General Orders, 7 February 1778
General Orders
Head-Quarters V. Forge Saturday February 7th 1778.
Parole: Yorkshire—Countersigns: Yarmouth. York.
The Brigade Major of the day will in future take the names of the officers who mount guards, the names of the guards they are appointed to command and the regiments to which they respectively belong.
Likewise the names of the serjeants that are to attend as orderlies at the Adjutant General’s quarters and their respective regiments who are regularly to be brought on to the parade at guard mounting; These names to be delivered to the Adjt General at orderly-time.
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
Caleb Gibbs recorded in GW’s account book on this date an expenditure of £22.10 “To Cash paid Benja. Ring for his Account—when at Brandywine—11th Sept. 1777” as well as further expenses for “a brush for the Genls horses,” “a broom for the Stable,” “mendg Canteen saddle,” and “Antimony for the Genls horses” (household account book, 11 April 1776–21 Nov. 1780, DLC:GW, ser. 5, vol. 28).