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Results 7601-7650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am much indebted to the rainy morning at Newport for your acceptable letter of Sep. 14. it...
Yours of the 12th. came to hand this morning. I regret most sincerely, the circumstances which...
Accept my best thanks for your vol of collections from the public Journals. Unable to read...
I have received your letters and copies of the papers inclosed & immediately transmitted them to...
My business here has rendered it impossible for me to visit Poplar Forest as yet; in the mean...
In requesting your acceptance of the copy herewith transmitted of a Collection of Documents...
I have taken the liberty of transmitting to you a pamphlet which I have felt a necessity of...
I transcribe for your information a resolution of the Visitors of the University entered into at...
Advertisement for the Enquirer and Central gazette. University of Virginia. The subscribers to...
It would be very gratifying to M rs Monroe & myself, to dine with you & your family tomorrow,...
In consequence of the death of the Naval store keeper at the Navy yard of Gosport the situation...
I should sooner have answered your letter of the 20th Ulto if I could. My disposition is very...
I have received your letter of the 23d ulto. & your father’s letter & octavo volume mentioned in...
We have an interesting question whether by the “middle of the week” which in your Journal of last...
Th: Jefferson has recieved from Doct r Lobstein his letter of Sep. 6. on the subject of his...
Agreeable to your request hand herewith statement: your a/c to 10 th Inst:—which I have no doubt...
Prefixed, I have the pleasure of forwarding to you an extract from the proceedings of the...
Th: Jefferson has recieved from D r Cutbush the communication of the prospectus of his system of...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to D r Dana for his two pamphlets on the disease of cattle in a...
Thomas Jefferson Plt } upon a writ of Right against John Hudson & Charles Hudson Deft ns &...
In mine of the 7 th I mentioned that the sheriffs of Albemarle and Bedford would soon be on us...
Your favor of Sep. 24. is recieved, and I thank you for the seeds it covered. too old to plant...
I received your favour of the 30 th Ult o , in reply to my communication, on the difference,...
David Hinckley Esqr of Boston a Gentleman of ample Fortune & respectable Character is about to...
David Hinckley Esqr of Boston and his amiable Daughter are about to travel in England. I...
I thank you for the present of your Book and your kind letter of the 24th. September. It was...
Your Letter and Journal to the 3d. have come to hand. If I should give you the reasons why I...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia at the said University on Monday the...
Recieved this 7 th October 1822 of William Mitchell by M r Jefferson fifty dollars account his...
I recieved last night your favor of the 3 d in expectation that the note would be discounted I...
Your dft: favor David Isaacs for $200 has been presented & paid. I have this day ship d you by...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia at the said University on Monday the 7...
The following Report was then agreed to To the President and Directors of the Literary fund. In...
Still in this City I again write you and probably for the last time until I get home—Your last...
6 October Mr. Smith called to make a visit to my brother, stating to me, that he was so...
The New-York-society for promoting Communities, have requested me to transmit to thee one of...
I wrote you on the 22d. ult. and forwarded you a Coppy of my letter which I wrote from Amsterdam...
When I closed my last sheet I expected to be laid up again but Dr. Physick has decided that it is...
The inclosed Table being constructed with great care, and on correct principles, may be usefully...
It is long since I had the pleasure of writing to you or of receiving a Letter from you; yet...
By this day’s mail, I take the liberty of sending you a pamphlet on the policy that prevails in...
Gen l Cocke will inform you that the cause of my failure to attend at the University on...
I have tried your $1000 note at all three of the Banks, & not one of them would discount it,...
It is my intention to return to you early next week unless my Dr. forbids; I will therefore beg...
2 October The day was so stormy we were entirely shut up but I received several visits...
$1000. Sixty days after date, I promise to pay t o Bernard Peyton or order, without offset,...
Be pleased to accept the accompanying papers, and with them the assurances of my profound respect...
I take the liberty of sending you the accompanying papers, because you manifest a deep interest...
I thank you for a pretty volume of Poetic effusions; for want of sight I have not read them, but...
I recieved yesterday the inclosed letter from the President removing further suspense as to the...