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Results 74711-74720 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
74711Excise, [11 January] 1791 (Madison Papers)
The motion for striking out the twelfth section was defeated, 42 to 11. Jackson then moved to strike out the thirteenth section, providing for an excise on spirits distilled from materials grown or produced in the United States. Opponents of the excise argued that it was not necessary, that it would be particularly oppressive to southerners, and that other means of taxation were to be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of our respects to your Excellcy. dated 20th. Sepr. since which we are deprived of your favors, we Communicated the Contents of the last to his Excy. John Adams Esqr. as soon as his health would admit of it who told us he was quite a Stranger to this business, but would (we think) write to your Excellcy. about it. We have learnt since that...
I arrived here to day to be prepared to attend the drawing room on the 18th., & found a notice from Ld. Mulgrave to attend a levee of the King to be held this Day at Buckingham house. I attended & was recd. with propriety. Nothing occurrd of an interesting nature. The King appeard to enjoy perfect good health, tho’ his eyesight was obviously impaired. On our affrs. with this country no change...
Perhaps my Residence in this Place for near a Year without writing to your Excellency, may be deemed Inattention. Two Considerations have hitherto disswaded me from seeking an epistolary Correspondence: The one, your Excellency’s necessary Application to an Infinity of important Objects; The other, General Sullivan, with whom, ’till of late, I have had the most unreserved Communications, has...
I have only a bust portrait of mr Madison, that is done by Pine formerly of Philadelphia, & is but an indiffent one, and it is at Monticello. it bears no comparison, in point of merit with the one done by Stewart, in possession of mr Madison himself. I know but of that single one existing, but there may be other copies. of this I am not able to inform you. I salute you with respect. DLC :...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd. last week your Letters of Feb. 1. and 12. The advice you give is such that I do not well see what use can be made of it. I am obliged to you however for answering my importunate Letter. I should always think it is far better that those Ministers, in whose time the war began, should accomodate matters, than any other persons whatever. I see a...
I submit to you a production intended to be perused by the female sex which has so much i nfluence on man from the cradle to the grave— There is a case in the quarterly review of Octo r 1811 page 286—which shews the distressing effects of oppression & contempt shewn to a boy of sensibility, & of the benefits resulting by a change to encouragement & benevolence, which strongly conf corroborates...
I most sincerely & heartily congratulate you, on the late success in the Election of President, and appointments to office in consequence; not that I think yours has been sought, or is even agreeable to you, but in as much as you are willing to lend your aid and give some of your time to the public service, so soon as circumstances would render them acceptable. Many of us, you & I among the...
Copy: Library of Congress You oblig’d me very much in sending me Clinton’s Letters. I sent Copies to England and Holland, where it has been printed. Some have doubted its being genuine: My Answer, is, that whether written by him or not, it contains in my Opinion a True State of American and British Affairs in that Quarter. The Protestant Mob in London, begining soberly the 2d. Instant with the...
I wrote you a long letter on the 10 th . of December last, which with many others was lost with the Ship Fame, which foundered at Sea: a similar fate may also have attended letters from you to me, since it is very long since I have had the Honour to receive a line from you;— I have written several times since. In one of mine of last year I hinted to you a difficulty which was likely to occur...