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Results 7551-7580 of 184,431 sorted by author
Mr Knox, a Son of General Knox, the Bearer of this Letter, was appointed a Midshipman on Board the Constitution fourteen years fifteen years ago, and afterwards a Lieutenant on Board the Chesapeake. He Served in the Navy about three years, and afterwards made a Voyage to the East Indies. He has lately Studied Medicine and Surgery under Dr Smith at Hanover. The War has revived his inclination...
I have your favour of the 5th. My dear Mrs Adams bids me present her friendly regards to you and Mrs Rush and all your family, and to say to you that she has read your Letter with pleasure excepting what relates to a Gentleman from whom she had before a great Esteem, and all she can Say upon that Subject is that she wished she had not read it. In my jocular prayer to the Saint I meant No...
I have made my Cantabridgians read your Letter to all my family at Breakfast. We all recognized the concordance between the Oration upon Industry and Doctor Barrows Sermons which I have caused to be read in my family over and over. Indeed I do not believe it possible for human Ingenuity to write any Thing upon Industry which may not be found Substantially in his five Sermons in favour of that...
I have received your favor of Aug 21st. I wrote you, on the 7th of this month, my consent to the appointment of Major David Hopkins, to be Marshall conformably to the advice of Mr Stoddert. The letter from the Prince Regent of Portugal, announcing another birth, with the answer prepared for my signature, I find not among the papers. It has not arrived to me. I embrace with pleasure, the...
I have received your favors of the 20 21st & 24 of Sept. I am sorry that Capt. Barry has not fully answered your expectations—but I hope you will soon send him out again. The hurricanes are now passed and there is no longer danger from them. We must sweep the West India seas and get as many of the French seamen as they are called whether they are Italians, Spaniards, Germans or negroes as we...
I ought to make an Apology to you for the trouble I give you to read So many of my Letters upon Subjects with which perhaps, I should have nothing to do: but as I am requested to give a simple Letter of Introduction to a Gentleman going to Washington I could not refuse it. Mr Andrew Eliot a respectable Merchant of Boston has a Petition to present to The Administration or to the Legislature or...
Mr Leslie Combs of Kentucky has Sent me “a History of the late War, in the Western Country, by Mr Robert B. McAffee” And “The Phylosophy of Human Nature by Joseph Buchanan.” “The History,” I am glad to See: because it will preserve facts to the honour, and immortal glory of the Western people. Indeed I am not Sorry that “the Phylsophy” has been published, because it has been a Maxim with me...
I have to request of you to communicate the inclosed Resignation to the Honourable Board, as soon as may be; as it is of great Importance to the public, that the Superiour Court Should be filled up, and proceed to the Business of the State and as it has been already kept, too long unfill’d. We are now at Such a Distance from the Army, that it is not in my Power to communicate, any...
Otis . 15. C. 2, c7, §. 8. In JA ’s hand. Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 185. 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §8 (1663). The pertinent portion of the section provides: “(2) and no ship or vessel coming to any such land, island, plantation, colony, territory or place [i.e. royal colonies in Asia, Africa, or America, except Tangier. 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §6], shall lade or unlade any goods or commodities...
Amsterdam, November 17, 1780—wrote to Congress: “From the time of the arrival of my commission, I have been constantly employed in forming acquaintances, making enquiries, and asking advice; but am sorry to be obliged to say, that hitherto I see no certain prospect of borrowing any money at all. For some years past, all the information I could obtain from this country, led me to think that...
Permit me to present you, what I think a Curiosity. Dr Mayhews Thirtieth of January Sermon, preached and printed almost Seventy Years ago. It made a great Sensation in New England: and not a little Noise in old England where Several Editions of it were reprinted and one especially which was inserted in a Collection of Tracts in four Volumes under the Title of “The Pillars of Priestcraft and...
You “are unable to discover in our form of Government any resemblance of Aristocracy.” As every branch of Executive Authority committed or entrusted, exclusively to One, resembles and is properly called a Monarchical Power; & Government in proportion as its Powers legislative or Executive are lodged in One, resembles Monarchy: So whatever Authority or Power of making or executing Laws is...
The Moments we live in, are critical and may be improved, perhaps to advantage, for which purpose I beg Leave to propose to your Consideration, whether it is not proper for Us to write to M r Dana at Petersbourg, acquaint him with the Signature of the Preliminaries, inclose to him an authentic Copy of them and advise him to communicate it to the Ministers of the Empress, and to all the...
Altho I never had the Pleasure and the Honour of so intimate an Acquaintance with you as I wished yet I have a long Time, been sufficiently acquainted with your Character, to have the Utmost Confidence in your Patriotism and your Judgment of the true Interest of our Country. The critical State of the Colonies, at this Time, is the Cause of my writing you, because Providence has now placed you...
With real pleasure I received your kind letter of July 28th. though I received it but a few days ago. I thank you for introduceing to me Major Wolcott Huntington —whose appearance and manners do honor to both his names— I rejoice to hear that you enjoy so good health and I wish, that your Life may be prolonged for the Government of Connecticut as long as mine has been; which has been extended...
