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Results 74731-74760 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have just completed the first volume of a collection of Debates in the state conventions on the Adoption and ratification of the Federal Constitution, which is herewith presented to you, with the hope that the compilation and execution may meet your approbation. As Congress is particularly interested in the diffusion and preservation of such a work, I am about to make an application to that...
New York, July 10, 1795. “Your polite favor of this days date have receivd, the suit you mention being committed against Messrs. Murry & Mumford for Insurance in the Schooner Swift, the event of which we will abide by, and in proportion as we are subscribers to that pollacy with Messrs. Murry & Mumford, so will pay to you as you recover from them….” LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress....
74733[Diary entry: 8 June 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 8th. Attended the Convention. Dined, drank Tea, and spent the evening at my lodggs.
ALS (?): American Philosophical Society This letter is a mystery to which we have no solution. The hand we cannot identify, but Franklin’s endorsement makes us suspect that the bearer himself may have been the writer. The initials “C. W. K.” suggest nothing to us. “J. H.” may well be John Horne, better known later as Horne Tooke. In 1775 he had played a prominent part in raising a subscription...
74735[Diary entry: 30 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Colo. Pendleton, Mr. Henry, Colo. Mason & Mr. Thos. Triplet came in the Eveng. & stayd all Night. Edmund Pendleton (1721–1803), a member of the House of Burgesses since 1752, was one of the most influential men in Virginia. Although a leader of the conservatives, he staunchly supported the rights of the colonists and was elected one of Virginia’s delegates to the First Continental...
[ Philadelphia, April 27, 1791. On May 9, 1791, Ellery wrote to Hamilton : “I have received your letter of the 27th. of last month.” Letter not found. ]
Inclosed I send your Excellency the estimates of the annual expence of the war; and the amount of what each State can pay towards the charge. Nothing more can be expected from them than to prove that our income is not equal to our expence. They are calculated upon as low or lower scale than the real cost will amount to. Besides these estimates there are several other matters not included in...
I had the Honour to receive Your Excellencys letter of the 14th Instant with The Resolve of Congress Inclosed; and am happy to have forwarded such Exact, & perfect good intelligence from Canada, as that, which I sent by Mr Dodge, & the Indian Sachem from Quebec; & that, by The Officers who came from Sorel, by Co’os; also General Bayleys, & Col: Bedels letters convey’d by Them. I have concerted...
74739General Orders, 4 February 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable The Governor and Assembly of New-Jersey, having directed Thursday the 6th day of this Month, to be observed as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, by the Inhabitants of the State—The General desires the same may be observed by the Army. The Quarter Master General will, in future, deliver the following Rations of Provender for the horses employed in the service—viz: For...
10 June 1805, Philadelphia. “Inclosed I have the Honor to hand you my Commission for James Carrick Esqr. as his Swedish Majesty’s Vice Consul at New orleance, and I shall request you will be so obliging as to procure me the President of the United States Ex-equator or permission for him so to act. I also inclose Translated Extracts of some letters which I have recieved from His Majisties...
Nothing but the inclemency of the Weather has prevented my going to Maryland for your Rent, and can assure you I have no other apology to make. As soon as I can cross the potomac you may rely on my going to Maryland, and immediately waiting on you on my return with your Rent, in the mean time Mrs French will rest satisfied —With respectful Compliments to Mrs Washington I am Dear Genl with true...
Ever since Spanish America commenced its struggle for Independence, the Republick of the United States has manifested a decided inclination to favor its glorious efforts. The distance which separates us has perhaps deprived us of an immediate aid, which would have consummated our labours. But although left to ourselves, we have made every exertion that honour and patriotism demand, and...
Mrs. Bampfield requests a return of those Letters written to Mr. Jefferson as they were written at a Time when her mind was very much agitated—the Excuses offered for Judge Johnson had no foundation in truth—They will only serve as an Evidence of the depth of his Villainy—By increasing his Punishment & depriving her of any Assistance—At the same time to escape the Punishment that such a...
Your eleventh Question, will give an Opportunity of making Some Observations upon a Subject, that is quite misunderstood, in every Part of Europe. I shall answer it with great Pleasure according to the best of my Information, and with the utmost Candour. The Question is. How great is the present Debt of America? What has she, occasion for yearly, to act defensively? Are those Wants Supplied,...
