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Results 7561-7590 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
7561[Diary entry: 10 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
10. Cool in the Morng. Moderate Afterwds. with little Wind.
7562[Diary entry: 11 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. At home all day alone.
7563[Diary entry: 11 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. A Frost this Morning to bite Fodder. Calm & warm forenoon. Brisk So. Westwardly wind & like for Rain in the Afternn.
7564[Diary entry: 11 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
11. Sowed Apple Pummice in the New Garden—from Crab Apples. sowed apple pummice : The pomace, a residue from cider making, contained apple seeds that would produce seedlings to use in grafting.
Inclos’d we send thy Account Current to the 1st of August last the recet of which please to acknowledge & that it proves right, or if otherwise to point out the Error, and it shall be rectified. We have the pleasure to advise the receipt of 9 Hhds Tobacco per Capt. Esten belonging to Master Custis, which we are using our best endeavors to make the most of, and shall forward the Sales as soon...
7566[Diary entry: 12 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Rid to Muddy hole, Doeg Run, & Mill in the forenoon. In the Afternoon went into the Neck.
7567[Diary entry: 12 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Clear and cool morning. Wind fresh at No. West. Calm afternoon & warm.
7568[Diary entry: 13 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
13. Went a fox hunting and catchd a Bitch Fox after two hours chase.
7569[Diary entry: 13 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
13. Clear and cool. Wind still at No. West—in the Evening Eastwardly.
DS : American Philosophical Society Whereas my Husband Benjamin Franklin late of this City of Philadelphia but now of London Esqr. by his Letter of Attorney dated the Fourth Day of April, ADomi. 1757, did constitute and appoint me the Subscriber his Attorney to negotiate settle and transact all his private Affairs and Business in America with power to substitute an Attorney under me for that...
7571[Diary entry: 14 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
14. Went into the Neck in the forenoon.
7572[Diary entry: 14 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
14. Calm and warm forenoon. Cloudy afternoon with appearances of Rain.
Printed in The Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Met at Philadelphia, on the Fourteenth of October, A.D. 1768, and Continued by Adjournments (Philadelphia, 1769), p. 6. By Order of Assembly we inclose you the Resolves, by which you are appointed joint Agents to solicit and transact the Affairs of this Province in Great-Britain during the...
7574[Diary entry: 15 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Went a hunting with Captn. Posey & Ld. Washington. Catchd a Bitch Fox after a chace of 1 Hour and 10 Minutes.
7575[Diary entry: 15 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Foggy & Misty Morning. Warm, clear, & still afterwards.
7576[Diary entry: 15 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Finishd pulling (but not securing) Fodder at Doeg Run Quarter. Did the same also at Muddy hole.
7577[Diary entry: 16 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
16. Went to Pohick Church. Dind at Captn. McCartys & came home at Night. Doctr. Rumney who came here last Night went away this Morning & Mr. Ramsay & Mr. Adams came here at Night.
7578[Diary entry: 16 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
16. Cloudy with the Wind Northwardly—then cold & Chilly—with appearances of Rain.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have for Some Time omitted to write to you from an Apprehension that my Letters might not meet you in England. But finding by your Favor of Augt. 13 now before me, that you have alterd your Intention of Seeing America this Fall I again Resume my Pen. The New Assembly of this Province, chiefly composed of the old Members adjournd on Saturday last to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I am hardly able to hold a Pen, from a Fit of the Gout in my Right Hand, yet I will try a few Words, to acknowledge the Receipt of one from you of Aug 9: giving an Account of my Son’s base Behaviour in attempting to get Money of Mr. Cummings &c. It grieves me to find his Vices still predominate; but am pleased at your letting me know it: for I hope he...
7581[Diary entry: 17 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
17. At Home all day. Ramsay & Adams went home this Evening.
7582[Diary entry: 17 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
17. Cold Rain & disagreeable, with the Wind abt. No. East.
Printed in The London Chronicle , October 18–20, 1768 As I have often experienced the great difference there is, in point of clearness of argument, between the most attentive consideration of a subject only in thought, and committing the arguments pro and con to paper, so that they be coolly reviewed, I bestowed an idle hour to draw up the arguments for and against the American claims, with as...
7584[Diary entry: 18 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg Run, & the Mill.
7585[Diary entry: 18 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. A severe frost this Morning—but Calm clear & warm day.
7586[Diary entry: 19 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
19. Set of on my Journey to Williamsburg & reachd Colo. Henry Lees to Dinner. GW is beginning a multipurpose trip. Although the Assembly was not scheduled to meet, the General Court had begun its 24-day fall session, which would draw most of the merchants and many lawyers and planters to Williamsburg for both their public and private affairs. Virginia was also expecting the arrival in...
7587[Diary entry: 19 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
19. Calm, clear, & Warm forenoon, but lowering afternoon.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last Night your good Mother receiv’d the enclos’d Letters from Mr. T. Henckell, and answer’d him that we should all be happy to have his Company, and appointed him to be at our House in Craven street at ½ after 7 on Saturday morning that we might set out by 8. Our Reason for going so early is, that having the Day before us, we may do our Business and dine...
7589[Diary entry: 20 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
20. Detaind there all day by Rain. GW today gave Jacky 11s. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 281).
7590[Diary entry: 20 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
20. Moderate Rain till abt. 2 Oclock & Cloudy & misty afterwards. Wd. North.