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Results 751-760 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
MS Minutes: Pennsylvania Hospital The Weekly Committee appointed to attend the Hospital for the Month past, do Report as follows. Octr: 31st No Application for Admission nor was any Discharg’d. Novr: 3d Mary Brown admitted 22d Sept. being cur’d was order’d to be discharg’d. Elizabeth Ellis of this City, Wife of Jos: Ellis, being a Lunatick was admitted, as a poor Patient, Doctor Cadwallader...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Im Glad the Clay is so forward and hop the quantity we Expect from Philadelphia will be sufficient to Repair the works in the spring. Our furnice stands well at present and the Glassmen are fulley Employd in makeing Window Glass and Bottles. The former made of our own Materials is Light and Cleere beyond our Expectation so that we Expect it will be thought...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having wrote you fully via Bristol, I have now little to add. Matters relating to the Academy remain in Statu quo. A Majority of the Trustees, I find, would be glad to see a Rector establish’d there, but they dread entring into new Engagements ’till they are got out of Debt; and I have not yet been able to bring them over to my Opinion, that a good...
ALS and duplicate: Yale University Library I inclose you a Bill of Philip Gibbes jr. drawn on Messrs. Lascelles and Maxwell, Merchants in London, for £50 Sterling. Also a Bill of John Hutchings on Mr. James Buchanan Merchant London for £50 Sterling which I hope will be readily paid. Twelve Pounds in these Bills is what I received of Mr. Dove for Mr. Young; the remaining £88, please to carry to...
Draft (letter and enclosure): New-York Historical Society; copy (enclosure only): American Philosophical Society I have your favour of the 25th of last month. While you are employed in affairs of consequence to the public I must submit to the Want of that pleasure which I allwise receive from your letters. You will oblige me much by a Copy of your Treaty with the Ohio Indians as I hope thereby...
AD : American Philosophical Society Sir Hans Sloane being now dead, who was the surviving Trustee of the late Sir Godfrey Copley Bart., the Right of disposing of that Gentleman’s annual Benefaction, is incontestably devolved upon your President and Council, who have accordingly taken that matter into consideration. And in deliberating thereupon, they thought it their Duty to keep these two...
ALS : Yale University Library This serves to enclose second Bills for One Hundred Pound Sterling, sent per Richey. I am, ut supra. Addressed: To Mr Wm Strahan  Printer  London  Per Capt. Mitchell. Written on the same sheet with the duplicate of his letter to Strahan, Nov. 27, 1753.
Draft: New-York Historical Society In considering the Abbe Nolet’s Letters to Mr. Franklin I am oblidged to pass by all the experiments which are made with or in bottles hermetically Sealed, or exhausted of Air because not being able to repeat the experiments I could not second any thing which occurs to me thereon by experimental proofe. Wherefore the first point of which I can dare to give my...
Letter: ALS : New-York Historical Socity; enclosure: draft: American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 29th past, with some Remarks on my meteorological Paper, for which I thank you, and return some Observations on those Remarks, hoping by this Friendly Intercourse of Sentiments and Objections, some Advantage will arise to the Increase of true Knowledge. I sent you our Treaty...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 29th June, with the curious astronomical Piece, for which please to accept my Thanks. Our Vessel fitted out for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage, is return’d without entring Hudson’s Bay, being prevented by unusual Quantities of Ice. She has, however, made some Discoveries of the Harbours on the Labrador Coast, that may be...