Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Anthony Walton White, 14 May 1780

To Anthony Walton White

Richmond May 14. 1780.


I do myself the pleasure of transmitting to you the inclosed advice of Council and order, in answer to your application to us. The board of trade inform me they have and shall immediately forward to the Southward such stores as will amount to about half the annual allowance.

I am Sir Your most obedt. Servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (A. Philippe von Hemert, New York City, 1947). Addressed by TJ: “Colo. White of the Virginia horse in South Carolina. recommended to the particular care of Colo. Porterfeild”; franked: “Th: Jefferson.” Endorsed: “Publick Letter from Governor Jefferson. Virginia [and, in a different hand:] May 4. 1780 No. 11.”

“Colo. White” was Anthony Walton White of New Jersey, col., 1st Conti. nental Dragoons, who served with the Virginia cavalry in South Carolina; he had been defeated by Tarleton on 6 May (Heitman; Gwathmey, Hist. Reg. of Virginians in the Revolution; Burk-Girardin, Hist. of Va., iv, 382–3).

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