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Results 75221-75230 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
(private) About noon to-day Mr John Churchman, who has been these two or three years in Europe, on account of his supposed discoveries relative to the variation of the Magnetic Needle, called at the office. He came last from Bourdeaux, and was the bearer of Mr Monroe’s letter of the 2d of May. I told him it had been broken open; & after a few questions, asked him to give me a certificate of...
I was yesterday honoured with your letter of the 25th and agreeably to your directions have had a commission made out for Samuel Williams to be Consul of the U. States at Hamburg, & now inclose it for your signature. I will take care to advise Mr Monroe of the appointment. The untoward situation of the Cannon foundaries last year, excited apprehensions that the Contractors might fail of...
I did myself the pleasure of writing to you yesterday by M r . Francis Huger, since which Hetty, who is dissatisfied with our Land-Lady has determined to go to New York— She will on Monday set out for Albany in the stage that runs from this place to that, & from thence will take the stages to New York— As there would be an impropriety in my remaining without a Maid, I wish Peter to engage a...
29 July 1796, Orange County, Virginia. Indenture by which Boswell Thornton and his wife Lucy of Orange County sold to JM for £25 eight acres of Orange County land adjoining Nathaniel Gordon’s property, “with all woods, waters, quarries of lime and other stone and the Reversions and remainders to the same appertaining.” Letterbook copy ( Vi : Orange County Courthouse Records). 2 pp. Witnessed...
Si quelque chose en Amérique est capable d’adoucir le sentiment de mes peines, et de faire renaitre dans mon ame flêtrie par le découragement, quelque rayon d’espérance, c’est de voir, je ne dis pas seulement, qu’il est resté des amis à mon pere dans le malheur, mais quels amis lui sont restés! Connu, ou inconnu, je n’ai presque pas fait un pas sur cette terre de Liberté, sans y recueillir...
75226July 28. 1796. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Billings and Sullivan are gone to the Beech for a Load of Seaweed to put into their Hill of Compost. Bass and Thomas hoeing still in the lower Garden. James sick of a Surfeit of fruit. I continue my practice of drinking a Jill of Cyder in the Morning and find no ill but some good Effect. It is more than forty Years since I read Swifts Comparison of Dryden in his Translation of Virgil to The...
I have not lost sight of the negotiation with the Bank though it labours & I have thought it best to let it lie bye till the President returns. Mc.Cormick is violent against it & plays on little jealousies, & what is still more efficacious private interests; representing the consequent inability of the Bank to accommodate the Merchants, many of whom from the unfortunate issue of some late...
75228July 27. 1796 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Billings and Sullivan making and liming an heap of Manure. They compounded it, of Earth carted in from the Ground opposite the Garden where the Ha! Ha Wall is to be built, of Salt Hay and Seaweed trodden by the Cattle in the Yard, of Horse dung from the Stable, and of Cow dung left by the Cows, over all this Composition they now and then sprinkle a layer of Lime. Bass and Thomas hoeing...
The indispensible necessity of an immediate tho’ short respite from business united with Motives of Interest and an unbounded Attachment to reputation induce me to make a proposition to you of a pretty extraordinary Nature but which after due Reflection I flatter myself will be deemed not unworthy your Attention. My engagements of every possible Nature do not exceed Twelve Hundred Thousand...
Your two letters—both bearing date the 21st instant—with their enclosures, were received by the last Mail to Alexandria. It would have been unfortunate, and much indeed to have been regretted, if the French government had had as great cause of complaint against the conduct of the United States, as they have shewn a disposition to complain. It was natural to expect, tho’ it was not easy to...