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MS Minutes: Pennsylvania Hospital The Weekly Committee appointed to attend the Hospital for the Month past, do Report as follows. Octr: 31st No Application for Admission nor was any Discharg’d. Novr: 3d Mary Brown admitted 22d Sept. being cur’d was order’d to be discharg’d. Elizabeth Ellis of this City, Wife of Jos: Ellis, being a Lunatick was admitted, as a poor Patient, Doctor Cadwallader...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Im Glad the Clay is so forward and hop the quantity we Expect from Philadelphia will be sufficient to Repair the works in the spring. Our furnice stands well at present and the Glassmen are fulley Employd in makeing Window Glass and Bottles. The former made of our own Materials is Light and Cleere beyond our Expectation so that we Expect it will be thought...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having wrote you fully via Bristol, I have now little to add. Matters relating to the Academy remain in Statu quo. A Majority of the Trustees, I find, would be glad to see a Rector establish’d there, but they dread entring into new Engagements ’till they are got out of Debt; and I have not yet been able to bring them over to my Opinion, that a good...
ALS and duplicate: Yale University Library I inclose you a Bill of Philip Gibbes jr. drawn on Messrs. Lascelles and Maxwell, Merchants in London, for £50 Sterling. Also a Bill of John Hutchings on Mr. James Buchanan Merchant London for £50 Sterling which I hope will be readily paid. Twelve Pounds in these Bills is what I received of Mr. Dove for Mr. Young; the remaining £88, please to carry to...
Draft (letter and enclosure): New-York Historical Society; copy (enclosure only): American Philosophical Society I have your favour of the 25th of last month. While you are employed in affairs of consequence to the public I must submit to the Want of that pleasure which I allwise receive from your letters. You will oblige me much by a Copy of your Treaty with the Ohio Indians as I hope thereby...
AD : American Philosophical Society Sir Hans Sloane being now dead, who was the surviving Trustee of the late Sir Godfrey Copley Bart., the Right of disposing of that Gentleman’s annual Benefaction, is incontestably devolved upon your President and Council, who have accordingly taken that matter into consideration. And in deliberating thereupon, they thought it their Duty to keep these two...
ALS : Yale University Library This serves to enclose second Bills for One Hundred Pound Sterling, sent per Richey. I am, ut supra. Addressed: To Mr Wm Strahan  Printer  London  Per Capt. Mitchell. Written on the same sheet with the duplicate of his letter to Strahan, Nov. 27, 1753.
Draft: New-York Historical Society In considering the Abbe Nolet’s Letters to Mr. Franklin I am oblidged to pass by all the experiments which are made with or in bottles hermetically Sealed, or exhausted of Air because not being able to repeat the experiments I could not second any thing which occurs to me thereon by experimental proofe. Wherefore the first point of which I can dare to give my...
Letter: ALS : New-York Historical Socity; enclosure: draft: American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 29th past, with some Remarks on my meteorological Paper, for which I thank you, and return some Observations on those Remarks, hoping by this Friendly Intercourse of Sentiments and Objections, some Advantage will arise to the Increase of true Knowledge. I sent you our Treaty...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 29th June, with the curious astronomical Piece, for which please to accept my Thanks. Our Vessel fitted out for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, is return’d without entring Hudson’s Bay, being prevented by unusual Quantities of Ice. She has, however, made some Discoveries of the Harbours on the Labrador Coast, that may be...
Printed in The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , XLVIII , pt. 1 (1753), 350–8. Experiment 1. From the cieling, or any convenient part of a room, let two cork-balls, each about the bigness of a small pea, be suspended by linen threads of eight or nine inches in length, so as to be in contact with each other. Bring the excited glass tube under the balls, and they will be separated by...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 12th ult. with the Law of your Province for Regulating the Indian Trade, for which I thank you, and for the Remarks that accompany it, which clearly evince the Usefulness of the Law, and I hope will be sufficient to induce our Assembly to follow your Example. I have yet received no Particulars of the unhappy Gentleman’s Death...
