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Results 7591-7620 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I take the liberty of sending you a small tract which I have just published. Its object is to induce the increase of the white population in the southern state; but particularly in S. Carolina. The means proposed are the cultivation of the Olive, Grapevine, Sheep & Silk worms. I should not have troubled you with it, but for this, that I know this subject far from indifferent to you, & that any...
Accompanying this you will find a letter from my Father—in which I am highly . I should be happy to know of its safe arrival, & pray you so far to condescend as to write me a few lines on the of it— please address—G Runnels—at Mr Reg’s—Bloomingdale Road—NYork MHi .
I sent you from Philadelphia an odd volume of A Sketch of Old England which I wrote your name in and addressed to Quincy—The second was stolen from me but as their some good matter in the first and as it is a book in which there is no history to break it would be worth reading though it cannot rank as a perfect work in your collection—I shall soon send you the favorite of Nature which is said...
From the 1307 D rs – 75. cts the proceeds of your remittance through Samuel Williams of London, by your letter of the 12 th of June, I have paid to mad me Pini of Pisa, four hundred & forty four-dollars, agreeably to th eir receipt herein inclos’d.—In compliance with your request, I spoke to them on the Subject; of leaving the principal in your hands, until it would be more convenient for you...
Your letter of the 11 th of June, reach’d me on the 4 th of Sept r at the Same time I reciev’d from Samuel Williams of London, an exchange on this place, on account of the capitels, and for yourself, which produc’d here, in Spanish dollars, One thousand three hundred & Seven & 75 cts of which, 444. are carried to the credit of your private account, and the balance to the credit of the...
The enclosed letter was received this morning from Messrs. Dodge & Oxnard of Marseilles, by the Brig B a d. I shall with great pleasure take charge of the articles & will ship them to your agent in Richmond, to whom the former were sent, by the first vessel that leaves here. As soon as the freight bill has been presented & the amount of duties ascertaind I will forward the amount. DLC : Papers...
Since my last respects, have for’d by B. Harlow’s Boat to Milton; your 12 x 12 Box Window Glass, & a Hill side Plough, rec d from Fdksburg, for you, some days ago— Your dfts, to the amount of $1250, have been presented & paid since my last— The only Boat load of Flour yet rec d from Shadwell Mills this season, was for Th: J. Randolph; (64 Blls:) the one for 50 Blls, for you, is not yet to...
I have long entertained scruples about writing this letter, upon a subject of some delicacy. But old age has over-come at last. You remember the four Ships, ordered by Congress to be built, and the four Captains appointed by Washington—Talbot & Truxton & Barry & ca. to carry an Ambassador to Algiers and protect our Commerce in the Mediterranean. I have always imputed this measure to you; for...
By this day’s mail, I send you a copy of the second Edition, improved & enlarged, of the “Facts & observations, illustrative of the past & present situation & future prospects of the U.S. and am, / Very respectfully, / your obt. hble. servt MHi : Adams Papers.
I have long entertained scruples about writing this letter, upon a subject of some delicacy. But old age has over come at last. You remember the four Ships, ordered by Congress to be built, and the four Captains appointed by Washington—Talbot & Truxton & Barry & ca to carry an Ambassador to Algiers and protect our Commerce in the Mediterranean. I have always imputed this measure to you: for...
I am much indebted to the rainy morning at Newport for your acceptable letter of Sep. 14. it gives me information of the state of religion in Boston and Cambridge of which I had not a just idea. I could not have concieved that a Congregationalist, after the pollution of his pulpit by the prayers of an Unitarian, would have again officiated in it, without lustrations, purifications & exorcisms...
Yours of the 12th. came to hand this morning. I regret most sincerely, the circumstances which compel you to take the step you meditate, as the only resort under the pressure of your debts. I wish it were more in my power to aid you in your distress. Short crops, low prices, and other causes limit my present means, & suggest caution as to future engagements. I have determined nevertheless to...
Accept my best thanks for your vol of collections from the public Journals. Unable to read myself, I have not found a reader for more than three or four pieces in it The first has penetrated into an aking void in my heart where are inexstinguishable sorrows & griefs, which even resignation itself can not assuage this second The third is a memorable example of the morality of le the legitimate...
I have received your letters and copies of the papers inclosed & immediately transmitted them to Wm. Thomas Esqr Editor of the old colony memorial gazette published at Plymouth who has printed them all in that paper of 5 Oct 5. As they are now in the possession of the public, they will contribute largely to diffuse a more correct knowledge of the importance of the fisheries to our wealth...
