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Results 75211-75220 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am compelled by repeated Complaints of the Inhuman treatment still shewn to the Unhappy prisoners in your hands, to call upon you for a clear & explicit Answer to my Letter of the 14th Instant. This I shall expect to receive by Monday Evening next. Their sufferings demand immediate redress; And unless I obtain the most satisfactory assurances on this Head, duty will constrain me to retaliate...
I have been duly honored with your Favors of the 13 & 19 Instant with their Inclosures. I am well assured Congress have not been inattentive to the Necessities of the Army, and that the deficiency in our Supplies, particularly in the Article of cloathing has arisen from the difficulty of importing, on account of the Numerous Fleet, which line our Coast. However, I am persuaded that...
Yesterday the enemy abandoned Provence island. We have reason to believe that Gen. Clinton with the late reinforcement, & Lord Cornwallis with his body of troops landed on Carpenters island yesterdy, & passed on to the city. The navy have mostly moved up from Chester, & lay off Billingsport. With profound respect Your Excellys most Obt Hum. servt ALS , DLC:GW . The cover indicates that Lee...
The desire which I have of fulfilling my Duty, leads me to make frequent representations to Your Excellency of matters which regard the Service of the Cavalry. What follows is my opinion, and if I am so happy as to find it agreeable to Your Excellencys Views, it will be necessary to carry my Plan into execution as soon as possible. As in all appearance it will be late before we retire to...
May it please your Excellency, We the Subscribers, General Officers in the American Army, beg leave to represent, That we have severally been accus’d of unsoldierly Conduct, dangerous Neglect, and other Crimes, which, had they been prov’d, must have blacken’d our Characters as Officers, and sunk us beneath the Reproaches of our Country. In Consequence of these malicious Accusations, Courts...
75216General Orders, 24 November 1777 (Washington Papers)
Information having been given that divers of the late sutlers, and some of the inhabitants have opened tippling houses within and adjacent to the encampment of the army, by which the design of banishing the Sutlers from the army is in a great measure frustrated. The Deputy Quarter Master General is required forthwith, to make diligent inquiry, and examination, for discovering such houses, and...
As the Enemy have made very considerable Detachments from their main Body to New Jersey under the Command of Lord Cornwallis; and a considerable number of men being necessary to defend the several Posts on the Islands which are at least 7 miles from the Lines it may be very proper to consider whether a successfull attack cannot be made on the City. The following plan of an attack is offered...
I am this moment returned [from] Mr Philip Prices near the lower Ferry, at which place I thought to have taken a view of the River, but was prevented by the thickness of the Air occasioned by a Smoak on Province Island, I immagine the Enemy are about to evacuate it, by a Person of distinction from Philadelphia (a Friend) this Evening, I am informed, the Enemy are exceedingly alarmed, Orders...
The twenty Ovens ordered last Summer, concerning which I have your favour of the 14th Inst., were delivered as follows; four to Coll Mifflin, as the army passed Pompton; fourteen were sent after it to Morristown, by seven Waggons impressed for that purpose; & two large and ten small ones remained here, when I was at Wilmington, which I mentioned to Coll Mifflin; who ordered me to send four,...
Letter not found: to Col. David Forman, c.24 Nov. 1777. In his letter to William Livingston of 24 Nov. , GW writes: “I have given orders to have all the Officers ... except Colo. Forman, for whom you have a letter.”