George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Captain Charles Craig, 20 November 1777

From Captain Charles Craig

Frankford [Pa.] 3 oClock [c.20 November 1777]


I have delay’d writing in expectation of hearing something new from the City, but nothing has Transpired since I had the Honour of Adressing Your Excellency.

Every Account Confirms the enemys haveing but very few men in the City at present, I shall embrace the earliest oppertunity of Communicateing any fa⟨rther⟩ intellegence. I have the Honour to be Yr Excellencys Most Obt Servt

C. Craig

ALS, DLC:GW. The cover indicates that Craig sent this letter “⅌ Dragoon.” The conjectured text in angle brackets is illegible on the manuscript. Although it is impossible to date this letter with certainty, it agrees with other intelligence sent to GW about this time. See, for instance, John Heard to GW, 18 Nov., Allen McLane to GW, 20 Nov., and Nathanael Greene to GW, 22 November.

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