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Results 74731-74760 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
After our agreeable journey we arrived here in the midst of Election, and by lies, abuse & bribery the disorganizers will carry their tickets thro the State. This I supposed with the efforts of Massachusetts Jacobins would have given Jefferson the vote—But old Samuels defeat which I think but a prelude to his overthrow, has revived my hopes. The No of Votes 138, 70 makes a Majority— I count on...
I have ventured to put into the Hands of a Gentleman on his Departure for America a Letter of Introduction to you. I am sensible however, that the warm interest, which I take in the Welfare of Mr Wollaston, has drawn me in some degree to transgress the bounds of discretion. He is the son of a most respectable Clergyman in my Neighbourhood, with whom I have lived in intimacy and friendship the...
New York, November 16, 1796. Asks what action should be taken in regard to damages “sustained” by the ship Mary “in case the Broker will not pay the damages when due.” L, in the handwriting of Richard Hughes, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Glover was a New York City merchant. John Henry, an insurance broker. Under the date of November 12, 1796, the following entry appears in H’s Cash...
Being engaged in electioneering prevented my writing as soon as I intended that a Mr. Reese (formerly of Baltimore & now connected with a Whole sale Store in Philadelphia) is said to have circulated in George Town, that he had seen, or heard of, a letter of yours to your friends in one of the West India Islands, in which you boasted of the hand you had in promoting our General Government but...
I hardly know what apology to make for the positive manner, in which I declared the Certificate for the hundred shares in the Bank of Columbia, had never been in my hands. The fact is otherwise, and I delay no time to correct my error. I found it last night, and account for it thus. Given to me, I suppose, (for I have not the most obscure recollection of the circumstance) at a time when my...
Governor Brooke is this day elected the attorney for the commonwealth in place of Mr: Innes, and several of us have turned our Eyes with much anxiety towards you as his successor. Our hopes that you will accept of the government are sanguine, in consequence of information, that you purpose to discontinue your seat in congress, after the next session. It is probable that there will be no...
It would be doing violence to my feelings, did I omit the present opportunity to express at least some sentiments of affection some effusions of gratitude for your many and important services to the United States in general, but more especially for the share of attention you have paid to the safety and prosperity of the Western Country, and that not by slight and temporary measures but by the...
Yesterday’s mail brought me your letter of the 12th instant, and under cover of this letter you will receive a ten-dollar bill, to purchase a gown, &c., if proper. But as the classes may be distinguished by a different insignia, I advise you not to provide these without first obtaining the approbation of your tutors; otherwise you may be distinguished more by folly, than by the dress. It...
This will pass by the way of Engld. & will therefore most probably arrive safe. It is committed to Mr. Dease lately with Mr. P. in Engld. & who will deliver it to some careful person abt. departing thence for America. I enclose in it two letters from T. Pickering to me, my answer to the first, & a communication wh. finally wound up my discussion with the minister of for: affrs. upon the...
I received a few days ago, your favour of August 10 th. it mentions a previous letter of July 11 th. which has not yet reached me. The latest date from you before this last is of June 10. From my father I think I have none since May.— The appointment to the mission of Portugal, I find from your Letter was as I had before concluded, unknown to my father. I have already written you upon the...
Permit me to recommend the enclosed letter to your care. And to ask if it be practicable to procure me ten or a dozen Bushels of Oats from the Glades for Seed, by the first of March next? With esteem & regard I—am Dear Sir Your Obedt Servant ALS (photostat), CSmH . GW addressed this letter to Deakins at “George Town Potomac.” Deakins replied to GW from Georgetown, D.C., on 18 Nov.: “I have...
This letter is for your eye only—It is written for the purpose of expressing my regret for your continued absence from the Seat of the Government. Rely upon it, it is productive of unpleasant remarks, in which I must be involved. It will, indeed is, considered as making a Sinecure of the Office. To suppose there is no particular occasion for the Law-Officer of the government at the Seat of it...
Your letter of the 6th was received (with the Reports) on Saturday; but I do not clearly understand by it, whether James Wilkes reembarked with, or without a bed, or is yet at Mount Vernon. If the latter, he had better (if his health is sufficiently restored) offer himself to Mr Law as A Coachman; for before he could get here, and be well settled, I shall be making my arrangements to return to...
Your letter of the 9th has been duly received. When I authorised Mr Pearce to sell my flour, I limitted him to the largest credit the circumstances of my own concerns would enable me to give, consistently with my own wants, & the arrangements I had contemplated. To extend the credit ninety days longer, would not only derange my own plans—but, as the same causes will always produce the same...
