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Results 75161-75210 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
75161 Pendleton, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Pendleton, 16 November … 1775-11-16 Former labours in Various Public emploiements now appear as recreations compared with the...
75162 Ogilvie, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Ogilvie, 20 June 1808 1808-06-20 In the progress of the romantic excursion I have undertaken, the success of my design will be...
75163 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 12 May 1791 1791-05-12 Your favor of the 9th. was recd. last evening. To my thanks for the several inclosures I must add...
75164 Smith, Daniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Smith, 6 July 1800 1800-07-06 Judge Campbell was at my house a few weeks ago and shewed me a letter of yours to him in which...
75165 Rutledge, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Rutledge, 7 August 1791 1791-08-07 [ Charleston ], 7 Aug. 1791 . Introducing a “Gentleman of the Name of Harper” who is going...
75166 Delaplaine, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Delaplaine to Thomas Jefferson, 3 October 1814 1814-10-03 I duly received your favour of the 28 h of August , enclosing your outline of the engraved...
75167 Kemble, Priscilla Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Priscilla Kemble, 18 February … 1808-02-18 I have wrote to you in hopes of Some redress—I am a widow who has Suffered great losses by the...
75168 Rush, Richard Jefferson, Thomas Richard Rush to Thomas Jefferson, 18 July 1812 1812-07-18 By the mail of this day, I take the liberty to send you a small pamphlet , which I have to beg...
75169 Campbell, Arthur Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur Campbell, 4 June 1781 1781-06-04 Okana-Stotes Baggage was first possessed by a detachment mostly Carolinians. The Medals, Belts of...
75170 Fitz, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas Gideon Fitz’s Drawing of his Windmill, [ca. 10 June … 1810-06-10 Signification of the letters in the drawing, A Axletree, say 15 inches diameter. B. Arm, say 9...
75171 Koenig, Amand Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Amand Koenig, 24 July 1788 1788-07-24 En execution des ordres renfermés dans l’honneur de votre lettre du 29 Juin, je vous ai envoyé...
75172 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 7 August 1804 1804-08-07 I know not what to make of the inclosed letter. The purport of it clashes with every calculation...
75173 Ternant, Jean Baptiste Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Baptiste Ternant, 2 July … 1792-07-02 Philadelphia, 2 July 1792. In conformity with orders just received, he sends copies of the new...
75174 Dodd, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dodd, 6 August 1807 1807-08-06 The Office of Commissioner of Loans having become vacant by the Death of William Imlay Esqr.; we...
75175 Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Brissot de Warville, 27 … 1786-12-27 On ne peut pas trop tot mettre les fers au feu, Vu la Lenteur avec Laquelle Les afaires...
75176 Leslie, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Leslie, 3 August 1801 1801-08-03 On the 2d of June, I took the liberty of writeing you by Post, some account of the conversation...
75177 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 7 July 1814 1814-07-07 I am favor’d with your two letters, of the 22 d ult o from Poplar Forest , and of the 1 st Ins t...
75178 Watt, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Alexander Watt, 24 February … 1791-02-24 I beg you will pardon me for the freedom I take in troubling you with this at a time when no...
75179 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Vergennes, 30 November 1785 1785-11-30 Vous êtes sûrement informé, Monsieur, qu’un négociant de Boston , ayant amené en france des...
75180 Walker, James Jefferson, Thomas James Walker to Thomas Jefferson, 23 April 1812 1812-04-23 The last time that you and myself had any conversatio n together with regard to the erection of...
75181 United States Senate Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from United States Senate, 15 March … 1808-03-15 The Senate resumed the consideration of the treaty between the United States and the cherokee...
75182 Walker, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Walker, 7 June 1790 1790-06-07 I am at a loss how to proceed respecting a grant of 8000 acres of Land made under the regal...
75183 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 23 June 1783] 1783-06-23 [ Paris, 23 June 1783 . There is recorded in SJL , under date of 16 Apr. 1784, the receipt of a...
75184 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1822 1822-03-05 This is the first mail since I recd. yours of the 25 Ult: which did not come to hand in time for...
75185 Bacon, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Bacon, 18 December 1807 1807-12-18 I have Just to day got home from Mrs. Dangerfields. the two runaways are in the neighbourhood of...
