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Results 75151-75180 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Govr. Harrison’s letters respecting Kaskaskia. frauds for land &c. It is submitted whether Backus...
I beg Your forgiveness for intruding on You the enclosed Letter to Mr Brodie, which I suppose of...
We the subscribers merchants of this city and masters of vessels now in this Port beg leave with...
I rec d yours of the 24 th the 28 th Ins t . Davy arived here on the evening of the 29 th In my...
When in August 1802 I first “spread myself with sincerity,” before your official Chair , as we...
[ Williamsburg ] 10 Sep. 1779 . Haywood offers 2,000 bushels of salt at £20 per bushel. Without...
Le Soussigné, Chargé des Affaires de France a reçu l’Ordre exprès de sa Cour de representer aux...
I have the honor to enclose an explanation of the chrestomathie system of Jeremy Bentham,...
The P. begs that Mr J—— & Mr Ma—— would give the enclosed letters from the Commrs an attentive...
I have the pleasure of receiving two [letters from you, and though th]ey are very short , I must...
Former labours in Various Public emploiements now appear as recreations compared with the...
In the progress of the romantic excursion I have undertaken, the success of my design will be...
Your favor of the 9th. was recd. last evening. To my thanks for the several inclosures I must add...
Judge Campbell was at my house a few weeks ago and shewed me a letter of yours to him in which...
[ Charleston ], 7 Aug. 1791 . Introducing a “Gentleman of the Name of Harper” who is going...
I duly received your favour of the 28 h of August , enclosing your outline of the engraved...
I have wrote to you in hopes of Some redress—I am a widow who has Suffered great losses by the...
By the mail of this day, I take the liberty to send you a small pamphlet , which I have to beg...
Okana-Stotes Baggage was first possessed by a detachment mostly Carolinians. The Medals, Belts of...
Signification of the letters in the drawing, A Axletree, say 15 inches diameter. B. Arm, say 9...
En execution des ordres renfermés dans l’honneur de votre lettre du 29 Juin, je vous ai envoyé...
I know not what to make of the inclosed letter. The purport of it clashes with every calculation...
Philadelphia, 2 July 1792. In conformity with orders just received, he sends copies of the new...
The Office of Commissioner of Loans having become vacant by the Death of William Imlay Esqr.; we...
On ne peut pas trop tot mettre les fers au feu, Vu la Lenteur avec Laquelle Les afaires...
On the 2d of June, I took the liberty of writeing you by Post, some account of the conversation...
I am favor’d with your two letters, of the 22 d ult o from Poplar Forest , and of the 1 st Ins t...
I beg you will pardon me for the freedom I take in troubling you with this at a time when no...
Vous êtes sûrement informé, Monsieur, qu’un négociant de Boston , ayant amené en france des...
The last time that you and myself had any conversatio n together with regard to the erection of...