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Results 7501-7530 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received your Letter of the 2d. instt and trusting entirely to the faithfulness of the...
I am very anxious about you my dear Boy as the time approaches for your visit and I pray both you...
I take the liberty of inclosing you a pamphlet written in Defence of the Maryland Resolutions...
I have to acknolege your favor of the 4 th instant, which gives me the first information I had...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 4 th expressing a wish to purchase a part of my land at...
I duly recieved your favor of Oct. 26. proposing to deposit the models of your land-clearing...
Your favor of Oct. 31. is just recieved. certainly no service which I can ever render to any...
Do me the favor of accepting a Memoir on the Commenced Navigation of the Black-Sea & the Maritime...
The devotion to the interests of science and learning, which you have always manifested; and the...
I have forwarded to you a Copy of the Additional Census of Alabama, in virtue of an Act of...
I have just received your favor of the 31 st Ult, enclosing a Letter for M r Gallatin, which I...
I have recd & read with great pleausre Your very acceptable letter of the 29th ult. Next to the...
I enclose under cover to you a Packet, addressed to R. H. Crewe Eqr. etct, etct, etct, Office of...
I have forwarded to you a Copy of the Additional Census of Alabama, in virtue of an Act of...
I recieved in good order and bound to my mind the 21–vols petit format which you bound last for...
Enclosed you will find some free commentatries, on certain political principles which you have...
Not doubting that the 235. Barrels of flour sent off in a good tide 10. days ago are now in hand,...
I now have the pleasure of sending you by Mr Macon, some printed copies of the late resolutions...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Oct. 29. informing me of the shipment of my stores to Col o...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 31 Ult— That the Fever has abated and that there have been no...
I recd. yours of Ocr. 31. on saturday but not in time to answer it by the return mail. Inclosed...
The enclosed papers were handed to me by M r William. C. Preston with a request that I Would...
I take the Libberty of Introducing my Self to you By letter without further ceramony than That...
Sales 255 Barrels Superfine Flour by Bernard Peyton 1822 Rich d for a/c M r Thomas Jefferson 2 d...
With sentiments of high esteem for you, from a correct knowledge which I have of Your important...
Mr George Conway of this State is about to become with his family, inhabitants of Alabama. As he...
My neighbour & your Acquaintance Mr Richard Taliaferro is desirous that one of his sons should...
Mr. Geo: Conway being on his way to Alabama, where he is about to establish himself & family, and...
A mr Runnels of S t Bartholemew’s, having a son George Runnels now in N. York, has requested me...
I thank you, Sir, for the pamphlet you have been so kind as to send me. I have long earnestly...