George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Francis Mercer, 1 April 1787

To John Francis Mercer

Mount Vernon April 1st 1787


Enclosed I return the letter which you forwarded to me the 10th of Feby.1 For particular reasons and purposes, whatever money you may incline to pay me consequent of your promises would come very opportunely before 25 of this month. To this period, sufficient time is allowed to obtain the Certificates you have at Richmond—after which I shall hold myself discharged from any obligation to receive them.2

The detention has already deprived me of every advantage I could have made of them in the payment of Taxes whilst I am sustaining the loss by their depreciation in the hands of others. My Compliments if you please to Mrs Mercer. I am Sir yr most obedient Humble Servant

G. Washington


1No letter of 10 Feb. from Mercer has been found.

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