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Results 751-800 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have too long delayed, replying to Your Letter of March 20th. Whatever is written to You, by...
I am very impatient to receive a letter from you. You indulged me so much in that Way in your...
I received Your Letter with those inclosed from Berlin. I thank You for the entertainment which...
I wrote you by the last post with a freedom which perhaps you may think I had no right to make...
Before this time I fancy you at your journeys end; I have pittied you the Season has been a...
I have to congratulate you upon the safe arrival of your Little Daughter, whom I have only a few...
Your kind Letter of Feb’ry came safe to hand, and proved my assertion, that I was sure you had...
I give you joy of the safe arrival of our dear Thomas; whom you will have cordially received...
Your favour of july 16 this moment received the contents of which have awakend in my Bosom the...
I closed a long Letter to you only two days ago and sent it to Cales, but as no opportunity is...
I reachd this city, on Sunday Evening, and have Waited one day to rest Myself and Horses. My...
I arrived here last Night. my first inquiry was for a Letter from you, which I was happy enough...
In the midst of the Bustle and fatigue of packing, the parade and ceremony of taking leave at...
I have just received yours of the 23 April and I sit down to answer your inquiries respecting the...
I had the Honour of addressing you yesterday and informing you of the safe arrival of your...
To a Gentleman I so much respect, and esteem, I am ashamed to write only a few hasty lines, yet I...
I Received your kind Letters and meant sooner to have replied to them, but many avocations have...
I have been so much engaged this week with company that, tho I never cease to think of you I have...
I came yesterday to this Town for a ride after my confinement, and to see my Friends. I have not...
The Nymph of the city of utrecht is known by her crown and her Arms upon her Breast. By her side...
I am again safe arrived in this city after an absence of five weeks. By the last vessels I wrote...
I have been determined for Several weeks to write to You, but one avocation after an other, has...
The extreem heat of yesterday & the no less prospet of it this day, is beyond any thing I ever...
I received Your kind favours of March 3. 5 7 & 9 th by the Thursday post. we have as great a...
Sickness for three weeks past, has prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your Letter of...
I received your Letter of July 4 th. I was indeed so allarmd at the beginning of it, as scarcly...
I presume my dear Lucy would be dissapointed if her cousin does not deliver her a line from her...
Brisler arrived last Evening and brought yours of May the 1 st I have not time to notice all I...
After an absence of near four Months I returned, to this City the last week. I am disposed to...
mr Black got here on thursday night. I was rejoiced to see him. it seemd next to being at home. I...
I received your kind favour of the 5 th 7 th 8 th & 10th. what you mention with respect to the...
By Capt. Freeman who Sails on Sunday for England I embrace the opportunity of writing you a few...
I would not omit so good an opportunity as presents by Mr. Short, of continuing the...
I hope to receive some Letters from you this week, the date of the last was the 7 of March and...
The Mail is this day arrived, but not a Line have I got from you, nor have I heard a word from...
Yours of Jan’ ry 20 th reachd me the last post. there appears a universal pause. We do not get...
I received Your Letter of the 23 d this morning I should be glad You would inform me from time to...
Last evening col Forrest sent a servant with a Letter addrest to me, but upon opening it, I found...
I received from you two kind Letters which I have not yet acknowledged; I am surprized to find...
There is not any thing in this Life, now my Dear Friend is seperated from me, that can...
The kind reception I met with at your House, and the Hospitality with which you entertained me,...
I know not what could have become of a Letter written to You upon the 18 of December, that upon...
Tis a long time since I had the pleasure of a Letter from you. If you wrote to me by Capt. Davis...
I received yours of the 9 th and thank you for the excellent matter which it contained. Mr Shaw...
I received the Centinal last Evening and found by it that the two Houses were formed and that a...
I am ashamed to say how long it is Since I last wrote to You. I have received Your Letters to No...
In a Letter which came to me to Night you chide yourself for neglecting writing so frequently as...
Mr. Storers departure is delayed from day to day so that I fear he will have a dissagreeable time...
This, I hope, is the last letter which you will receive from me at Quincy. The funeral rites...
Taking up your paper yesterday morning, I was shockd at the Misrepresentation a Writer in your...