letter of the 12th informing me; "that I have been unanimously elected to the Office of President by the American Colonization Society." The great and growing importance of the Society, and the signal Philanthropy of its members give, to the distinction conferred on me, a value of which, I am deeply sensible. It is incumbent on me, at the same time, to say, that my very...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Paine, with many thanks for the Copy of his very valuable "American Almanac," the scientific merit of which is recognized by the best Judges. The volume is made the more acceptable to the public, by the miscellaneous information comprized in it. He offers his thanks also for the accompanying pamphlets the names of whose Authors will be a sufficient...
James Madison presents his acknowledgements to Genl. Hayne for the Copy of his speech politely enclosed to him. However dissenting from views of the subject embraced in it, he cheerfully joins in the tribute due to the characteristic eloquence and ability of its Author. Fuller views subsequently taken on the subject of this letter it is supposed render its publication unnecessary. FC (DLC) .