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Results 75531-75540 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have Been honoured with your letter of the 31st. ulto., which I shoud have answered by the return of the same post, But coud not procure a Copy of Logan’s Speech, Before the post set out. I have since seen one in the American Encyclopædia , the Extract of which is said to be taken from your notes, and is, to the best of my recollection, nearly the Substance of Logans Speech as delivered by...
I took the liberty to write You last Feby. but have reason to suppose the letter was not deliver’d at the post Office in Boston again I presume to enclose a production of mine, altho’ fully convinc’d the minutest faults cannot escape your notice, if nothing else is meritorious, You will observe a tincture of Republicanism, particularly in the latter part of the Epilogue, . . . where my aim was...
I received your Favour of Oct. 5. by Messrs. Fitzhughs, with the Letters and Pacquets you were so kind as to forward to me by those Gentlemen, who have winter’d with us, and are but lately set out for Virginia. I will read du Plessis’s Papers as soon as I can find a little time; and say some thing of them in a future Letter. As to public Affairs, the Congress has not been able to assemble more...
A Mr. Lafon is now engaged in surveying the Land on the Canal of Carondalet;—He supposes that about eight or nine Hundred acres may be had, nearly half of which he says is excellent Land, and not subject to be overflowed. Mr. Briggs has been very unwell, and could not in person attend the surveying— I am Dear Sir with great Respect Your faithful friend RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Thomas...
I take the liberty of introducing to your knowledge, the bearer of this, Dr. Edward D. Smith , of Charleston, S. Carolina, who is now on his return to his native place. Dr. Smith is a young man of very uncommon merit, ardently attached to science, and not less so to the interests of republicanism. These circumstances have procured for him many friends in Pennsylvania. I could not deprive...
Since the arrival of the Cartel at Annapolis bringing dispatches from England to our Government, there has been much speculation in our market, founded upon the supposition that peace would either directly or indirectly grow out of it —flour which last week would not command 4$ has this week been sold at 5½ Cash & 5¾$ 60 d /.—these still continue to be the prices, altho little is now doing—...
HIS EXCELLENCY The Right Honourable Norborne Baron de Botetourt , his Majesty’s Lieutenant and Governor General of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, and Vice Admiral of the same. To Thomas Jefferson Esquire By Virtue of the Power and Authority to me given as his Majesty’s Lieutenant and Governor General of this his Colony and Dominion, I, reposing special Trust and Confidence in your...
I herewith send you the Swedish turnip seed promised. This species of turnip seems to me to require earlier sowing than the common kind, to be drilled and cultivated. Accept the highest esteem and respect, of, Sir, Yr: mo: obt: St. RC ( ViU ); endorsed by TJ as received 5 July, but recorded in SJL as received 6 July. TJ had introduced the Swedish turnip , or rutabaga, to Taylor in 1795, and...
Sometime ago you were so obliging as to say, you would mention to Mr Short my claim against him. I wish to have his answer, & should he have advised the payment of the debt, the bearer Major Nelson is furnished with the amount of the claim & will do me the favour to receive it for me. I am with every sentiment of regard & esteem your obt. Sert. RC ( DLC : Short Papers); endorsed by TJ as...
List of privateers, fitted out, armed and equipped, in Ports of the United States. L’Anti-George Savannah Le Citoyen Genet } Charleston. Le Sans culotte Le Vainqueur de la Bastille La Caramagnole River Delawar. Le petit Democrat Philadelphia Le Republicain } Boston. Le Roland lost taken MS (