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Results 74761-74790 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
A few months will put a period to my political existence—and a few days afterwards to my residence in this City; which I never expect to see again. May I ask the favor of you therefore (if this letter should reach your hands in time, and opportunities should present themselves) to request, and even to press Colonels Shreve & Cannon, and Mr Charles Morgan to settle & pay to you, before your...
I take the Liberty to introduce to you M r . Macdonald and M r . Rich the british commissioners in the Debt Questions; the former is a Barrister of Eminence, and M r . Rich, who has for many years past resided in Holland, is a merchant of irreproachable Character— both are Esteemed to be men of fair & honorable Reputation— That such Characters are appointed on this Occasion may be considered...
I have to acknowledg the receipt of two kind Letters from You Since I wrote You last, No 21 from the Hague June 30. and No 22 July 25. for both of them accept my Cordial Thanks. Letters from either of my sons, give me a flow of spirits for a week, and a Durable gratification in the perusal of them, as they contain judicious reflections and observations which would do honour to the most...
I know not where to find you—Whether in Holland England or Portugal—Whether to address you as a married Man or a Single one. And I am equally at a Loss what to write to you. one thing I am at no loss to say that your Letters have continued up to N o. 23. inclusively to delight and inform me, and that I beg you not to be discouraged from continuing your favours, by my Remissness in Writing Our...
I have received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me from London, the twelfth of July, from the Hand of our mutual Friend, Dr. Walter with a Volume of your Essays, which I have read with great Pleasure. They are the Result of no less fertility of genious than benevolence of Heart. I have also received the Volume which you desired might be presented to the American Academy of Arts and...
[ Philadelphia, November 11, 1796. On November 21, 1796, Washington wrote to Hamilton : “Having written to you on Saturday the 11th. instant.” Letter not found. ]
My anxiety for such a course of things as will most promise a continuance of peace to the country, & in the contrary event a full justification of the President, has kept my mind dwelling on the late Reply to Mr. Adet & though it is a thing that cannot be undone, yet if my ideas are right the communication of them may not be wholly useless for the future. The more I have considered that paper...
Enclosed is the Act with my signature, requesting Thomas Beall of George, and John M. Gantt to reconvey to the Commissioners of the Federal City all the lands within the same which had been vested in them, in trust. Yesterday the Secretary of the Treasury shewed me the copy of the letter he had written to you on Monday last, as also of the one he had addressed to the President & Board of...
We were duly favored with your letter of the 7th Inst. That the inaccuracy of our Clerk and our own inattention should have occasioned so much trouble to the Executive, excites sensations scarcely to be expressed. The Words per annum noted by you are not contained in the original Draft of the letter to Messrs Willink, from which, the letter itself, and the copy inclosed with it, for your...
My anxiety for such a cou[r]se of things as will most promise a continuance of peace to the country, & in the contrary event a full justification of the President; has kept my mind dwelling on the late Reply to Mr Adet & though it is a thing that cannot be undone, yet if my ideas are right the communication of them may not be wholly useless for the future. The more I have considered that paper...
Your favor of the 11 th ult which I received soon after its date, was mislaid, and It did not Occur to me until two days ago that I had not answered It— I believe the appointment of M r Smith to the Sheriffs Office in Washington was a prudent Measure, and will probably afford general satisfaction. From the best information I can procure, neither of the two characters, whom you mention, as...
I hasten to send your Excellencÿ another letter from mÿ solitarÿ mansion. before the united American Electors have called you to occupy the chair of their President. It would have been a pleasant satisfaction if I could have contributed to it my part. it seems this must not so be, but you know my heart. Once—in my life—I begged of a man in place the favor, to be classed among the electors that...
[ New York, November 10, 1796. On November 19, 1796, Morris wrote to Hamilton : “I … find your letter of the 10 Inst.” Letter not found. ]
I have been employed in making and have actually completed a rough draft on the following heads “ National University, Military Academy, Board of Agriculture, Establishment of such manufactories on public account as are relative to the equipment of army & navy, to the extent of the public demand for supply , & excluding all the branches already well established in the country.—The gradual &...
That among the objects of labour and industry, Agriculture considered with reference either to individual or national welfare is first in importance may safely be affirmed without derogating from the just and real value of any other branch. It is indeed the best basis of the prosperity of every other. In proportion as nations progress in population and other circumstances of maturity this...
I beg the favour of you to let me know what if any thing has been settled with Messrs. Wheelen & Miller or whereabouts that affair is. I expect with certain[ty] Mr. Church early in the spring, and should be grieved to have to inform him of an unsettled state of this business. I am   Sir   Yr. very hum. servant ALS , Papers of Tench Coxe in the Coxe Family Papers at the Historical Society of...