75186 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 22 August 1790 1790-08-22 This letter is begun merely to introduce to you Monsieur de Tevernal an officer of artillery, and...
75187 Fanning, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Fanning, 25 May 1792 1792-05-25 The foregoing is Copy of a letter I made bold to write your Excellency the 15 Janu: of last year....
75188 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 27 March 1809 1809-03-27 Altho’ the letter from Mr. Brown was probably intended for you, I could not hesitate in carrying...
75189 Willink & Van Staphorst Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Willink & Van Staphorst, 11 … 1788-09-11 Amsterdam, 11 Sep. 1788 . Acknowledge TJ’s letters of 30 Aug. and 1 Sep.; they have taken notice...
75190 Gelone, J. Louis Fernagus De Jefferson, Thomas Fernagus De Gelone to Thomas Jefferson, 15 March 1817 1817-03-15 In answer to your orders , I direct to you this day, per schooner Astrea , bound to Richmond , as...
75191 Mazzei, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 20 May 1780 1780-05-20 Paris, 20 May 1780. Gives a sketch of the plan of operations by the French land and naval forces...
75192 Divers, George Jefferson, Thomas George Divers to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1809 1809-04-22 I send you some parsnep seed which I think had better be sow’d pretty thick they do not look very...
75193 Coles, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Coles, 18 September 1804 1804-09-18 I have sent you as measured by Mr. Maddox 88 feet of cherry plank & 53 Ditto of Scantling but for...
75194 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 22 January 1797 1797-01-22 I have recd. yours of Jany. 8th. You will find by the papers that the communication on French...
75195 Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Paine, 25 June 1801 1801-06-25 I write this merely to say there is nothing new to inform you of. Mr. Dawson whom I saw this...
75196 Blow & Milhado Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Blow & Milhado, 10 September … 1792-09-10 We are Owners of the Schooner David & George Laban Goffigan Master, which vessell sailed from...
75197 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 21 November 1821 1821-11-21 I most heartily regret to be under the necessity of again apologizing for my absence from the...
75198 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 1 March 1798 1798-03-01 I received by yesterdays post a letter from Mr. Randolph in which he enquires of me whether you...
75199 Fenwick, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Fenwick, 16 July 1787 1787-07-16 Bordeaux, 16 July 1787. Asks whether there will be any regulations on the tobacco trade between...
75200 Waterhouse, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Waterhouse, 30 … 1823-11-30 Bearing in mind your lame wrist, and that you are a dozen years older than myself, & that you...
75201 Chalmers, William M. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William M. Chalmers, 19 August … 1808-08-19 I have determined on giving you a little of my opinion—I am Well acquainted that at the time of...
75202 Boylston, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Boylston, 10 February … 1786-02-10 [ Rouen, 10 Feb. 1786 . Recorded in SJL as received 12 Feb. 1786. Not found.]
75203 Carey, Mathew Jefferson, Thomas Mathew Carey to Thomas Jefferson, 16 October 1818 1818-10-16 Your favour of the 6 th which I duly rec d is before me. I feel the justice and propriety of the...
75204 Humphreys, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Humphreys, 20 July 1793 1793-07-20 Since my last, which was dated the first of July, I have had the honour to receive yours of the...
75205 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 3 September 1816 1816-09-03 Dr James Freeman, is a learned, ingenious, honest and benevolent Man, who wishes to see President...
75206 Sasserno, Joseph Victor Adolphus Jefferson, Thomas Victor Adolphus Sasserno to Thomas Jefferson, 15 March … 1819-03-15 Depuis quelque tems le sénat de cette ville ayant obtenu pour ma commission consulaire...
75207 Livingston, Robert R. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert R. Livingston, 4 May … 1802-05-04 I am sorry so soon after my arrival here to trouble you with any thing that relates personally to...
75208 Moore, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Moore, 26 March 1804 1804-03-26 Since I had last the pleasure of addressing you , I have understood that several Subscription...
75209 Eckstein, Johann Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Johann Eckstein, 27 February … 1801-02-27 On the occasion of the prospect that a Mausoleum or monument will be erected in commemoration of...
75210 Young, Moses Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Moses Young, 1 January 1809 1809-01-01 On the supposition that the president may not yet have seen of the manufacture of the vicuña...