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Results 75851-75860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
J. Madison, with his best respects to Mr. Sergeant, thanks him for the Copy of his able and instructive Address, to the Alumni Association of Nassau Hall, in Sepr. last. FC (DLC) .
ALS (fragments only): American Philosophical Society [ First part missing ] Billy is now down at Bath. Inclos’d is a Letter I have just receiv’d from him inviting me there. But I must not at present leave London, as I daily expect Bills drawn on me by the Trustees. I shall be glad to receive from you, and hope it is on the Way, an Account of what is due on Mr. Spoffords Mortgage, as I have...
Your’s of Dec. 29. was recieved on the 3 d inst . I shall state what I know respecting the medals for the information of the government in the cases generally, & your own in the special one of Gen l Lee . when the old Congress prepared for having their votes of Medals & swords executed, they did it by directing their Financier, Robert Morris , to have it done. Col o Humphreys being appointed...
Please to submit, the enclosed letters from Governor Blount, to the President. I am Dear Sir Yours &c. LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The letters to Knox of 4, 9, 13, and 17 Dec. 1793 from William Blount, the governor of the Southwest Territory, have not been identified. GW returned these letters to Knox later this same date ( JPP Dorothy Twohig, ed. The Journal of the Proceedings of the...
I present You with my New Year Good Wishes so far as to conform ourselves to the European Calendar; for altho’ my Sentiments for You are the same Every Day. Yet dont I think it right in us to mention any Day as the beginning of the Year but the blessed 4 th. of July. M r. Barret’s Business is coming on pretty well; he has made a Six Years Contract with M r. Sangraine for the Sum of four...
John Jay was one of the four members present on 21 December 1776 when the Committee for Detecting Conspiracies ordered the local authorities in Albany to examine four men presumed to be disloyal. Participating in this first action taken against Peter Van Schaack because of his political beliefs was an unhappy duty for Jay, for the two had been close friends since they studied together at...
To his Excellency the President of the United States of America The Petition of John David Wœlpper of the City of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania Most humbly sheweth. That Your Petitioner in the late War with Great Britain took an early and Active part on behalf of the United States, and was on the 17th Day of July 1776 honoured with a Captains Commission in the German Battalion...
26 August 1801, Gothenburg. Lists disbursements made by Backman between 30 Sept. 1797 and 21 May 1801 for the care of distressed seamen, amounting to £34. Ms ( DNA : RG 217, First Auditor’s Accounts, no. 13, 102). 1 p. Probably enclosed in William Neilson and Company to JM, 18 Nov. 1801 ( PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series (7 vols. to...
It is of considerable importance to the cause of Republicanism, that we should be in the possession of the journals of Congress since Mr. Bayards first entrance into the house of Representatives . They will furnish a faithful record of his political transactions & exhibit a true picture of his public conduct. As the election approaches his acts will be blazoned forth in this State, with all...
I had Yesterday the Honour of yours of the third of this Month. C. Landais had So much diffidence in some of his Crew, that he could not think of carrying home any of the most culpable of the Conspirators, especially as he was so weak handed. The naval Code of the united States, has great Occasion for Amendments in many Particulars, without which there will be little Discipline subordination,...