Benjamin Franklin Papers

Pennsylvania Hospital: Report of the Weekly Committee, 24 November 1753

Pennsylvania Hospital: Report of the Weekly Committee

MS Minutes: Pennsylvania Hospital

Novr: 24th 1753

The Weekly Committee1 appointed to attend the Hospital for the Month past, do Report as follows.

Octr: 31st No Application for Admission nor was any Discharg’d.
Novr: 3d Mary Brown admitted 22d Sept. being cur’d was order’d to be discharg’d.
Elizabeth Ellis of this City, Wife of Jos: Ellis, being a Lunatick was admitted, as a poor Patient, Doctor Cadwallader being Security to indemnify the Hospital as Usual.
7th William Hellen who is a Servant to John Blakley, being afflicted with corrosive Ulcers in his Arm was admitted as a private Patient at 10s. per Week to be paid by John Bleakly and he is under the Care of Dr: Thos: Bond.
Elizabeth Ellis above mention’d being much amended was discharg’d.
10th None apply’d for Admittance nor were any discharg’d.
14 Theophilus Whaley, admitted 26 Sept. being cur’d of old Ulcers in his Leg, is order’d to be discharg’d.
17th Francis Buckley a poor Sailor was admitted into the Hospital being in a very bad Condition with sore Legs. B Franklin is his Security to indemnify the Hospital as usual.
Theophilus Whaley came to return Thanks for the Benefit he had received and gave his Promisary Note for three Pounds ten Shillings payable to the Treasurer, and said Note is given to the Matron to receive the Money when he shall be able to pay.
21st The Overseer of the Poor of Oxford applied in behalf of a Dropsical Man, and was told that upon engaging to pay for his Board and for his Burial in Case of his Death, he might be admitted.
None admitted or discharg’d.

We have examin’d the Matrons Account and find that she has paid for House Expences since the 27th of last Month including

40s. to Eliza: Sweeting £32 13 3
And that a Ballance was due to her at
last Settlement
} 7
£32 13 10
That she received from the Treasurer £30
And of Nathl Cope for his Note 2
Ballance due to her is 13 10
£32 13 10
N.B. The Wood bought is 6½ Cord at 18s. and Cording £5 18 1
And the Account Beer 6 10
£12 8 1
This Sum is included in the within £32 13 10

And that the Patients remaining in the Hospital are

Poor On Pay
James Steward William Hellen
Chas. Dickinson Dominicus Bartholomew
Francis Buckly
James Dorraugh
Thomas Hartley
Ann Shebard
Alice Hauskins

Benja: Franklin

Evan Morgan

1See above, IV, 320 n.

Index Entries