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Results 75221-75270 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
75221 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, Abigail Mercy Otis Warren to Abigail Adams, 11 February 1783 1783-02-11 Did I feel myself conscious of any inclination to suspend a Correspondence that has given...
75222 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 September 1774] 1774-09-10 10. Dined at Mr. Richd. Penn’s. Richard Penn was the former governor who had been superseded by...
75223 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1815-09-30 I have to acknowledge a very tender and affectionate Letter from you, bearing date 8th Janry...
75224 Harrison, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Harrison, 1 May 1806 1806-05-01 I should not so soon again have troubled your Excellency, were it not for some malignant...
75225 Morris, Gouverneur Jay, John To John Jay from Gouverneur Morris, 1 July 1789 1789-07-01 I am too much occupied to find Time for the Use of a Cypher and in Effect the Government here is...
75226 Mendenhall, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Mendenhall, 14 March … 1794-03-14 Being a considerable sufferer in the calamities which my fellow Citizens are at Present strugling...
75227 American Commissioners Barclay, Thomas The American Commissioners to Thomas Barclay, 25 … 1787-01-25 We have transmitted to M r. Lamb a Resolution of Congress vacating his Commission & Instructions...
75228 Willard, Emma Adams, John To John Adams from Emma Willard, 28 November 1819 1819-11-28 While an undistinguishing thirst for popularity is reprehensible, the desire to be known and...
75229 Philadelphia Linen Manufactory Thomson, Charles Philadelphia Linen Manufactory: Stock Certificate for … 1764-08-13 Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society In July 1764 a group of...
75230 Thornton, William Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: William Thornton to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 9 … 1812-05-08 I have had a measurement made of the Box or Case in which the Machine came packed, and I find it...
75231 Owen, Daniel Washington, George To George Washington from Daniel Owen, 29 May 1790 1790-05-29 I have the pleasing satisfaction of informing your Excellency that the Constitution of the United...
75232 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress] 1775. … 1775-09-27 Willing in favour of Mr. Purveyances Petition. Harrison vs. it. Willing thinks the Non...
75233 Franklin, Benjamin Miscellaneous Business Memoranda, 1731 1731-01-01 MSS : American Philosophical Society Volume 66 of the Franklin Papers in the American...
75234 Terry, Anthony Madison, James To James Madison from Anthony Terry, 12 November 1805 … 1805-11-12 § From Anthony Terry. 12 November 1805, Cádiz. “The order respecting the devolution of the Cargo...
75235 Tufts, Cotton Adams, Abigail Cotton Tufts to Abigail Adams, 17 April 1798 1798-04-17 It is now past Ten o Clock Am. and a violent Snow Storm which began about 7 o Clock this Morning...
75236 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 28 August … 1782-08-28 In conformity to a resolve of Congress passed June 14th 1782, which was transmitted your...
75237 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 6 July … 1781-07-06 I do myself the honor to inform your Excellency that the Army marched from their Camp near...
75238 Bailey, Theodorus Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Theodorus Bailey, 22 October … 1824-10-22 Your two letters for England, covered in yours to me of the 11 th and 14 th instant, were duly...
75239 Adams, John Quincy 7th Thursday [–8th Friday]. 1782-11-07 This afternoon at about 4 o’clock we passed thro’ Borgo Borga which is a small fortified town. We...
75240 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 12 August 1777 1777-08-12 A few lines by way of remembrance every week tho I have nothing new to write you if I may judge...
75241 Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney … 1796-06-05 I beg leave to recommend to your attention the Bearer of this Letter Mr: Benjamin Huger, a...
75242 Jefferson, Thomas Armstrong, John Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 13 December 1810 1810-12-13 Immediately on the reciept of your favor of Nov. 26. I wrote to mr Gelston , asking the favor of...
75243 Hamilton, Alexander Lee, Charles From Alexander Hamilton to Charles Lee, 18 January 1792 1792-01-18 Sufficient time having been given to the owners and commanders of vessels to provide regular...
75244 Adams, John Tufts, Cotton From John Adams to Cotton Tufts, 16 October 1787 1787-10-16 I am very happy to learn, by your Letter of the 30. June that my Son is with M r Parsons at...
75245 King, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin King, 2 December 1822 1822-12-02 I beg leave to present you enclosed a draft of an equilateral level, for leveling of Lands. on...
