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Results 751-800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
751 Adams, John 1774 Saturday. Septr. 24. 1774-09-24 Dined with Mr. Charles Thompson, with only Mr. Dickenson, his Lady and Niece in Company. A most...
752 Adams, John 1774. Sunday. Sept. 25. 1774-09-25 Went in the Evening to Quaker Meeting and afterwards went to Supper at Stephen Collins’s.
753 Adams, John 1774. Monday. Septr. 26. 1774-09-26 Dined at old Dr. Shippens with Mr. And Mrs. Blair, young Dr. Shippen, the Jersey Delegates and...
754 Adams, John 1774. Tuesday. Septr. 27. 1774-09-27 Dined at Mr. Bayards, with Dr. Cox, Dr. Rush, Mr. Hodge, Mr. Deane, Coll. Dyer. Dr. Cox gave us a...
755 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress, 26–27 … 1774-09-26 Mr. Lee made a Mo tion for a Non Importation. Mr. Mifflin. The ist of Novr. ought to be fixed,...
756 Adams, John 1774. Wednesday. Sept. 28. 1774-09-28 Dined with Mr. R. Penn. A magnificent House, and a most splendid Feast, and a very large Company....
757 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress, 28 … 1774-09-28 Mr. Galloway. The Proposal I intended to make having been opposed, I have waited to hear a more...
758 Adams, John 1774. Thursday. Sept. 29. 1774-09-29 Dined at Home, with the Delegates from North Carolina and a No. of other Gentlemen.
759 Adams, John 1774 Fryday [30 September]. 1774-09-30 Dined at Mr. Jonathan Smiths—Dr. Allison, Mr. Sprout and many other Gentlemen. On this day...
760 Adams, John [Notes on Measures to Be Taken Up by Congress … 1774-09-01 Non Importation, Non Consumption, Non Exportation to Britain, and W. Indies. Petition to the...
761 Adams, John [October 1774] 1774-10-01 Dined with Mr. Webster. Spent the Evening with Stephen Collins. Went to see the Election at the...
762 Adams, John 1774. Saturday [1 October]. 1774-10-01 Dined with Mr. Webster. Spent the Evening with Stephen Collins. Went to see the Election at the...
763 Adams, John 1774. Sunday. Octr. 2. 1774-10-02 Went to Christ Church and heard Mr. Coombs upon “Judge not according to the Appearance, but judge...
764 Adams, John 1774 Monday Octr. 3. 1774. 1774-10-03 Breakfasted at home with Coll. Dagworthy of Maryland, Captn. Dagworthy his Brother, Major De...
765 Adams, John 1774 Tuesday. Octr. 4. 1774-10-04 Dined with Mr. Alexander Wilcox, with all the Delegates from N. York, and several other...
766 Adams, John 1774. Wednesday Octr. 5th. 1774-10-05 Dined with Dr. Cadwallador, in Company with Governor Hamilton, Gen. Lee, Mr. Henry, Mr....
767 Adams, John 1774 Thursday. Octr. 6. 1774-10-06 Dined with Mr. Hodge, Father in Law to Mr. Bayard.
768 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress, 6? … 1774-10-06 Mr. Gadsden. There are Numbers of Men who will risque their all. I shudder at the thought of the...
769 Adams, John 1774 Fryday Octr. 7. 1774-10-07 Dined with Mr. Thos. Smith, with a large Company, the Virginians and others.
770 Adams, John 1774 Saturday Octr. 8. 1774-10-08 Dined with Mr. George Clymer—Mr. Dickinson and a large Company again.
771 Adams, John 1774. Sunday [9 October]. 1774-10-09 Went to hear Dr. Allison, an Aged Gentleman. It was Sacrament Day and he gave us a sacramental...
772 Adams, John 1774 Monday. Octr. 10th. 1774-10-10 The Deliberations of the Congress, are spun out to an immeasurable Length. There is so much Wit,...
773 Adams, John 1774 Tuesday Octr. 11. 1774-10-11 Dined with Mr. McKean in Markett Street, with Mr. Reed, Rodney, Chace, Johnson, Paca, Dr. Morgan,...
774 Adams, John 1774. Wednesday. Octr. 12. 1774-10-12 Dined with Captn. Richards with Dr. Coombs.
775 Adams, John 1774 Thursday. Octr. 13. 1774-10-13 Dined with Mr. Dickenson with Chase, Paca, Low, Mifflin, Mr. Penn and General Lee, at six O...
