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Results 75221-75230 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
If you have not moved from Mount Holley when this comes to hand, I wish you to wait there till you see Colo. Meade, who will set off immediately charged with some important matters which I thought it improper to commit to paper. This However you are to understand under this restriction—That I do not mean to prevent you a moment from prosecuting any Object you have immediately in view that...
I have nothing new to communicate to your Excellency with Respect to the Motions of the Enemy—they remain or did last night at Woodbury, with a Guard at Timber Creek, consisting of about six hundred men. The Boats that went up, mentioned in my former Letter, I conjecture had on Board the Baggage of the Army; the Soldiers seen on board, were the regimental Guards to the Baggage. The Militia of...
I receivd your favor by Col. Mead who has communicated to me the design of an attack upo[n] Philadelphia, the consequences if successful are so desireable that I wish it appeard to me more practicable—In war there must be always some thing left to chance and I would always recommend to trust some consequences to the Spirit and bravery of the troops—An excess of caution which councils of War...
I am honored with yours of the 22d. It gives me great pleasure to find that your Legislature have undertaken to procure a Quantity of Blankets and other Cloathing, by Civil Authority, which mode ought ever to be adopted instead of the Military. I have given orders to have all the Officers, who were vested with powers to collect these Articles, immediately recalled, except Colo. Forman, for...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. James Potter, 24 Nov. 1777. GW writes in a letter of this date to Potter : “I wrote you . . . this morning & . . . fear my Letter should have miscarried.”
I was at Chester yesterday the most of the shiping is gon up the River as far as the Bend below Billingsport, the enclosed lines I Receved from a good honast whig that would not assart a falce hood Knowing it to be such he lives in the City. I am your Excelanceys Most Obedant Humble sert. AL , DLC:GW . The enclosed undated intelligence report reads: “I Receiv’d the Beef & Return Thanks till...
I thank you for your Favor of this date & for the intelligence it contained. You will continue your endeavours to obtain further information, and will transmit as soon as you can whatever you may think material and necessary to be known. I intend to send a Reconnoitring party over Schuylkill to Morrow Morning and request that you will detach Two Hundred Men to cover them. you will direct them...
I do myself the Honor to Inclose you our Arrangment of the field officers of Light Horse which the Board Directed me to forward. upon a Supposition that your Excellencey would Call in their former Commissions & grant them De novo we Took the Liberty of Hinting At the Dates their Respective Commissions Should Bear—but if that is Disapprovd by your Excellencey, our opinion is that they Rank as...
75229General Orders, 25 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
For the information of the troops lately arrived, the General Order issued some time since is repeated; That Tatoo is not [to] be beaten in camp. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . See General Orders, 6 September .
Without such an acquaintance of the Enemies lines as wou’d discover to you where they are more or less accessible I can not well approve of an attack upon them, nor can I conceive the opposite numbers at Philada under Six thousand or upward—And question whether an attack can be Succesful if the lines are not penetrated in so Short a Space of time (perhaps some Seven or at most ten minutes) as...