ALS : Henry S. McNeil, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. (1962) I received your Favour of the 5th Inst. and thank you for your kind Congratulations. I wrote to you sometime since, and sent you a Dozen of the best bound Books; the Parcel was recommended to the Care of Mr. Stuyvesandt at New York: I wonder it is not yet got to hand. I wish I could with Truth give you a good Account of the Sale of those...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , December 27, 1753. The Subscribers to this Paper who live remote from Philadelphia, many of whom are many Years in Arrear, are once more requested to consider how impracticable it is for us to wait on every one of them at their Houses for the Money, and how easy it is for them to find proper Opportunities of conveying it to us. As a News-paper, which is a...
765Poor Richard Improved, 1754 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris … for the Year of our Lord 1754: … By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. (Yale University Library) I have now serv’d you three Apprenticeships, yet, old as I am, I have no Inclination to quit your Service, but should be glad to be able to continue in it three times three Apprenticeships...
766The Albany Plan of Union, 1754 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Public Record Office, London; also copies: Rhode Island Archives, John Carter Brown Library, New York State Library, Maryland Hall of Records, Library of Congress, New-York Historical Society, Boston University Library, American Philosophical Society (fragment) After the Committee on a Plan of Union had presented its “Short Hints” to the Albany Congress, June 28, that body discussed the...
Reprinted from Benjamin Vaughan, ed., Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces; … Written by Benj. Franklin, LL.D. and F.R.S. (London, 1779), pp. 133–43; also fragments of copy: American Philosophical Society Writing to Peter Collinson, June 26, 1755, Franklin mentioned that Samuel Hazard of Philadelphia happened “to see last Fall a Paper of mine on the Means of Settling a new Colony...
AL : American Philosophical Society Send 50 Reams largest Demi to Mr. Daniel, Printer at Jamaica. Send 30 Reams Do to Peter Timothy. Send the Ream of thick blue Paper to Parker. Send half the brown Paper in the House to Parker[?], ’tother half to Brother John in Boston; No, send it all to Boston. [ In margin ]: Nota, bene. Don’t forget to enter it. This note cannot be dated precisely; sometime...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Begg the favour you’d forward the Incloseds, in which you’ll much oblige Sir your most humble Servant Addressed: To  Benjamen Franklin Esqr:  In  Philadelphia Peter Kemble (1704–1789), New Jersey landowner and councilor, lived at New Brunswick, where he was a member of the town council, 1747. His daughter Margaret married Thomas Gage. William H. Benedict,...
AL : American Philosophical Society This letter, undated, unsigned, and in an unidentified hand, survives among Franklin’s papers. Internal evidence indicates that it was written by someone in the colonies and at about the middle of the eighteenth century. Because the problem of colonial union was being so actively discussed in 1754, it is tentatively assigned to that year. According to your...
771III., 1754 (Washington Papers)
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 Peter Pharrow Abram Ned Sambo Jenny Tomboy Sando Scipio Camero Phebe Couta Lett Nell Judah
E ditorial N ote  The reports that GW made to Dinwiddie upon his return from his mission to the French commandant reinforced the governor’s conviction that no time was to be lost in taking action against French encroachment on the Ohio. Dinwiddie had held a British vessel, the Speedwell , in port pending GW’s return from the Ohio and at once notified Holderness and the Board of Trade that the...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have your Favour of the 3d past, with your Son’s Remarks on the Abbé Nollet’s Letters. I think the Experiments and Observations are judiciously made, and so well express’d, that, with your and his Leave, I would transmit them to Mr. Collinson for Publication. I have repeated all the Abbé’s Experiments in Vacuo, and find them answer exactly as they should do...
ALS : Huntington Library I received your Money of Mr. Willing, and will remit it to London as soon as I have your Orders to whom. I expect the Printing Materials for Newhaven early in the Spring; they are to come in to New York, unless there be a Vessel bound to Newhaven or Middletown. As soon as I hear of their Arrival, I purpose a Journey into Connecticut. But reflecting on the Sum you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am so disheartend at the Loss of Capt. Davis, that I cannot tell how to sett Penn to paper. I had so amply Employed my Budget in 2 or 3 pacquetts with a Large pack and Books per M. Dalibard at Paris a Box with 6 of Bird thermometers books Magazins all gone and Poor John Bartram has lost his Two Guinea Microscope and prints for Billey Seeds and Two or...
