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Results 751-780 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
751 Madison, James Tyler, John James Madison to John Tyler, 19 March 1832 1832-03-19 J Madison has duly recd. the copy of Mr Tyler’s speech on the reduction of the duties on Imports,...
752 Paine, Robert Treat Madison, James Robert Treat Paine to James Madison, 19 March 1832 1832-03-19 I have the pleasure of transmitting herewith a copy of the oration delivered in this City on the...
753 Clay, Henry Madison, James Henry Clay to James Madison, 17 March 1832 1832-03-17 I recd. with much pleasure your obliging note of the 13t. inst. Anxious to deserve your good...
754 Bowen, Charles Madison, James Gray & Bowen to James Madison, 17 March 1832 1832-03-17 By request of Jared Sparks, Esq. we have this day placed in the mail a parcel directed to you. It...
755 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 15 March 1832 1832-03-15 We are likely to fail in getting our Clover seed from the usual source; and will thank you for...
756 Madison, James Homans, Isaac Smith James Madison to Thompson & Homans, 15 March 1832 1832-03-15 J. Madison has duly recd. the Copy of the "National Calendar" for which he is indebted to Messrs....
757 Robbins, Asher Madison, James Asher Robbins to James Madison, 15 March 1832 1832-03-15 Mr. Robbins sends the copy, inclosed herewith, of his Speech, in token of his high respects, &...
758 Madison, James Marshall, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Marshall, 14 March 1832 1832-03-14 J. Madison has duly recd. the pamphlet copy of Mr. Marshalls speech "on the abolition of...
759 Madison, James Patterson, Robert M. James Madison to Robert M. Patterson, 14 March 1832 1832-03-14 I have recd. your letter of the 7th. & hope my Colleagues will have decided the question it...
760 Madison, James Clay, Henry James Madison to Henry Clay, 13 March 1832 1832-03-13 J. Madison with his best respects to Mr Clay thanks him for the Copy of his speech "In Defence of...
761 Patterson, Robert M. Madison, James Robert M. Patterson to James Madison, 7 March 1832 1832-03-07 Under the law which allows students, above 20 years of age, to "reside out of the precincts, in...
762 Madison, James Madison, William William Madison to James Madison, 6 March 1832 1832-03-06 I can find no paper relating to the Shares in Loyal Company. No paper was transmitted by me to...
763 Madison, James Hawes, Aylett James Madison to Aylett Hawes, 1 March 1832 1832-03-01 Your letter from Fredericksburg is just recd. The mony of which you were so good as to take...
764 Hawes, Aylett Madison, James Aylett Hawes to James Madison, 1 March 1832 1832-03-01 I have deposited $1650 in the Farmers Bank of Fredericksburg subject to your check. Mr John Lee...
765 Teackle, Littleton Dennis Madison, James Littleton Dennis Teackle to James Madison, 1 March 1832 1832-03-01 I have lately taken the liberty of sending to you several of our legislative documents; and now...
766 Floyd, John Madison, James John Floyd to James Madison, 29 February 1832 1832-02-29 IN THE NAME OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, To James Madison Esquire, Greeting: KNOW YOU, That...
767 Moore, Gabriel Madison, James Gabriel Moore to James Madison, 28 February 1832 1832-02-28 At the request of my brother I have herewith enclosed you his letter, and would respectfully...
768 Madison, James Gurley, Ralph Randolph James Madison to Ralph R. Gurley, 19 February 1832 1832-02-19 I have received your letter of the 12th informing me; "that I have been unanimously elected to...
769 Madison, James Paine, Robert Treat James Madison to Robert T. Paine, 19 February 1832 1832-02-19 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Paine, with many thanks for the Copy of his very valuable...
770 Madison, James Hayne, Robert Young James Madison to Robert Y. Hayne, 18 February 1832 1832-02-18 James Madison presents his acknowledgements to Genl. Hayne for the Copy of his speech politely...
771 Moore, Matthew H. Madison, James Matthew H. Moore to James Madison, 17 February 1832 1832-02-17 My maternal Grand-father Samuel Dalton was a stock-holder in a land speculation company organized...
772 White, Edward D. Madison, James Edward D. White to James Madison, 16 February 1832 1832-02-16 E. D. White, a member from Louisa. begs leave to present his respects to Mr. Madison. He felt,...
773 Madison, James White, Edward D. James Madison to Edward D. White, 14 February 1832 1832-02-14 J. M. presents the thanks due for the "Remarks upon a Plan for the total abolition of slavery in...
774 Maury, James Madison, James James Maury to James Madison, 14 February 1832 1832-02-14 It is indeed with real concern that we have so frequently heard of your being harrassed with...
775 Madison, James Austin, James T. James Madison to James T. Austin, 6 February 1832 1832-02-06 I have recd. your letter of 19th. ulto. requesting "a communication of any facts connected with...
776 Madison, James Cornick, James James Madison to James Cornick, 31 January 1832 1832-01-31 I have received Sir your letter of the 27th and am sorry I can give no information on the Subject...
777 Cornick, James Madison, James James Cornick to James Madison, 27 January 1832 1832-01-27 I take the liberty of making a few enquires of you relative to a claim it is believed our family...
778 Madison, James Bates, Stephen James Madison to Stephen Bates, 24 January 1832 1832-01-24 I received long ago your interesting favor on the 31st of Oct with a pamphlet referred to, and I...
779 Madison, James Cutts, Richard James Madison to Richard Cutts, 23 January 1832 1832-01-23 Yours of the 15th. was duly recd. It being thought not amiss that you shd. know you were not...
780 Madison, James Daingerfield, John James Madison to John Daingerfield, 23 January 1832 1832-01-23 I have just recd. your letter of the 18th. At the request of Mr. Wm. F Taliaferro, I lately gave,...