75246 Jay, John Franklin, Benjamin From John Jay to Benjamin Franklin, 31 December 1781 1781-12-31 I learn from Marq s . DYranda that my Letter to You of the 21 Ult. had ^ has ^ reached You. The...
75247 Washington, George Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … From George Washington to Rochambeau, 10 August 1790 1790-08-10 The little anecdote which you recall to mind, my dear Count, of your Countrymen at Rhode Island...
75248 Simpson, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Simpson, 22 May 1793 1793-05-22 I had the honor of addressing Your Excellency 30th last Month accompanying a dispatch from Mr...
75249 Barnes, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Barnes, 16 October 1802 1802-10-16 Reflecting on your much Esteemed favr. with which you Hond. me this morning — I am very...
75250 Jefferson, Thomas Sansom, Jospeh From Thomas Jefferson to Jospeh Sansom, 1 January 1806 1806-01-01 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Sansom, and his thanks for the elegant medal of...
75251 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 21 … 1777-06-21 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 21 June 1777. GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman...
75252 McHenry, James Washington, George To George Washington from James McHenry, 18 July 1798 1798-07-18 I arrived here between 7 & 8 o’clock on tuesday morning, and before seeing my family presented...
75253 Van Staphorst & Hubbard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Van Staphorst & Hubbard, 5 … 1796-01-05 Confirming what We had the pleasure of writing you the 10th. October, We have to acknowledge...
75254 Capellen tot den Pol, Joan Derk, Baron van der Adams, John To John Adams from Joan Derk van der Capellen tot den … 1782-03-31 Les Magistrats de Deventer ont pris Jeudi au Soir une Resolution dans les formes pour recevoir...
75255 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 10 April 1803 1803-04-10 It appears that on the 31st. Mar. 1800. a paiment of cents & half cents was made into the...
75256 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, Abigail Thomas Boylston Adams to Abigail Adams, 14 September … 1798-09-14 Your kind favor of July 19 th. was transmitted from Hamburg by our cousin Welsh & came to hand...
75257 Bankhead, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Bankhead, 22 February 1813 1813-02-22 You did me the honor, last year, to nominate me to the Senate for the Command of the 20th. Regt.;...
75258 Bourne, Sylvanus Madison, James To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne, 20 November 1808 1808-11-20 I have the honor to transmit you via Hamburg the Leyden Gazettes to this date agreeably to usage...
75259 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 8 March 1798 1798-03-08 I this moment recieve your favor of the 1st. inst. & am alarmed at the account of my nailery...
75260 Madison, James Power of Originating Money Bills in the Legislature … 1787-06-13 Gerry moved to prohibit the Senate from originating money bills. Mr. Madison observed that the...
75261 Asquith, Lister Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lister Asquith, 19 September … 1785-09-19 I received your kind and exceptionable Letter which has relieved my mind of a great deal of...
75262 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 February 1797] 1797-02-11 11. Clear after the morning & Wind Westerly Mer: 35.
75263 Jarvis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jarvis, 7 February 1803 1803-02-07 I have just time to communicate the inclosed which I this moment Rec’d. & to assure you Sir of my...
75264 Girardin, Louis Hue Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Louis Hue Girardin, 6 December … 1823-12-06 I have, from motives which I deem correct, sedulously avoided disturbing your repose by obtrusive...
75265 Jay, John Vaughan, Benjamin From John Jay to Benjamin Vaughan, 28 March 1783 1783-03-28 Whence came the Idea that the moment a Minister loses a Question in Parli ^ a ^ ment, he must be...
75266 Madison, James Lee, Richard, Jr. From James Madison to Richard Lee, Jr., 3 November 1807 1807-11-03 Mr. Erskine having requested the interference of the Executive towards obtaining such aids as may...
75267 Triplett, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Triplett, 19 August … 1799-08-19 Captn. Bruff’s Letter of the 2nd Ulto. is just handed me in which he wishes me to make a...
75268 “Publius” [The Federalist No. 49], [2 February 1788] 1788-02-02 The [New York] Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser , February 2, 1788. This essay...
75269 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 September 1781] 1781-09-17 17th. In company with the Count de Rochambeau—the Chevr. Chastellux—Genls. Knox & Duportail, I...
75270 American Commissioners Jay, John The American Commissioners to John Jay, 18 March 1785 1785-03-18 We received by the last Packet the favor of your letter of Jan ry. 14. in which we have the...