I have been employed in makg and have actually completed a rough draft on the followg heads “ National University, Military Academy, Board of Agriculture, Establishment of such manufactories on public account as are relative to the equipment of Army & navy, to the extent of the public demand for supply , & excludg all the branches already well established in the country—The gradual &...
Whereas in and by certain Deeds executed by Amos Smith and others, whereby the whole Land of the Said Amos Smith and others, situated in the Town of Carrollsburgh and also of Hamburgh (now included in the City of Washington) is vested in you, subject to the Trusts in the said Deeds mentioned; and whereas all the Lands belonging to Minors, persons absent out of the State, married women, or...
Your favor of Sep. 1. came to hand three […] [It] had been recieved in due time, but was not answered […] [it did] not appear to require it, and I am so [involved?] in agriculture that like other farmers, I put off all letter-writing to wet days. These being few in our climate, and when they come, the improvement of a plough or a drill or some other implement, usurping the turn, letter-writing...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your last favor together with the bones of the Great-claw which accompanied it. My anxiety to obtain a thigh bone is such that I defer communicating what we have to the Philosophical society in the hope of adding that bone to the collection. We should then be able to fix the stature of the animal without going into conjecture and calculation as we should...
I received yesterday your letter of the 6th & immediately wrote some additional letters to the Eastward enforcing what I had before written. Pensylvania does not surprise me. I have reconsidered the opinion given to you on the 3d, & see no reason to change it. The reasoning which leads me to the conclusion has not been sufficiently explained. I will therefore be more particular. The articles...
Need usaly Allone is the Only Cause of my troubling You Once more when I wrote last I had Every Reason to beliave that it would be in my power to pay Your mony when Due by makeing Some Small Sacrafise but my hopes in Some mesure is blasted Since that t⟨i⟩me I have had payments with held to Amtt ⟨ mutilated ⟩ near ten thausand Dollars for flour Sold and Cash lent and I find that I Cannot...
Letter not found : to Jacob Van Vleck, 9 Nov. 1796 . Van Vleck wrote GW on 15 Nov.: “Your Esteemed favor of the 9th Inst. … is before me” (see GW to Tobias Lear, 25 Nov., n.1 ).
I have just received Your Letter, sent by the Gen’ ll Green, Captain Sheldon via RhoadeIsland, dated August 27 th . I believe I have scarcly lost a Letter from You or Your Brother notwithstanding the many hazards and Chances to which they have been liable. accept My thanks for Your last Communications. I rejoice at the return of your Health Strength and spirits, and most sincerely wish that...
Our excellent President, as you have seen, has declined a reelection. ‘T is all-important to our country that his successor shall be a safe man. But it is far less important who of many men that may be named shall be the person, than that it shall not be Jefferson. We have every thing to fear if this man comes in, and from what I believe to be an accurate view of our political map I conclude...
A few days since I wrote you my opinion concerning the good policy of supporting faithfully Pinckney as well as Adams . The following extract of a letter from Mr. Wolcott of the 6th instant serves to confirm it— “The Fœderal Ticket is lost in this State. There are still hopes that Mr. Adams will be elected but nothing more. I hope Mr. Pinckney will be supported as the next best thing which can...
The letter you have been so good as to favor me with—dated the 27th Ulto—found me in this City immersed in papers, & preparing for the approaching Session, & busy Scenes with Congress. Let this be my apology then for doing little more, at present, than to give your letter, and its enclosure, an acknowledgment. A time will soon come, I hope, when I can do more; and be in a situation to profit...
I was in hopes to have troubled you no more in this Way: but am disappointed. If you can oblige me, I shall transmit the Sum to you, as soon as I get to Philadelphia. I am with Usual Esteem and / Love, yours NjP : DeCoppet Collection.
Your two letters, dated the 31st Ulto, with their several enclosures, were received on thursday last. The one to Mr Wolcott has been delivered to him; but he seems to have no sanguine expectation of obtaining a loan from the Bank of the United States, for the purposes of the Federal City. He intended to communicate your offer to the President and Directors on Saturday and to support it with an...
It is the peculiar advantage of a republican Government that the meanest Citizen, may address the highest, upon any Subject which concerns the welfare of the Nation, without having it supposed that, he is interfering in things which do not belong to him. It is equaly true that every Citizen, who thinks for the public Good, ought to use every endeavour within his power, to check folly, to...