776 Adams, John 1774. Fryday. Octr. 14. 1774-10-14 Went in the Morning to see Dr. Chevott Chovet and his Skelletons and Wax Work—most admirable,...
777 Adams, John 1774 Saturday. Octr. 15. 1774-10-15 Dined at Mr. Wests with the Rutledges and Mr. Middleton. An elegant House, rich furniture, and a...
778 Adams, John 1774 Sunday. Octr. 16. 1774-10-16 Staid at Home all day. Very busy in the necessary Business of putting the Proceedings of the...
779 Adams, John 1774. Monday Octr. 17. 1774-10-17 Dined at Home.
780 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress, 17? … 1774-10-17 Proof of Depth of Abilities, and Wickedness of Heart. Precedent. Lords refusal of perpetual...
781 Adams, John 1774 Tuesday. Oct. 18. 1774-10-18 Dined at Stephen Collins’s.
782 Adams, John 1774 Wednesday. Octr. 19. 1774-10-19 Dined at Home.
783 Adams, John 1774 Thursday Octr. 20. 1774-10-20 Dined with the whole Congress at the City Tavern, at the Invitation of the House of...
784 Adams, John 1774 Fryday. Oct. 21. 1774-10-21 Dined at the Library Tavern with Messrs. Marcoo’s Markoes and a dozen Gentlemen from the W....
785 Adams, John 1774. Saturday. Octr. 22. 1774-10-22 Dined in the Country, with Mr. Dickinson, with all the Delegates from N. England. Mr. Duane, Mr....
786 Adams, John 1774. Sunday. Octr. 23. 1774-10-23 Heard Mr. Piercy, at Mr. Sprouts. He is Chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon. Comes recommended...
787 Adams, John 1774. Monday. Octr. 24. 1774-10-24 In Congress, nibbling and quibbling—as usual. There is no greater Mortification than to sit with...
788 Adams, John 1774 Tuesday [25 October]. 1774-10-25 Dined with Mr. Clymer. General Lee &c. there.
789 Adams, John 1774. Wednesday [26 October]. 1774-10-26 Dined at Home. This Day the Congress finished. Spent the Evening together at the City Tavern—all...
790 Adams, John 1774. Thursday. Octr. 27. 1774-10-27 Went this Morning with Mr. Tudor to see the Carpenters Hall, and the Library, and to Mr. Barrells...
791 Adams, John 1774. Fryday. Octr. 28. 1774-10-28 Took our Departure in a very great Rain, from the happy, the peacefull, the elegant, the...
792 Adams, John 1774. Saturday. Octr. 29. 1774-10-29 Rode to Prince Town, where We dine, at the sign of Hudibrass.— Vacation at Nassau Hall. Dr....
793 Adams, John 1774. Sunday. Octr. 30. 1774-10-30 My Birthday. I am 39 Years of Age.—Rode to Elizabeth Town in New Jersey, where We are to dine....
794 Adams, John 1774 Monday. Oct. 31. 1774-10-31 Mr. McDougall, Mr. Scott, Captn. Sears, Mr. Platt, Mr. Hewes came to see us. All but the last...
795 Adams, John [November 1774] 1774-11-01 Left Brother Paine at New York to go by the Packett to New Port. Rode to Cocks at Kings bridge to...
796 Adams, John 1774. Tuesday. Novr. 1. 1774-11-01 Left Brother Paine at New York to go by the Packett to New Port. Rode to Cocks at Kings bridge to...
797 Adams, John 1774. Wednesday. Novr. 2. 1774-11-02 Rode to Bulkleys at Fairfield to dinner, and to Captn. Benjamins of Stratford to lodge.
798 Adams, John 1774. Thursday. Novr. 3. 1774-11-03 We design to Great Swamp to day. 42 miles. At Newhaven, Coll. Dyer, Deane and Sherman, Mr....
799 Adams, John 1774. Fryday. Novr. 4. 1774-11-04 Dined at Hartford, at Bulls, where we had the Pleasure of seeing Mr. Adams’s Minister Mr. How,...
800 Adams, John 1774 Saturday. Novr. 5. 1774-11-05 Break fasted at Austins of Suffield. Went to see a Company of Men exercising upon the Hill, under...