Philadelphia, 14 Nov. 1796. GW advises his nephew of a letter he received several years earlier from Isaac Heard, Garter Principal King at Arms, “enclosing our Armorial; and requesting a genealogical account of our progenitors since the first arrival of them in this country.” GW adds that he replied to Heard with the “best information” he had, and “wrote … to Lawrence Washington for an account...
As this will be handed you by Mr. Brown it will be unnec[e]ssary for me to give you any information respecting what is going forward in this Legislature of this State. I acknowledged the rect. of the 40 Dollars by Mr. Brown and gave amt. into the hands of his brother and have informed him thereof. I am collecting the Meterials for our Claims against Mays And will take such steps as may be...
I return my dear madam miss Williams letters with Lovuts memoirs— am much obliged & hope have not detained them too long— am sorry to hear by Your late short billet that You do not enjoy perfect health— was the stage driver under any mistake when he told me you Contemplated a passage to Plimouth in the stage ere long— I hope he was not: as such a Circumstance would be exceedingly gratifying to...
This will be delivered to you by a young man who was going to transact some business up the North river, & whom, since writing the other letter, I have engaged to call upon you with it, & to bring me your answer. Every moments reflection serves only to impress me more with the importance of our fixing upon some plan of cooperation to defeat the designs of Mr. J——’s friends. If Mr. A. cannot...
Your letter of the 24th Ulto did not get to my hands until after my arrival in this City. I request you to be persuaded that I harbour no suspicion of unfair dealing from the repeated applications for your fathers Bond; but at the sametime that it is natural for you to be solicitous to possess it, it is equally proper that I should be perfectly satisfied that the Conditions of it have been...
I have Receved your Letter of the 6th Instant Togeather with the Memorandom and three heads of the Egyption wheat you Mention; This I have planted as you directed—and as to the directions Contained In the memorandom I will pay all the Attention to them In my power, during my stay on your Estate, and will Likewise point out to Mr Anderson your Ideas of the diffirent things which you spoke to me...
Your two favors of Sep. 25. and Oct. 15. are duly recieved. It will be proper to have the sashes painted on the outside. Within a fortnight from this time it will be determined whether the walls of my house can be finished this autumn, and consequently whether I shall have occasion to call for any more sashes (other than those before called for) before next spring. I shall then furnish you...
I received by the last Post, two Letters from your Pappa, my amiable friend, and looked in vain for a line from you. Not a syllable even to tell me you were well. I found indeed from your Pappa’s Letters that you had not at their date received my last, and therefore upon the rigour of etiquette, you were not obliged to write. I shall not complain, and attribute your silence rather to your...
Owing to the absence of Mr Whelen the matter with his concern was not settled till just before my late illness. I am now just getting out. The Pattersons take back their balance, about 10,000 Ds in their Lands and we take a moiety of the remainder. Out of these Mr Church will have to the amount of his remaining 17¾ tracts, taking none but what have been ours, and by a fair draughting Lot. I...
Vous recevres en même tems que cette letter une réclamation de M. de beaumarchais qui se confie avec un entier abandon a vous pour obtenir de l’amerique une justice qu’il invoque infructueusement depuis 20 ans. Vous aves apprécié dans le tems les services qu’il a rendus a votre pays. Il pense qu’un nouvel examen de son affaire conduiroit encore a des resultats plus favorables. Je n’ai pas...
In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th 5th & 10th. instt: and shall be mindful of their contents. What construction do you put upon the information received through the assistant of D——r B——? and what notice, if any, should it meet with now , or hereafter, if application should be made for leave, or the event take place without? Having sometime since, called upon...
I cannot forbear my dear friend to congratulate you on your appointment to a seat in the Senate, altho it is impossible for me not to lament your separation from the House of Representatives where you could have been more useful. I know you too well to suppose that you can regard with indifference the preparations which are making for the approaching election of a President. Is not the success...
In Obedience to the requests of our fellow Citizens of Frederick County, contained in the enclosed resolutions, we beg leave to approach you with the sincerest affection, and for them and ourselves to express the extreme regret we feel, at the prospect of your retiring from that important Office, which you have hitherto filled with so much honour to yourself, and so much to the interest of our...
Letter not found : from George Washington Parke Custis, 12 Nov. 1796 . GW wrote Custis on 15 Nov.: “Yesterday’s mail brought me your letter of the 12th instant.”
In due time, and in good order, I received your letters dated the 4th, 5th & 10th instt; and shall be mindful of their contents. What construction do you put upon the information received through the assistant of D——r-B——? and what notice, if any, should it meet with now , or hereafter, if application should be made for leave, or the event take place without? Having sometime since, called upon...
I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 25. of August, and Doctr Nicholl whose advice I have asked has been so obliging as to give me information respecting the manner in which the order of the Court of Chancery should be published—in a day or two I will procure its insertion in the proper news paper—some little attention will be requisite to avoid as far as practicable the great...