Results 751-760 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J Madison has duly recd. the copy of Mr Tyler’s speech on the reduction of the duties on Imports,...
I have the pleasure of transmitting herewith a copy of the oration delivered in this City on the...
I recd. with much pleasure your obliging note of the 13t. inst. Anxious to deserve your good...
By request of Jared Sparks, Esq. we have this day placed in the mail a parcel directed to you. It...
We are likely to fail in getting our Clover seed from the usual source; and will thank you for...
J. Madison has duly recd. the Copy of the "National Calendar" for which he is indebted to Messrs....
Mr. Robbins sends the copy, inclosed herewith, of his Speech, in token of his high respects, &...
J. Madison has duly recd. the pamphlet copy of Mr. Marshalls speech "on the abolition of...
I have recd. your letter of the 7th. & hope my Colleagues will have decided the question it...
J. Madison with his best respects to Mr Clay thanks him for the Copy of his speech "In Defence of...