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Results 75851-75860 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your favor of June 22. is recieved. that of May 25. had come to hand in due time, and was in my bundle of ‘Letters to be answered’ but as I am obliged to marshal them according to their degree of pressure I had not yet reached it, altho’ I devote to that business daily from sunrise to dinner, saving one hour to ride, and generally from dinner to sun set. on the subject of the Anatomist and...
I recieved in due time your friendly letter of Feb. 5. and was much gratified by the opportunity it gave me of being useful to you even on that small scale. I was retarded in the execution of your request by the necessity of riding myself to the only careful gardener on whom I have found I could rely, & who lives 3. miles out of town. it was several days before I could find leisure enough for...
After returning you thanks for your very obliging offer to furnish me for current purposes, money, till circumstances for drawing on Europe shall become more favourable, I take the liberty of availing myself of it at present by asking the sum of fifty pounds. Should the exchange not rise during the present month, I propose to draw at the end of it at all events, and will do it as much sooner...
About 18. months ago (Sep. 1814) I proposed to you a work on political economy by mr Tracy of Paris , for translation & publication, the original MS. being in my hands unpublished. you could not undertake it till the then ensuing spring, and I thought I ought not to wait so long. after trusting to Duane , and being continually put off, he at length informed me he had got it translated, but had...
Your favor of Jan. 22. came to hand last night, with the papers of mr Graham inclosed. of all mechanical machines existing, the steam engine is that which I have the least studied. the principle we all understand; and the structure of the original one I understood when at College. but have never since paid the least attention to the multiplied improvements which have changed nearly every thing...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Gimbrede and his thanks for the very elegant Cameo he has been so kind as to send him. he considers it as a flattering mark of the indulgence with which mr Gimbrede has been so good as to contemplate his public conduct, and it adds to the consolation he recieves from the testimony of the worthy that the purity of his intentions, at least, has atoned...
In a late letter from mr. Spafford of Albany I received the inclosed with a request that after perusal I would forward it to you, adding a desire that, when read, you would address it under cover to him, as he sets some value on the possession of it. His object in making the communication to either of us is not explained, but perhaps it may be understood by you. Your frank on a blank cover...
My last letters have been of the 14th. 19th. and 29th. of November by the way of London. The present will go the same way through a private channel . All military operations in Europe seem to have been stopped by the excessive severity of the weather. In this country it is unparalleled in so early a part of the winter, and in duration, having continued since the middle of November, during...
I have no doubt you have occasionally been led to reflect on the character of the duty imposed by Congress on the importation of books. some few years ago, when the tariff was before Congress , I engaged some of our members of Congress to endeavor to get the duty repealed, and wrote on the subject to some other acquaintances in Congress , and pressingly to the Secretary of the treasury . the...
I am very much obliged by your kind endeavors to obtain for me Russel’s view of the system of education in the Universities of Scotland, Cambridge E t c. as these have failed, and I count on much information from it useful to our University I will avail myself of your kind proposition to import the book with as little delay as your convenience will admit. this may be in time for our purposes....