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Results 7551-7560 of 184,431 sorted by author
Mr Knox, a Son of General Knox, the Bearer of this Letter, was appointed a Midshipman on Board the Constitution fourteen years fifteen years ago, and afterwards a Lieutenant on Board the Chesapeake. He Served in the Navy about three years, and afterwards made a Voyage to the East Indies. He has lately Studied Medicine and Surgery under Dr Smith at Hanover. The War has revived his inclination...
I have your favour of the 5th. My dear Mrs Adams bids me present her friendly regards to you and Mrs Rush and all your family, and to say to you that she has read your Letter with pleasure excepting what relates to a Gentleman from whom she had before a great Esteem, and all she can Say upon that Subject is that she wished she had not read it. In my jocular prayer to the Saint I meant No...
I have made my Cantabridgians read your Letter to all my family at Breakfast. We all recognized the concordance between the Oration upon Industry and Doctor Barrows Sermons which I have caused to be read in my family over and over. Indeed I do not believe it possible for human Ingenuity to write any Thing upon Industry which may not be found Substantially in his five Sermons in favour of that...
I have received your favor of Aug 21st. I wrote you, on the 7th of this month, my consent to the appointment of Major David Hopkins, to be Marshall conformably to the advice of Mr Stoddert. The letter from the Prince Regent of Portugal, announcing another birth, with the answer prepared for my signature, I find not among the papers. It has not arrived to me. I embrace with pleasure, the...
I have received your favors of the 20 21st & 24 of Sept. I am sorry that Capt. Barry has not fully answered your expectations—but I hope you will soon send him out again. The hurricanes are now passed and there is no longer danger from them. We must sweep the West India seas and get as many of the French seamen as they are called whether they are Italians, Spaniards, Germans or negroes as we...
I ought to make an Apology to you for the trouble I give you to read So many of my Letters upon Subjects with which perhaps, I should have nothing to do: but as I am requested to give a simple Letter of Introduction to a Gentleman going to Washington I could not refuse it. Mr Andrew Eliot a respectable Merchant of Boston has a Petition to present to The Administration or to the Legislature or...
Mr Leslie Combs of Kentucky has Sent me “a History of the late War, in the Western Country, by Mr Robert B. McAffee” And “The Phylosophy of Human Nature by Joseph Buchanan.” “The History,” I am glad to See: because it will preserve facts to the honour, and immortal glory of the Western people. Indeed I am not Sorry that “the Phylsophy” has been published, because it has been a Maxim with me...
I have to request of you to communicate the inclosed Resignation to the Honourable Board, as soon as may be; as it is of great Importance to the public, that the Superiour Court Should be filled up, and proceed to the Business of the State and as it has been already kept, too long unfill’d. We are now at Such a Distance from the Army, that it is not in my Power to communicate, any...
Otis . 15. C. 2, c7, §. 8. In JA ’s hand. Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 185. 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §8 (1663). The pertinent portion of the section provides: “(2) and no ship or vessel coming to any such land, island, plantation, colony, territory or place [i.e. royal colonies in Asia, Africa, or America, except Tangier. 15 Car. 2, c. 7, §6], shall lade or unlade any goods or commodities...
Amsterdam, November 17, 1780—wrote to Congress: “From the time of the arrival of my commission, I have been constantly employed in forming acquaintances, making enquiries, and asking advice; but am sorry to be obliged to say, that hitherto I see no certain prospect of borrowing any money at all. For some years past, all the information I could obtain from this country, led me to think that...