Copy (autograph): Chicago Historical Society In my passage to N York I met the Post by whom Received your Letter by it percieve you have Suspended the Building your Printing office for the present. I shall be sorry If in the Cost we made upon it we inhanced the price more than we ought, and by that means hinderd your proceeding but I believe we did Not, however should be Glad it might Not Cost...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I emptied my Budget Largely by unfortunate Capt. Davis and as our Friend Smith comes in Capt. Shirley it will save Mee a very Long detail of what has passed between Mee and your proprietor as He has been privy to most of It, in General I can tell you He is Ardent in promoting Enlish Schools for teaching the Germans, as you will see by the Scheme When Mr....
In a conversation at Green Spring you gave me some room to hope for a commission above that of a Major, and to be ranked among the chief officers of this expedition. The command of the whole forces is what I neither look for, expect, nor desire; for I must be impartial enough to confess, it is a charge too great for my youth and inexperience to be intrusted with. Knowing this, I have too...
779[February 1754] (Adams Papers)
This winter, we had a vacation. In the winter of 1754 we had no snow at all save a smattering or two, But perpetuall rains and warm weather thro’ought the whole. In the academic year 1752–1753 there had been no winter vacation at the College. This was because during 1752 the number of instructional days had been greatly diminished, in the spring by the closure necessitated by a smallpox...
780[February 1754.] (Adams Papers)
This winter, we had a vacation. In the winter of 1754 we had no snow at all save a smattering or two, But perpetuall rains and warm weather thro’ought the whole. In the academic year 1752–1753 there had been no winter vacation at the College. This was because during 1752 the number of instructional days had been greatly diminished, in the spring by the closure necessitated by a smallpox...
Letter: ALS : American Philosophical Society; enclosure: draft: American Philosophical Society The attitudes and behavior of the Germans of Pennsylvania toward politics, defense, and war had concerned Franklin as far back as 1747, when he flattered them in Plain Truth , hoping to win their support for the Association (see above, III , 203). He did not succeed in detaching them from the...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1753–1754 (Philadelphia, 1754), pp. 8–9. Continuing the efforts of previous Assemblies to increase the amount of paper money in circulation, the House appointed a committee of four, Oct. 17, 1753, “to enquire into the State and Circumstances of the Trade of this Province, with regard to the Quantity of our Paper Currency from...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society After paying yourself for the Postage of the Inclosed Letter to Boston please to send the remainder of the Piece of 8/8 in a few [of] your best Quills (I mean English) by our Post. Some time ago I sent a six shilling bill to Doctor Shippen for some and he sent me feathers which he Sayd he had from Mr. Halls. If you can send me a few good ones you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The want of an opportunity is the only reason why I have not before this acknowleged your favor of the 6th of Decr. and the same cause prevented my having the pleasure of yours of the 1st of last month till a few days since that my son Alexander brought it with him. I am exceedingly pleased with the friendly complement you make me in that of Decr. 6th for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 8th Inst. with the Dollar enclos’d. The Postage of the Letter to Boston is 0. 2. 11 3 Bunches of Quills at 1 s. 6 d. 4. 6 Ballance 1 £0. 7. 6 They are the best Quills I could get in Town.
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1753–1754 (Philadelphia, 1754), pp. 19–20. Soon after the opening of each October session, the Pennsylvania Assembly appointed a committee “to inspect the Laws of this Province, and report which of them are expired, or near expiring, and ought to be re-enacted; with their Opinion what Amendments to them or others may be...
Letter not found: from William Trent, Forks of the Ohio, 19 Feb. 1754. A newspaper account of this letter reads: “Letters from Messieurs Trent, and Gist, to Major Washington, of Virginia, give some Account of their Situation near the Ohio. The first Letter is dated Feb. 19, at Yaughyaughgany big Bottom. The 17th Mr. Trent arrived at the Forks of Monongohella (from the Mouth of Red Stone Creek,...
Letter not found: from Christopher Gist, Monongahela, Pa., 23 Feb. 1754. A newspaper quotation of this letter reads: “An Indian who was taken Prisoner from the Chickasaws by the Six Nations some Years ago, has been this Year to see his Friends there; in his Passage up the Ohio, fell in with a Body of near 400 French coming up the River; he parted with them below the Falls, and then came, in...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , February 26, 1754. Our Subscribers in Virginia, are desired to pay their respective Ballances due for this Gazette, to William Hunter , Esq; of Williamsburgh; those on the Western Shore of Maryland, to William Young , Esq; of Baltimore County; and those on the Eastern Shore, to Thomas Ringold , Esq; of Chester Town; their several Accounts being left with...
