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Results 75531-75540 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J’ai reçu avec un bien grand plaisir la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 7e de 7bre de l’année dernière et qui a été fort retardée. Les personnes à qui vous me chargés de faire parvenir votre Souvenir, y sont infiniment Sensibles. Vous mettiés dans leur nombre notre excellent ami Mr. Le Veillard, ignorant sans doute qu’il a été une des malheureuses victimes du système de...
At length I have been released from a situation, equally remote from all public utility and all personal satisfaction. After a detention which I could not avoid, but which was at least unnecessary, of several months I left London on the 28th: of last month, and arrived here on the 31st: The People there were in the midst of the Saturnalian electioneering holidays. The writs issued for the New...
Philadelphia, June 6, 1796. States that he is the Vicomte de Kercado, a cadet member of the princely family of Rohon in Brittany, that he had lived in Santo Domingo, that he had come to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1791, and that he and his family are now living at Elizabeth, New Jersey. States that he has given orders for his property in Santo Domingo to be sold and that he wishes to go...
[ Albany ] June 6, 1796 . “The Cause of Guernsey will not be tried until October Term.… It is to him a Cause of the greatest importance. His all is at Stake, and he is both able & willing to pay liberally for the Services of his Council.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Van Vechten was an Albany lawyer and Federalist politician. In 1796 Governor John Jay appointed him attorney for...
75535[Diary entry: 6 June 1796] (Washington Papers)
6. Raining a little in the forenoon—clear afterwards. Wind Easterly.
Your letter of the 27th Ulto has been duly received. Before I knew, or had heard of any movement in the Federal City, among the Proprietors thereof, I had, in answering some dispatches from the Commissioners, given it to them as my clear and decided opinion, that those who were entrusted with the affairs of the City ought to be residents thereof. It is & has always been my opinion. It was the...
The inclosed papers were sent to me by the Secretary of the Treasury. The wrapper, on which is written the opinion of Mr Harrison, the Auditor, gives a concise & just statement of the case on which John Skinner Esqr. late Marshall of North Carolina founds his claim of compensation. His demand is for 900 dollars, being a commission of three per cent on 30,000 dollars, the sum illegally taken...
I was this Moment favored with your’s of the 4 Instant. under the last article any further arrangements which might become desireable or mutually beneficial may be made in an easy & convenient Manner— it enables the parties to bring into negociation any Propositions of that kind which they may think proper. You will observe that the 3 d article admits us to navigate in small vessels trading...
I beg leave to recommend to your attention the Bearer of this Letter Mr: Benjamin Huger, a Gentleman of family & fortune in this State; he is the Son of Major Huger who unfortunately fell at the lines of Charleston in 1779, & the Eldest Brother of the Mr: Huger who was imprisoned by the Austrians for attempting the rescue of the brave Marquis la Fayette. He intends to travel with his Lady this...
75540[Diary entry: 5 June 1796] (Washington Papers)
5. Clear morning & showery afternoon—with variable wind from So. W. to N. Et.