Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Sir Peyton Skipwith, 25 August 1798

From Sir Peyton Skipwith

Prestwould. August 25th. 1798

Dear Sir.

Sometime ago you were so obliging as to say, you would mention to Mr Short my claim against him. I wish to have his answer, & should he have advised the payment of the debt, the bearer Major Nelson is furnished with the amount of the claim & will do me the favour to receive it for me.

I am with every sentiment of regard & esteem your obt. Sert.

Peyton Skipwith

RC (DLC: Short Papers); endorsed by TJ as received 29 Aug., although recorded in SJL as received on the same day as written.

You were so obliging: TJ to Skipwith, 24 Dec. 1795. For Skipwith’s claim against William Short, see Skipwith to TJ, 9 Dec. 1795.

On 30 Aug. TJ wrote a note to John Nelson of Mecklenburg County inviting him to dinner, and to meet Thomas Mann Randolph, at three o’clock (RC owned by Mrs. E. C. Davis illustrated in Atlanta Constitution, 10 June 1951; not recorded in SJL).

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