Inclosed is a letter from Chief justice Dana. I pray you to send him for his son a commission or warrant as a midshipman by the name of Edmund Trowbridge Dana, & to assure him that he shall be put under Capt. Sever on board his frigate. I am &c. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Fitch. 1st Question whether Appeal will lie? Page 33 of tem porary Acts. Art —. Otis . Case of Barnstable vs. Bodfish. June 1747, in Sessions. Superior Court, Barnstable July 1747. Prov. Law 21. Relations. Lynde. Bastardy, Highways—Ministers and Paupers, no Appeal has been allowed. Gridley. This not taking up the Law upon the sense of it: but is taking up one Part of the Law to make it...
The Pamphlet inclosed may be called “The most astonishing Concentration of Jacobitical Malevolence that ever Scottish Spite exhibited.” I have read it however with Interest and Avidity. It is not badly written— It has, no doubt, too much foundation in Truth. It has little of the Wit and none of the humour of Tom Pain, but has more than his Malice & Revenge. It is sometimes amusing to...
If I am neither deceived by the little Information I have, or by my Wishes for its truth, I Should Say that France is the most Protestant country of Europe at this time, though I cannot think it the most reformed . In consequence of these Reveries I have imagined that Camus and the Institute, meant, by the revival and continuance of the Acta Sanctorum, to destroy the Pope and the Catholic...
757023 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Came to Mr. Putnams and began Law. And studied not very closely this Week.
Commodore Truxtun has requested me, to forward to your Excellency his Vindication and circular Letter. I acquit myself with pleasure of his Commission, as it gives me an opportunity of anticipating the Compliments of the approaching Season, and renewing to your Excellency assurances of the Sincere Esteem and affection of your Friend and Servant IGK .
Your Favours of 28th. July and 8. August are before me. I have a Favour to ask of you, that is to Send me, an exact Account of the Number of Continental Cruizers fitted out, in the Massachusetts, the Tonnage of the Vessells the Number of Guns belonging to each, the Weight of Metal, the Number of Men, the Names of the Vessells and the Names of all the Officers, that is to say, the Captains and...
The Bearer of this Letter, Eliphalet Fitch Esqr., a Gentleman of large Fortune and high in office in Jamaica, is a Grandson of Dr. Boylston and consequently your Relation. You will wait upon him and his Lady, and do yourself the honor to shew them all the Attention and Respect in your Power, while they stay at the Hague. LbC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers ). Eliphalet Fitch was receiver...
I nominate the honorable John Marshall Esqr. of Virginia to be Secretary of State in the place of the Honorable Timothy Pickering Esqr. removed. The Honorable Samuel Dexter Esqr. of Massachusetts to be Secretary of the department of War, in the place of the Honorable John Marshall nominated for promotion to the office of State. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Yesterday was as fine for Travell as ever occurred at this season of the Year.—I reached Ipswich, and lodged, at the House where I used to put up, old Mrs. Treadwells. This Morning I satt off, in a horrid cold Rain, and after getting wett through all my Coverings, I putt up at our Friend Mr. Tufts’s, having no Courage to proceed farther. Tomorrow Morning, I must proceed. Coll. Doane who was in...
I do myself the Honour to inclose to your Lordship a Resolution of Congress of the fifth day of October last, by which I am permitted to return to America, at anytime after the Twenty fourth Day of February 1788. As it is my Intention to embark on board the Ship Lucretia John Calahan Commander, I must request of your Lordship to obtain the neccessary orders that the Same Priviledges be granted...
Livy in his 42. Book and chapters 29 and thirty, as an introduction of his History of the War between the Romans and Perseus King of Macedonia, says that all the Kings and States of Europe and Asia had their Attention fixed upon those two powerfull Nations upon the Point of engaging in War. He first explains the Views of the Kings Eumenes, Prusias, Ariarathes, Antiochus, Ptolomy, Massinissa,...
7578August 3d. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Hollis has appealed. If he prosecutes his Appeal, he shall be paid. I believe there never was an Action in this Court where more Instances of Ignorance, Negligence and Inattention appeared on one side, and of Artifice, Secresy and Guile I must say Guile on the other, since it was erected. Let me draw a Picture of the Defendants stupidity, and of Plaintiffs Knavery. Neglect to acknowledge the...
In Some of the latest Letters from England, We are told, that they grow more and more out of humour with the Americans every day, and that it is the Fashion now of the Minority, as well as the Friends of Administration to abuse them, both in and out of Parliament. In a Particular Mr. Powis Mr. Fox &c. express their Abhorrence of Congress—call them the worst of Tyrants and Say they deserve to...
I give you this Title for the present only. I Shall Scarcely allow you to be a political, moral, or Christian Philosopher, till you retract Some of the Complaints Lamentations, Regrets and Penitences in your Letter of the 13th.—But more of this presently. Mr John Reed, the first Lawyer who left a great Reputation in our State, in the Administration of Governor Shirley was a Councillor, or in...