My business here has rendered it impossible for me to visit Poplar Forest as yet; in the mean time my taxes are becoming due in Bedford, and not knowing their amount, to prevent difficulty I inclose an order on Col o Bernard Peyton of Richmond in favor of the Sheriff of Bedford, naming one hundred Dollars but leaving a blank after the hundred for you to fill up with the additional odd dollars...
In requesting your acceptance of the copy herewith transmitted of a Collection of Documents recently published by me, I think it necessary to ask of your indulgence to overlook that part of it which is personally controversial. The transactions to which it relates having occurred during your Administration and the discussion involving in some degree sanctioned by you, I have thought they would...
I have taken the liberty of transmitting to you a pamphlet which I have felt a necessity of giving to the public. So far as it involves a mere personal controversy I should not have thought it worthy of being presented to you. Thus much of it I would request of you the favour to overlook. Nor after the recent manifestation of the public sentiment on this subject would this collection of...
I transcribe for your information a resolution of the Visitors of the University entered into at their late meeting, to which they recommend your early attention. also a copy of an advertisement to be published in the Enquirer and Central gazette. accept the assurance of my friendship and respect. ViU .
Advertisement for the Enquirer and Central gazette. University of Virginia. The subscribers to this institution (commenced under the name of the Central college, but called afterwards the University of Virginia, with the approbation of a Majority) are informed that in the course of the ensuing month of November they will be applied to by a Collector for the arrears of their subscriptions....
It would be very gratifying to M rs Monroe & myself, to dine with you & your family tomorrow, were we not under an engag’ment to pass the day with my brother, who is in a very critical state. Col: Bankhead & M r Taliaferro left this, yesterday. Such are the calls on me at washington, that I shall be compelled to set out on my return back, on sunday, if it shall be possible for me to arrange my...
In consequence of the death of the Naval store keeper at the Navy yard of Gosport the situation (a very lucrative one) had become vacant My wife’s brother M r Beverly Browne, (who has for several Years held a situation in the Navy, & has always stood high in the estimation of his Commanders, & for whose steadiness, & integrity, I will vouch for with my life) is desirous of obtaining it, but I...
I should sooner have answered your letter of the 20th Ulto if I could. My disposition is very good to assist as far as I can with truth & Justice any claims of my fellow citizens on the Justice or favour of their country But the claim of Mr Young is so very ancient & so many things have passed through my mind since, that I cannot depend on my memory for so remote a transaction. If Mr Young has...
I have received your letter of the 23d ulto. & your father’s letter & octavo volume mentioned in it The book will answer for itself wherever it goes & I hope will satisfy the world. If you take the “Old Colony Memorial” you will see some ancient documents concerning the fisheries, if you do not take that paper I hope you will subscribe for it, for it is of great importance to the history of...
We have an interesting question whether by the “middle of the week” which in your Journal of last Saturday you mentioned as the time when you expected to reach home, you intended the middle of this week or of the next—If of the present it is already here; but then your last Journal which is of Tuesday, was written in expectation of hearing from one, which you doubtless did the next Morning. I...
Th: Jefferson has recieved from Doct r Lobstein his letter of Sep. 6. on the subject of his topography of Philadelphia, and of some other works in German. of these last however he cannot avail himself, not understanding the German language. writing is become so slow and painful to him, that he can only make his acknolegement for this mark of attention, express his wishes for their success and...
Agreeable to your request hand herewith statement: your a/c to 10 th Inst:—which I have no doubt will be found correct— Flour $6 @ 6⅛ Wheat 120¢ MHi .
Prefixed, I have the pleasure of forwarding to you an extract from the proceedings of the Agricultural Society, at its meeting on monday last. You will percieve the request of the Society that, you would undertake to prepare the circular address to the other Societies in the state. If you comply with the wish thus expressed, & will send me the address, I can have it expeditiously, copied, [ …...
Th: Jefferson has recieved from D r Cutbush the communication of the prospectus of his system of Pyrotechny. writing is become so slow and painful to him, that he can only make his acknolegements for this mark of attention, express his wishes for it’s success, and assure D r Cutbush of his great esteem and respect. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to D r Dana for his two pamphlets on the disease of cattle in a particular district and on the new invention of a waterburner. age having long withdrawn him from the pursuits of agriculture, he cannot better dispose of the former than by presenting it to a very able agricultural society of this section of country, whereof mr Madison is President. with his...
Thomas Jefferson Plt } upon a writ of Right against John Hudson & Charles Hudson Deft ns & Christopher Hudson Plt } upon a writ of Right against John Hudson & Charles Hudson Deft ns By Consent of the parties by their attornies, leave is given either party to examine and take the affidavits of Benjamin Lacy and Ann Copeland which affidavits so taken is to be read in chief on the trial of these...