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Results 75141-75150 of 184,431 sorted by author
I wrote you a long letter of June 28 . in which I inclosed you a bill of exchange for 5500. francs by duplicate, the 1 st of which had been inclosed to you by mr Barnes . the object of the present letter is merely to forward the triplicate of the same bill, to guard against accidents, as the dangers of the sea are somewhat increased by the war. in mine of June 28. I omitted to mention that I...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 14 th with the copy of your Mathematical principles of Natural philosophy, which I have looked into with all the attention which the rust of age and long continued avocations of a very different character permit me to exercise. I think them entirely worthy of approbation, both as to matter and method and for their gravity as a text-book, ; and I remark...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 16 th and am thankful for your attention to my wants. I saw William Johnson the evening before his boat started last. he told me that he should not go down himself, but that his brother would, and he would be answerable for every thing trusted to him as if to himself. I was on horseback and at the river side, so could not give him a written order, but...
Vacancies having happened, during the last recess of the Senate, in the following offices, I granted commissions to the persons herein named to them respectively. as these commissions will expire at the end of the present session of the Senate, I now nominate the same persons to the same offices respectively for appointment. James Prince of Massachusets Marshal of the district of Massachusets....
Your information that I had ordered furloughs to the Guard which brought up prisoners was without foundation as I never have in a single instance given or ordered a furlough . I consider it as my duty to furnish the number of men required by the Commanding Officer, to provide them as far as our circumstances enable us, and to leave to him and those acting under him the direction of them: this...
At the request of the honorable Theodorick Bland I take the liberty of laying before the General Assembly the inclosed paper in which he states a difficulty which has arisen in reconciling his qualification as a delegate to the peculiar channel into which he had previously turned his private fortune. From the inclosed extract of a Letter from our Delegates in Congress you will also perceive...
I suppose that for the waggon &c. to get here on the 6th. of March, they must set out on Thursday the 2d. of March. and as the post will arrive that morning at Milton, it will be better not to set off till after the arrival of the post, as it is possible something may occur which I might wish to write to you before you set off, altho’ I do not foresee any thing. As your waggon will come empty,...
Within a few days only I have recieved the letter which you did me the honor to write on the 22 d of July 1812 . a delay which I presume must be ascribed to the interruption of the intercourse of the world by the wars which have lately desolated it by sea and land. still involved ourselves with a nation possessing almost exclusively the ocean which separates us, I fear the one I have now the...
I find here the letter you were so kind as to leave for me and am truly sorry I did not arrive in time to have the pleasure of meeting with you here. I hope however you will take Paris in your way back, and indemnify my loss. I am to thank you as usual for favors, attention to the press, the mathematical instrument, books, letters &c. This done I will pass to a more pleasing subject still,...
Th: Jefferson proposing to leave town on Monday asks the favor of Dr. Bullas to inform him what he is in his debt for attendance on himself & servant. he salutes him with esteem & respect he returns the 2d. vol. of Bell. Privately owned.