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Results 7601-7610 of 184,431 sorted by author
At the last Conferences, as they call here what is understood in Paris by Ambassadors Days the Marquis of Carmarthen was pleased to make an Apology for not having yet answered the Memorial requiring the Evacuation of the Posts. “It would Sound oddly to Say that he had delayed his Answer, to prevent Delays, but it was true. He had drawn up his answer, but as he was obliged to Say Something,...
The Post was later than usual to day, so that I had not yours of July 24 till this Evening. You have made me very happy, by the particular and favourable Account you give me of all the Family. But I dont understand how there are so many who have no Eruptions, and no Symptoms. The Inflammation in the Arm might do, but without these, there is no small Pox. I will lay a Wager, that your whole...
Your kind letter of the 22d: February No 15 is as pleasing to me as the former numbers. I have not seen the Pilot. The young ladies, you speak of instead of tinkling verses and frivolous novels, had better read Dr Barrows sermons, get them by heart, and deeply impress them upon their souls. As to the Caucus I am glad you have not written me upon that, fir it si a very unedifying topic. The...
Since my Arrival here 26 October, untill the 30 of November, We had a constant Scuffle Morning noon and night about Cod and Haddock on the Grand Bank Deer skins on the Ohio and Pine Trees at Penobscat, and what were worse than all the Refugees. The Denouement of the Plott has had in it as much of the sublime and Pathetic as any Part of the Piece. It was comical too as you shall one day know in...
I thank you for this Address, as your Attachment to the Constitution is, and ought to be, a cogent motive to preserve it. It gives to the rich no Priviledges but their Property, and if it took away that, it would not only covet and Steal but deprive the honest and industrious, of the Reward of their Exertions. The fruits of their Labour cannot be preserved to the poor but by Laws, which Secure...
I cannot let the Marquis go off, without a Line to you. He took leave of the King a few days ago, in the Uniform of an American Major General, and attracted the Eyes of the whole Court more than ever. He had on no doubt his American Sword which is indeed a Beauty, and which he shews with great Pleasure, upon proper Occasions. The workmanship is exquisite, and there are Emblems on it,...
I have received your favour of 21 Dec r. and congratulate you on your arrival, My health which you are so obliging as to inquire after is so much better than it has generally been for the four last years, that I begin to hope I Shall get the better of those obstinate Disorders with which you saw me tormented in Holland. My family, is I thank God in perfect Health we have no commercial Treaty...
I have recieved with pleasure your letter of the 22d. of octr. and agree with you that the times are such as to make it difficult for a young Gentleman, to determine upon a Profession, yet there is no reason to be discouraged, The Prospect will brighten. I have so well grounded a Veneration for the Law, that I shall never discourage any of my sons from pursuing the study of it, if their Genius...
I have read over and over again your letter of the 13th. I regret extreamly another blunder, of the post office, by which it has been sent to the Southward, & returned to me only last night. You needed not to have apologized for its length. There is not a word in it to spare. You may not write me any more letters, which are to reach Quincy or Boston, after the 29th of Sept. I will be at...
I am this moment honoured with your Letter of Yesterdays date and I thank you for your kind Congratulations, on the News from America. May Great Britain ever Send to America, while she continues to send any, only such brave, able, active and enterprizing Generals as Cornwallis and Burgoine. Every Such General will consume them an Army of Ten or Fifteen Thousand Men, every Campain, without...