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Results 7591-7620 of 184,431 sorted by author
The tumultuous Conduct of many People in New England which is mentioned in your obliging Letter...
Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter from the Portugese Minister, to me of the 7. of September and my...
Inclosed is a request from Edward Brewer, to be an officer in the army or marines. The...
I have received your favour of the 26th of October with the Copy of the Connecticut Constitution;...
I am not willing you should want Information from the Seat of Gov t: but I can do little more...
Mr. Blomberg is so ill, that he cannot Speak, upon Business, which obliges me, to beg the Favour...
On Wednesday October 18. 1775. The Delegates from New Hampshire laid before the Congress a part...
I have received the honour of your respectful Letter of the 16th. February, With the Constitution...
Aha!—exchanging the Pride, Pomp and Circumstance of Glorious War, for the soft Charms of Wedlock...
I have just received the inclosed Letter open for me to read. It appears to be from one, who had...
At the last Conferences, as they call here what is understood in Paris by Ambassadors Days the...
The Post was later than usual to day, so that I had not yours of July 24 till this Evening. You...
Your kind letter of the 22d: February No 15 is as pleasing to me as the former numbers. I have...
Since my Arrival here 26 October, untill the 30 of November, We had a constant Scuffle Morning...
I thank you for this Address, as your Attachment to the Constitution is, and ought to be, a...
I cannot let the Marquis go off, without a Line to you. He took leave of the King a few days ago,...
I have received your favour of 21 Dec r. and congratulate you on your arrival, My health which...
I have recieved with pleasure your letter of the 22d. of octr. and agree with you that the times...
I have read over and over again your letter of the 13th. I regret extreamly another blunder, of...
I am this moment honoured with your Letter of Yesterdays date and I thank you for your kind...
I thank You for this Address, which has been presented to me by Mr Chipman one of your...
7612Feb. 1. (Adams Papers)
I intend a Journey to Worcester to morrow. How many observations shall I make on the People at...
I returned to my daily routine of Service in the Board of War, and a punctual Attendance on...
Your letter of the 17th of July never reached me till since my return home. inclosd is an answer...
The Subject, on which you was pleased to request my Sentiments, is of infinite Importance to...
I rejoice in the information that the reports propagated of Indian depredations in the North...
Since there is nothing in human life but Brimborians, that is maginificent nothings, pompous...
Your letter of the 15th of March I communicated to your brother and Sister Greenleaf & requested...
76191778 April 18. Samedi. (Adams Papers)
This Morning the Father of General Conway came to visit me, and enquire after his Son as well as...
I have read the enclosed tedious proceedings but cannot reconcile myself to the severity of the...