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Results 7541-7570 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Review Propositions for amending the Constitution of the United States, Submitted by Mr Hillhouse...
New Brunswick [ New Jersey ] September 18, 1792 . “In consequence of your very obliging favor...
I have been possessed of your obliging fav r . of the 2 d Ulto a considerable time, but being too...
7544[Diary entry: 21 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
21. Quite warm—still—and tolerably clear.
New Windsor [ New York ] July 1, 1779 . Has appointed Wayne “to the command of the light infantry...
From the last letter I have received from my nephew the Major, I presume he is, ’ere this, on his...
I have lately learnt that their is a Probability that the office of Marshal for this state will...
It was my intention to have seen or written to you before this. But I was detained in Richd. by a...
7549[Diary entry: 16 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
16. Clear & cool tho the Wind was Southwardly.
I do myself the honor to enclose to your Excellency, a Return of the Prisoners committed to the...
I am to acknowledge the Recet of your letter of the 6 of this Mo—The matter rispecting the...
Two Gentlemen, one from General Varnum and the other from the Fleet with Dispatches for your...
Mr. Dallas seems to have made up his mind to retire early in October from the Department in his...
The news of your recovery, has given your friends a great deal of Joy. we had little hopes of...
24 July 1809, Fauquier Court House. The Virginia senator recommends Alexander Scott for the...
I have been informed by the Secretary of War that all the articles for Arming clothing and...
Permit me to inform you, that I shipt several Cargoes, the produce of this state to Cape François...
Topics which have occurred to the Secretary of War as proper to be noticed at the opening of the...
I recieved last night your favor of the 20th. and I now inclose you Capt Elwood’s reciept for...
Monsieur Jeffersonne peut il procurer a M.M. Dangirard et De Vernon une lettre de recommandation...
Whereas it appears to Congress by authentic documents that the people inhabiting the district of...
I have the honor to Inclose your Excellencey Copy of a Letter from Govr Livingston & beg your...
Your letter of the 21st came to my hands on thursday afternoon. By the Post of next morning I was...
I arrived at this place from our works on the Canal yesterday, having daily attended at the...
you did me the honour some time since after reading my memoir of Dr Hugh Williamson to write me a...
Mr Frederick Butler of Weathersfield in Connecticutt requests a Patent for the Invention of a Tin...
A few days ago I recieved your Favor of the 27th Ulto. I wish it had been on any other subject...
I have recd. fw. Citizs. the address transmitted by you on the 23d. of Feby.; with the attention...
Your favor of the 22d. finds me here. I have carefully perused the copy of the paper addressed to...
I was this moment honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 13th Instant; on the Subject of...