Adams Papers

From John Adams to John Jay, 10 September 1787

To John Jay

Grosvenor Square London Septr 10. 1787

Dear Sir

Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter from the Portugese Minister, to me of the 7. of September and my Answer of this day the tenth.1

This is So pointed a Proposition, that Congress will undoubtedly Send an Answer either in the affirmative or Negative. The Regard of Sovereigns to one another, renders this indispensable. and I am not able to See how a Complyance with so civil a request can well be avoided. Congress may agree to the Proposition, and her Majesty will appoint her Minister, and whether the American Minister is soon appointed or not, and whether his Appointment is for one year or not, the Forms and Decencies will be preserved. if it were only on Account of the Algerines to watch their Motions and concert Measures against them, I should think it prudent for the United States to have a Minister at Lisbon.

Colonel Smith will write you, an Account of his Journey and Voyage, and of the termination of his Commission, According to his Wishes and to his Satisfaction.2 Congress I hope, too, will be Satisified. But if a Regular Minister, had been Sent, upon this Service, and ordered to return as soon as he had accomplished it her Majesty would probably have Sent a Minister to New York without further delay. I ought not to conclude, without observing that these Missions by Deputation, are unknown to Courts and Ministers, and to the Law of Nations. And if a Legal Question Should ever be made concerning them the United States will infallibly be dishonoured by a formal Decision against them. in Mr Barclays Case, had the decision of the Parliament of Bordeaux, been appealed from to Court it must have been reversed.3

The Character of Ambassadors is Sacred and their Prerogatives very high, both by the Law of Nations and the Ceremonials of all Courts and sovereigns and there is great Reason to fear, that the Citizens of America will have Cause for Severe Repentance, if they make too light of it. Indulgences founded on the Supposition of our Inexperience, or to use a more intelligible Word our Ignorance cannot be expected to continue long. Colonel Smith met with a Condiscention that astonished all the Foreign Ministers, and Mr Barclay with a good Fortune, of which it is very dangerous to try another Experiment.

With great Regard, I have the honour / to be, dear sir, your most obedient / and most humble servant

John Adams.

RC and enclosures (PCC, No. 84, VI, f. 505–507); internal address; “His Excellency John Jay / Secretary of State &c.” LbC (Adams Papers); APM Reel 112.

1Jay’s 23 Jan. 1788 letter transmitting JA’s letter and enclosures was read in Congress on 1 Feb. (JCC description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, ed. Worthington Chauncey Ford, Gaillard Hunt, John C. Fitzpatrick, Roscoe R. Hill, and others, Washington, D.C., 1904–1937; 34 vols. description ends , 34:22–23).

2For WSS’s mission to Portugal and his 12 Sept. 1787 report to Jay, see WSS’s commission and instructions of [11 April], above. On 4 Aug. WSS was presented to Maria I. He sent a copy of his address, with the queen’s reply in Portuguese, to Jay with his 12 Sept. report. “I will shew them the distinguished prize I set on them,” a contemporary translation in WSS’s hand of the queen’s reply read, “and my invariable disposition to strengthen between the two States the ties of a solid and permanent friendship.” In light of WSS’s mission, on 12 March 1788 Jay urged Congress to resume treaty negotiations and to appoint a U.S. minister to Portugal. Jay wrote directly to WSS on 12 Aug., lauding his diplomatic service (Dipl. Corr., 1783–1789 description begins The Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America, from … 1783, to … 1789, [ed. William A. Weaver], repr., Washington, D.C., 1837 [actually 1855]; 3 vols. description ends , 3:69–77, 81–85; PCC, No. 92, I, f. 347–350).

3For Thomas Barclay’s arrest, see his 3 April 1787 letter, and note 2, above.

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