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Results 7601-7610 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am favoured this morning with yours of the 22 d.— This is Accession day you know. I shall always consider it as a red Letter day: a fortunate day. I am happy to know that you are comfortably Situated. I pray you to live in all Things at your own Expence and be no Burthen to M rs Smith or the Lt. Col. I am pretty well recovered of my Cold, but it has reduced my flesh. James has found a...
I have rec d yours of 24 th and thank you for your relation of our little domestic affairs at Quincy. Brisler did not arrive last night as you callculated. His Children may detain him longer than you expected.— some of the public Offices are about removing to Phyladelphia this Week. I can Send James with my Horses and Charriot to meet you at Hoebucken Ferry or Elizabeth Town or any other Place...
what can you expect me to write you from this village; where I hear & know no more what is passing in the world, than if I was wholy secluded from it. I have not seen a Newspaper since I came and but one gentleman from N york. I can tell you that the leaves wither and fall, beautifully varigated by the frost with all the coulours of the Rainbow, that the tide Ebbs and flows covering the meddow...
I have received your letter of the 24th, this day, the after part of which has been taken up in the reception of the 13th regiment into our camp. The scene was brilliant, and attended by the whole of the inhabitants of the adjacent country. It is now over; and after giving a welcome in my tent to the officers and respectable inhabitants, and it being 10 o’clock at night, I compose myself to...
I received last Evening yours of the 25—with a Heart filled with gratitude, for the many Blessings I have enjoyed through the 35 years of our union; I would not look upon a single shade in the picture; for if according to Rousseaus Philosophy, abstinence from what we delight in, is the Epicurism of Reason; I have had my full proportion of enjoyment; This day is very fine. I almost regreet to...
I have yours of 26 by Brisler and that of the 28 th. this Morning. Thomas is in Phyladelphia and Brisler with his Family are going off this morning in the Stage. He will write me this Evening or tomorrow.— I expect to hear from you when and where you intend to Set out, and where you intend to be.— The offices of Treasury & State are gone to Phyladelphia. War, Navy & Law remain here, for...
I received your Letter on saturday the 26 th by Brisler who with his family arrived here in safety John was taken with the Mumps the day before. he was not so sick, as to prevent their proceeding to cross the Ferry— I have not heard of him since, but expect to, this day. Louissa has had the Mumps, so as to be swelld up to her Eyes. they have been a week upon her, and are not yet gone— caroline...
Your favor of the 28 th inst I this morning had the pleasure to receive and for which my best thanks are due you. With this you will receive a letter from Mr T. Adams received last evening— I think the probability is that he will be with us this Afternoon. The Chief Justice and Govenor Davie have both left this place for New port where Captain Barrey is waiting to receive them and to carry...
Tomorow morning I expect to leave this place, and proceed on my way to Philadelphia—where I hope soon to hear from you. Frank and family had arrived before Brisler. they had only ten days passage. our Envoys I presume are ready to sail. the P   writes me, that he hopes they are gone that there may no longer be room for impertinent paragraphs fabricated by busy bodies who are forever meddling...
I have the Pleasure of hearing of your Arrival at East Chester and in Health. Since you left Quincy, We have scarcely had a Storm, except that which occur’d on your Journey. The Weather has proved favourable for Farming Business and for finishing the Cellar, which will probably be compleated this Week as far as was intended, th’o not in all its Parts as was directed by Brizler, the Part next...