790[March 1754] (Adams Papers)
Beg inning of March Had a small flurry of snow. There was snow in Cambridge on 2 March and “a little” on 7 March (John Winthrop, Meteorological Journal, MH-Ar ). Other considerations rather favor the 2d over the 7th of March as the precise date of this entry in the Diary Fragment. A Clowdy morning. I am now reading my lord Orrerys letters to his son Concerning Dr. Swift and his writings, which...
791March [1754]. (Adams Papers)
Beg inning of March Had a small flurry of snow. There was snow in Cambridge on 2 March and “a little” on 7 March (John Winthrop, Meteorological Journal, MH-Ar ). Other considerations rather favor the 2d over the 7th of March as the precise date of this entry in the Diary Fragment.
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, Belvoir, 3 Mar. 1754. On 15 Mar. 1754 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “Yr two Letters of the 3d & 7th Currt I recd.” At this time GW had returned from a largely unsuccessful attempt to raise men in Frederick County and was engaged in recruiting men and supplies in Alexandria. See also GW to Dinwiddie, 7 Mar. 1754 .
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , March 5, 1754. This account of the death of Professor Georg Richmann by lightning stroke, Aug. 6, 1753, most likely first appeared in an English newspaper or periodical, which took it from a letter from Moscow dated August 23. It is reprinted here not only because of its intrinsic importance but because the editors believe Franklin may have written the...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1753–1754 (Philadelphia, 1754), pp. 38–9. French military occupation of the upper Ohio Valley, which had threatened for several years, became a reality in 1753. By August French troops had built forts at Presqu’Isle (now Erie, Pa.) on the shore of Lake Erie and at Rivière aux Boeufs (French Creek), a tributary of the Allegheny,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your favours of the 16 and 7th and 29 came not to My Hands untill the First of March and the Philosophical pacquet you Mention intended for my Winters amusement is not yett Come to hand. But indeed a Large pacquet came by Capn. Mitchell and that unworthy Man (tho in particular Directed to the Contrary) putt it into the Post Office and I was Charged Thirty...
If the Vessel your Honour hir’d of Colo. Eyre has not left York, or Mr Carlyle’s Norfolk and Hampton We should be glad to have as many Tints sent up as can be spard, for there is no proper Linnen to make them of here and would be difficult to get done if there was[.] We also are much in want of Cutlasses, Halbards, Officer’s half Pikes, Drum’s &ca which I am inform’d are in the Magazine that...
797March 8th. (Adams Papers)
A Clowdy morning. I am now reading my lord Orrerys letters to his son Concerning Dr. Swift and his writings, which for softness and delicacy of style, accuracy and serenity of sentiment, are absolutely inimitable. Reading also the last volume of Monsieur Rollin’s Belles Lettres which are worth their weight in gold.—for his excellent reflections on every remarkable event that occurs in history...
In my last by Mr Stuart I slightly mentioned the objection many had against Enlisting (to wit) not knowing who was to be Pay Master, or the times for Payment: It is now grown a pretty general Clamour, and some of those who were amongst the first Enlister’s; being Needy, and knowing it to be usual for His Majesty’s Soldiers to be paid once a Week, or at most every Fortnight, are very...
ALS : William L. Clements Library I wrote to you about a Month since, and sent you a Set of Bills for £15. 11 s. 5 d. Sterling, which I hope you have receiv’d. Some Time in next Month I hope to have the Pleasure of seeing you at Newhaven, when any little Affairs between us may easily be settled. The Bearer, Mr. Bordley, is a Merchant of Maryland, deservedly esteem’d by all that know him. He is...
DS : Library of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Whereas at a Meeting of the Grand and First Lodges, on Thursday the 12th day of March 1752, a Committee was then appointed and fully authorized to look out for a suitable Lot whereon to erect a Building for the Accomodation of the said Lodges, Philadelphia Assembly, and other Uses; and to take such Deed for it in their Names, for the Use and...