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Results 74731-74760 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
After our agreeable journey we arrived here in the midst of Election, and by lies, abuse &...
I have ventured to put into the Hands of a Gentleman on his Departure for America a Letter of...
New York, November 16, 1796. Asks what action should be taken in regard to damages “sustained” by...
Being engaged in electioneering prevented my writing as soon as I intended that a Mr. Reese...
I hardly know what apology to make for the positive manner, in which I declared the Certificate...
Governor Brooke is this day elected the attorney for the commonwealth in place of Mr: Innes, and...
It would be doing violence to my feelings, did I omit the present opportunity to express at least...
Yesterday’s mail brought me your letter of the 12th instant, and under cover of this letter you...
This will pass by the way of Engld. & will therefore most probably arrive safe. It is committed...
I received a few days ago, your favour of August 10 th. it mentions a previous letter of July 11...
Permit me to recommend the enclosed letter to your care. And to ask if it be practicable to...
This letter is for your eye only—It is written for the purpose of expressing my regret for your...
Your letter of the 6th was received (with the Reports) on Saturday; but I do not clearly...
Your letter of the 9th has been duly received. When I authorised Mr Pearce to sell my flour, I...
Philadelphia, 14 Nov. 1796. GW advises his nephew of a letter he received several years earlier...
As this will be handed you by Mr. Brown it will be unnec[e]ssary for me to give you any...
I return my dear madam miss Williams letters with Lovuts memoirs— am much obliged & hope have not...
This will be delivered to you by a young man who was going to transact some business up the North...
Your letter of the 24th Ulto did not get to my hands until after my arrival in this City. I...
I have Receved your Letter of the 6th Instant Togeather with the Memorandom and three heads of...
Your two favors of Sep. 25. and Oct. 15. are duly recieved. It will be proper to have the sashes...
I received by the last Post, two Letters from your Pappa, my amiable friend, and looked in vain...
Owing to the absence of Mr Whelen the matter with his concern was not settled till just before my...
Vous recevres en même tems que cette letter une réclamation de M. de beaumarchais qui se confie...
In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th 5th & 10th. instt: and...
I cannot forbear my dear friend to congratulate you on your appointment to a seat in the Senate,...
In Obedience to the requests of our fellow Citizens of Frederick County, contained in the...
Letter not found : from George Washington Parke Custis, 12 Nov. 1796 . GW wrote Custis on 15...
In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th, 5th & 10th instt; and...
I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 25. of August, and Doctr Nicholl whose advice...