We have obtained a Judgement vs. Doctor Savage for the whole Sum that we expected, amounting to £600, and upwards. I have since spoke to Doctor Savage on the Matter. He now proposes to leave the Affair to Arbitration, alledging the Equity he might have in a Court of Chancery on Account of the Deed of Relinquishment entered into or executed by Mrs Savage before she left Virginia. I have told...
Not having the Honor of being personally known to your Excely I have taken the Liberty of transmitting you the inclosed Letter —I have likewise wrote to our Senators on the same business not knowing through what channel your Excely may think proper to recieve applications of this nature. I am with Sentiments of the Highest respect your most Obt Hble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Benjamin Nicholson (d....
On my way to Fredbg. on Friday, I Called on Mr. Leeland, who was from home, attending Meetings which he had apptd. for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday; his Circuit was throug[h] Culpr. His wife informed me he did not see Mr. Waller when in Spotsylvania; Several Gentlemen in Town informed me of a political Meeting of the Baptist Ministers of this district, appointed to be held in Louisa, but could...
There are circumstances, which render it too probable that a very delicate state of things is approaching between the United States and France. When threatened with foreign danger, from whatever quarter, it is highly necessary that we should be united at home; and considering our partiality hitherto for France, it is necessary towards this Union, that we should understand what has really been...
A variety of avocations, and a degree of ill health, has prevented me till now from making my grateful acknowledgement for the receipt of your obliging letter of the 27th of last month. You ask my opinion whether New Hampshire is prepared to adopt the measures of the Massachusetts legislature? I think they are not. Though the damning doctrine of dismemberment has advocates here, yet I do not...
The President of the United States having thought proper to assign to me other Functions than those of their Minister plenipotentiary near the King, I have the Honor of addressing to your Excellency my Letters of Recall, and of beseeching you to be so good as to present them with the Homage of my respectful Adieux to his Majesty. It is with great Satisfaction that I find myself authorized to...
I have been honored with yours of the 9th instant. I hope your Excellency’s representation to the honorable the Congress of the necessity of this post being supplied with Flour before the roads are rendered impassable will have the desired effect. The commissary has just informed me that there is not a barrel of Flour in the Store; but the Troops are served for two days, in which time I hope...
7475227th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D walk’d out before dinner and took a ride in the afternoon. Cloudy weather all day.
[ Philadelphia, January 21, 1794. On January 21, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Otho H. Williams and enclosed “a letter directed to Thos. Pinckney, Esquire London.” Letter not found. ]
I beg leave to send You a copy of a Report of a select Committee of the Senate on the subject of the New Apportionment. The amendment recommended in that report has prevailed in the Senate by the casting vote of the Vice-President. The bill as amended has been referred in the H. R to a Committee of which I am a Member. I am greatly desirous of knowing your Opinion of the principle of this...
Rispondendo all’umanissma. Sua de 25. Marzo scorso, nella quale Ella mi domanda una lista classata di Traduzioni degli autori più Celebri Greci e Latini, Le dirò che io, particolarmente in questo genere, sono il più ignorante tra gl’ignoranti, forse perchè in Italia simili autori si leggono ne’ loro originali solamente, se Latini; e si comparano gli originali con le Traduzioni Latine, se...
I have just received a Letter from Mr Silas Deane, which at the request of its Author, I beg leave to present to Your Excellency for perusal, after which I shall thank Your Excellency to return it. I have the honor to be, With every Sentiment of Esteem & Regard, Your Excellency’s most Obedt Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have your favr without date inclosing a Return of the Troops to the Westward and Colo. Gibsons letter and message from the Indians. I make no doubt but you have had a sufficiency of difficulties to struggle with, but am glad to find that the steps you have taken have given at least a temporary releif to the Inhabitants upon the frontier, and I hope by pursuing a steady and properly concerted...
74758[Diary entry: 19 October 1773] (Washington Papers)
19. Wind fresh from the Westward all the forepart of the day & somewhat Cooler.
Colo. Harrison communicated yours of this date to me with the temporary arrangement of the 1st 5th and 9th Virginia Regiments. The plan is agreeable to me, And if the same mode can be pursued in General Weedons Brigade I shall be exceedingly glad to have it adopted. Nothing will conduce more to filling the Regiments, than having a number of Officers to receive the draughts as they are made,...
I have the honor to submit the enclosed letter from James Ore to the Governor of Virginia and transmitted by Lieutenant Governor Wood to me. I have shown it to Governor Blount who while he exceedingly laments the event, has no doubt of the authenticity of the letter knowing the hand Writing and person of James Ore. I have expected the Governor to consider of the measures proper to be pursued...