26. Breakfasted in Suffolk. Dined & lodgd in the Dismal Swamp at Jno. Washington’s.
Suffolk, a small port town established on the east side of the Nansemond River in 1742, was the principal shipping outlet for products of the Dismal Swamp: rice, shingles, and naval stores. John Washington was Lund Washington’s brother John (1740–1777), who acted as manager of the Dismal Swamp Company before the Revolution (Va. Mag., 26:419–20). On this trip GW opened an account with John Washington of Suffolk, buying 14,000 shingles, 4 pairs of shoes, and 2 barrels of crab-apple cider ( , folio 281, 282).
For GW’s interest in the Dismal Swamp, see the diary for 15 Oct. 1763.